
Clinical and morphological features of hiv-associated pregnancy
Rymashevsky A.N., Opruzhenkov A.V., Terekhina L.A., Kovaleva E.A., Voronova O.V.
Will missed abortion repeat again? Programme of action
Dimitrova V.I., Dimitrova D.A., Slusareva O.A.
Actual characteristics of pharmacotherapy of expectant mothers in early period of pregnancy
Salim S.S., Pronina E.S., Sushentsov M.V., Totchiev G.F., Illarionova T.S.
The effectiveness of medical care ectopic pregnancy
Gott M.Y., Semyatov S.M., Konnon S.R., Totchiev G.P., Demina O.A.
Assessment of health risk factors of newborns and attitude of urban women to breastfeeding
Polunina N.V., Shmelev I.A., Konovalov O.E.
Correction of uteroplacental circulation in pregnant women with arterial hypertension
Kuzminа O.A., Peshev L.P.
3D Doppler ultrasound of placental blood flow in the prediction of a missed miscarriage
Fomina M.P.
Current of the first trimester of pregnancy at women with the low index of mass of the body and possibility of preventive maintenance of complications
Gumenjuk E.G., Kolosova T.A., Nasonkova T.I.
Regional aspects of prevention and treatment of anemia pregnant: pharmaco-epidemiological study
Archegova E.G., Bolieva L.Z.
The correlation analysis of favorable outcomes of labors and the state of newborns health depending on extent of dynamic supervision during pregnancy
Lazareva N.V., Melnikov V.A.
Clinical features of the adaptation of regional gemodinamic during pregnancy
Cherkasov S.N., Bolaykina U.V., <mailto:Cherkasovsn@mailru>Barchenko A.E.
Gestational weight galns in the first trimesrter and risk of pathological birth weight deviations
Nikiforovsky N.K., Pokusaeva V.N.
Implementation of the markers of immunological and endothelial dysfunction in early preduction of gestosis
Ivanova O.Y., Gazazyan M.G., Ponomaryova N.A., Velikoretskaya O.A.
New approaches to prevention of excessive weight gain during pregnancy
Pokusaeva V.N.
Modification of immune response in women with genital and extragenital diseases
Fominа O.A., Peshev S.L.
Endometriosis as a Reason of Intraabdominal Bleeding in Pregnancy. Clinical Case
Revzoeva Y.A., Shakurova E.Y.
Use of plasmapheresis in women with placenta insufficiency after IVF
Buranova F.B.
Indicators endointoxication and kidney function in pregnant women with portal hypertension
Britvina K.V., Vasilyeva Z.V., Kitsenko E.A., Mitichkin A.E., Apresyan S.V.
Viral hepatitis c and pregnancy
Belopolskaya M.A.
Prediction of the risk of severe pre-eclampsia in multiple pregnancies and ways of its prevention
Barinov S.V., Rogova E.V., Kadtsyna T.V., Novikov D.G., Rasdobedina I.N.
Perinatal risk for delayed abdominal delivery
Radzinsky V.E., Arabadzhjan S.I., Ordiyants I.M.
Management of pregnant women with chronic hepatitis B
Belopolskaya M.A.
Juvenile pregnancy as one of the perinatal mortality and morbidity risk factors
Shaklycheva-Kompanets E.O.
The course of pregnancy early life at women with dysfunction of hypothalamus
Zhukovets I.V.
Use of plasmapheresis in women with placenta isufficiency after IVF
Buranova F.B., Rogachevskiy O.V.
Use of ozone in women with placenta insufficiency after IVF
Buranova F.B., Federova T.A.
The role of pregravid preparation in reproductive losses decrease at patients with a hyperprolactinaemia
Fadeeva N.I., Yavorskaya S.D.
The role of pregravidary preparation prophylaxis of pregnancy complications with childbearing age women with oligomenorrhea in puberty
Lysyak D.S., Shtel N.N.
Pregnancy in the abnormal uterus: «paradoxes» of early terms
Malgina G.B., Repalova H.Y., Panacheva N.M.
Reducing of early reproductive losses as a reserve of improvement of demographic situation in Cola Polar region (on Monchegorsk for example)
Perova E.Y., Gumenjuk E.G.
Fetal extraction in intact amniotic sac in twins
Akhmadeyev N.R., Fatkullin I.F.
The ante gravidity preparation of the patients who have an extrauterine pregnancy
Gott M.Y.
Antihypertensive agents safety during pregnancy
Karpova E.V., Orazmuradov A.A., Litvinenko I.A., Andreeva U.A., Kryukova E.N., Bratchikova T.V., Lusov V.A.
Gestational diabetes. Modern diagnostic criteria
Makhtibekova Z.A., Vasina A.A., Golikova N.S., Babich K.A.
Medical and social characteristic of girls-teenagers wich interputtion the pregnancy
Ahtiamova S.H.
To the question of the prevention of severe pre-eclampsia in pregnant women with metabolic syndrome
Savel'eva I.V., Barinov S.V.
Markers of oxidative modification of proteins in the non-developing pregnacy
Tishkova O.G., Dikareva L.V., Teplij D.L.
Posibility of improvement of the endometrial regeneration after missed abortion
Gazazyan M.G., Ponomareva S.V., Ivanova T.S., Volkova L.V.
Early pregnancy miscarriages in Rostov Region. Technology for record of early reproductive loss
Bushtyreva I.O., Kuznetsova N.B., Kovaleva A.V., Milovanov A.P.
Prognostic criteria of the estimation of the state of health of the pregnant woman and the newborn
Lazareva N.V., Minaev Y.L.
1 - 40 of 40 Items

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