
Integration of assignments for students of a pedagogical university on the usage of information technologies in teaching schoolchildren
Shunina L.A., Grinshkun A.V.
Analytical review of modern information education technologies
Zenkina S.V., Pankratova O.P.
Quality assurance of education to the foreign language students at useinformational technologies of education
Kolesova T.V.
Analysis of the development efficiency of the Moscow Electronic School resources by future computer science teachers on the basis of practical training sites
Sadykova A.R., Levchenko I.V., Kartashova L.I.
Training future teachers of computer science to teach multimedia technologies in the basic school
Kartashova L.I., Levchenko I.V.
Teaching technical disciplines in a college by means of the resources of the Moodle software environment
Aldiyarov K.T.
An integrated approach to the use of information and telecommunicationtechnologies in the learning process in secondary vocational edu
Aldiyarov K.T.
Approaches to the formation of the informational culture of students in teaching computer science in the system of secondary technical education
Aldiyarov K.T., Bidaybekov E.Y.
System and activity approach to learning artificial intelligence in basic school
Levchenko I.V., Sadykova A.R.
Influence of information and telecommunication technologies effectiveness of education in the system secondary vocational education
Aldiyarov K.T.
Model of forming professional competence of pedagogical higher school students in the sphere of multimedia technologies
Khatayeva R.S.
Actual problems and existing experience formations of educational electronic resources
Bidajbekov E.Y., Usenov S.S.
Unified information-educational environment as a framework for the development of informational competence of teachers in a college
Aldiyarov K.T., Bidaybekov E.Y.
Realization of the developing potential of training to computer science in conditions of adoption of the second generation state educational standards
Grigoriev S.G., Grinshkun V.V., Levchenko I.V., Zaslavsky O.Y.
Approaches to the implementation of the activity approach in teaching computer science students with mobile computing systems
Grigorieva M.A.
Analysis of control systems of the content, used in the system of education
Kornilov V.S., Tsyganov V.I.
Multimedia as tutorial of activization of educational activity of pupils
Kaysina A.V.
Lesson-presentation as way of development the analytical skills
Zakharova E.S.
Use of information technologies in the course of teaching for development of self-consciousness of students
Pavlova A.E.
Role and place of independent educational activity of pupils of profile classes in perfection of methodical system of education to computer science and ICT
Golovenko A.V.
Training to computer science as a factor of efficiency of teaching students of polytechnic college on special subjects
Aldiyarov K.T.
The urgency of the course «Information and communication technologies in education»
Gulidova E.M.
Development of the basic principles of distant teaching of mathematics in middle and high schools
Zhdanov A.A.
The development of students' professional self-determination during their studies in programming
Rudenko A.E.
Implementation of the principles of object-language integrated learning through tehnology WEB 2.0 in a technical University
Grigoryeva K.S., Salekhova L.L.
Readiness of students and teachers of technical vocational education to work with information educational resources
Aldiyarov K.T.
Approaches, requirements and trends in teacher training informatics to attestation of pedagogical stuff under conditions of informatization
Zaslavskaya O.Y.
New requirements for modern education in colleges and professional schools in the context of the introduction of modern information and telecommunication technologies
Aldiyarov K.T., Bidaybekov E.Y.
Role of information technology of education in the advancement of individual work quality while teaching a foreign language at the higher educational establishment
Kolesova T.V.
Grigoriev S.G., Esayan A.R.
Methodical training of future teachers for the development of spatial thinking of students by means of information technologies
Vasilenko A.V.
World information technologies in the system of education
Braliev A.H.
Information-analytical technologies instruction of managers in the educational institutions of Russia and abroad
Trophimets E.N.
Application of the principles of pedagogical design in the design of informatics lessons
Andreev A.V., Usova N.A.
Model teaching to informatics, integrated with teaching to common technical disciplines on the basis of combining of full-time and remote forms of education
Aldiyarov K.T., Bidaybekov E.Y.
Teaching physics students of humanitarian-oriented groups in the Middle Years Programme (basic school) of the International Baccalaureate
Kornilov V.S., Lvova O.V., Obolensky I.S.
The development of managerial competence of teachers in the use of information and telecommunication technologies as a resource for expansion of additional professional education
Zaslavskaya O.Y.
1 - 37 of 37 Items

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