Vol 19, No 4 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1617
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2022-19-4
Full Issue
Trends and features of the informatization of higher education modern stage
Problem statement. Nowadays, people are increasingly talking not about the progressive development of higher education in the context of the use of digital technologies, but about its more drastic digital transformation. The problem of identifying and systematizing patterns characterizing the development of universities in the context of the mass introduction of new digital technologies, as well as changes in external influences on student training systems, is urgent. The solution of this problem is significant for determining further scientific and pedagogical research, as well as ways to develop teacher training systems. The purpose of the study is to identify on the basis of domestic and foreign analytical data (OECD, UNESCO and others) directions, characteristics, problems and prospects of informatization of higher education. Methodology. The analysis of scientific publications on the development of didactics and the use of modern teaching tools in universities is based on the study of the species composition and specifics of existing digital resources, the use of mathematical methods for processing numerical data and technologies for their visualization. Results. It is shown that modern informatization of higher education is characterized by the spread of online courses, collections of digital resources, a decrease in the number of computer equipment in universities, the penetration of technologies of the new industrial revolution and many other factors. The development of a fundamental component of higher education that is invariant with respect to the development of technologies, the preparation of students for the use of promising technologies in professional activities, the pooling of resources into a single digital educational environment are significant. Conclusion. Research should be continued to ensure and evaluate the quality of all types of learning tools, to identify theoretical and practical approaches to the integration and unification of disparate information systems. There is a need for a scientifically based substantive and methodological update of the systems of training and retraining of all specialists working in the conditions of digital transformation of higher education.

Assessment of ESP students’ learning outcomes in a digital learning environment
Problem statement. The description of a pedagogic research in the field of formative assessment theory and practice is presented. The goal of the study is to define pedagogic and methodological conditions for effective evaluation of ESP students’ learning outcomes in a digital learning environment. Methodology. On the basis of key theoretical provisions of formative assessment and interdisciplinary approaches LSP&CLIL, a complete set of criteria-based ESP evaluation tasks and assessment schemes were developed for Business English course delivered in the groups of BMSTU masters students majoring in economics. The approach to grading that correlates with BMSTU point-rating system was substantiated. The comparative analysis of modern platforms allowed to select the domestic service pruff.me, which was used as a ground for a digital assessment space (DAS), a part of BMSTU digital learning environment needed for implementing formative assessment of ESP learning outcomes. Results. The developed evaluation materials integrated in the DAS were tested by ESP students in a distant format. Conclusion. The research showed that creating DAS as an essential component of a university digital learning environment can contribute to effective assessment of ESP students’ competence-based learning outcomes provided that underlying methodology is taken into account and formative assessment technology is implemented in full volume.

Question and criterion method for assessing the quality of the organization’s digital educational environment
It is of interest to create a technological, accessible and convenient method for evaluating multi-component and multi-dimensional educational systems, with the maximum share of automation and intellectualization of all related events. The purpose of the study is to substantiate the question and criterion method for assessing the quality of the digital educational environment of an organization based on mathematical methods of the theory of clustering and pattern recognition (using the example of monitoring the development of the digital educational environment of additional education practices for children). Methodology. The quality of educational systems or resources can be assessed using their inherent criteria, presented in the form of an information vector. The current values of these indicators determine the rating of a given system in a set of similar systems, and the dynamics of their changes over time shows the degree of development of each criterion sign. Monitoring sheets describing each system with an information vector represent a plurality of objects that can be clustered into certain classes. From a mathematical point of view, it is convenient to divide such systems into classes using a mining algorithm, and to take the metric of city blocks as a measure of the similarity of objects. Results. Monitoring of the organization's digital educational environment is carried out according to the functional characteristics of the environment based on the assessment of the organization's official website. According to the pyramid method, a question tree was developed on the functional components of the digital educational environment of additional education practices for children, according to which an information vector of the environment was formed, the values of which were determined by experts. Assessment of sites is carried out according to expert estimates in the automated system of competitive procedures “ASCO.” Conclusion. The proposed method allows monitoring the digital educational environment of an organization using mathematical methods of clustering theory and pattern recognition.

Integration of assignments for students of a pedagogical university on the usage of information technologies in teaching schoolchildren
Problem statement. The authors describe approaches to the integration of assignments for students of a pedagogical university on the usage of information and telecommunication technologies in the professional activity of a teacher. This study is a continuation of the authors’ recent research of issues related to modeling approaches to the integration of methodical systems for the training of future teachers based on cloud technologies (on the example of International Baccalaureate schools). The purpose of the study is to obtain a practical confirmation of the effectiveness of the proposed approaches to the integration of the content of academic disciplines through practical tasks. Methodology. A pilot study consisting of several stages was conducted. The goals, objectives and content of practical works offered to students of a pedagogical university within the framework of studying a number of disciplines were analyzed, opportunities for their integration were identified. Control and experimental groups (16 people each) of pedagogical university students were formed. The participants of the experimental group were offered to perform specially designed practical assignments, which required knowledge and skills of disciplines integrated into the content. Results. The study found that the integration of assignments for students of a pedagogical university on the usage of information and telecommunication technologies in teaching schoolchildren contributes to the effectiveness of the formation of professional competence of such teachers. Conclusion. The effectiveness of the integration of assignments for students of a pedagogical university on the usage of information and telecommunication technologies in the professional activity of a teacher has been experimentally proved, positive aspects of such integration have been identified.

The features of game mechanics use in teaching computer science for the development of creative thinking of students
Problem statement. One of the priority tasks of modern society is the creation of conditions conducive to the upbringing and development of a creative personality. The computer science course has a didactic potential in terms of the formation of initiative, independence, imagination, the ability to set and solve problems. The presented study aimed at substantiating the effectiveness of game mechanics use in teaching computer science to solve the problem associated with the need to develop the creative thinking of students. Methodology . The mechanics “Achievement,” “Reckoning on trust,” “Fun once - always fun,” “User progress” are implemented with game elements and methods in the study of theoretical computer science. Resources of digital services (interactive whiteboards, random selection generators) are used for gamification. The base of the experiment is a secondary school with in-depth study of individual subjects in the Stulovo village (Slobodskoy district, Kirov region). The study covered 74 students of the seventh grade (64% - girls and 36% - boys). The average age of the respondents is 13 years. Statistical processing of the results was performed using Pearson's chi-squared test. Results. During the game, students study theoretical material, solve a system of creative and non-standard tasks on the topic “Measurement of information.” For each game mechanic, a goal, tasks, sets of rules and restrictions are defined. Statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that have taken place in the system according to the levels of development of creative thinking are identified. Conclusion . The features of the presented version of the application of game mechanics in teaching computer science in terms of the development of creative thinking are described: taking into account the age characteristics of students when formulating message texts, inclusion of digital services, combination of oral and written speech with interaction on a computer network.

The visual online tools for collaborative learning and icebreaker activities
Problem statement. The study is aimed to explore how have transformed the traditional approaches of collaborative learning under the influence of new digital environment? And what are the ways of introducing online group activities, precisely icebreakers? Methodology . Authors choose Miro and Mural as the visual platforms for group work activities that enable users to collaborate and customize workspace to better suit their needs. They compared and tested both platforms across six categories: pricing, interface, templates, integrations, customization, collaboration. Results . Authors reach the conclusion that Miro has a significantly larger selection of templates, integrations and apps to choose from. The user interface has a design consistency that ties UI elements together with distinguishable and predictable actions and creates a great user experience overall. Mural offers more facilitation features, which undoubtedly also makes it a powerful tool. But if the price of the tool is also of great importance, Mural might be the right choice. Moreover, there have been considered the approaches of how to organize icebreaker games during the virtual meeting or workshop in Miro and Mural. Authors suggest several exercises: create own character, questions from a bucket, puzzle, world map, five common things, two lies - one truth, take a photo of the desk. Conclusion. Online-whiteboards like Miro and Mural effectively support warm-ups and collaborative visualization in the online environment and allow to achieve higher level of participation than in face-to-face communication.

Using mobile 3D models for demonstration unaccessible laboratory experiments and objects during study chemistry and biology in basic school
Problem statement. The technological development of augmented reality is becoming more impressive every year. But, despite all the advantages and possibilities of using augmented reality in the modern world, it is still in its infancy in the field of education. One of the biggest benefits of using augmented reality technology in natural sciences is its ability to visualize abstract concepts, reproduce expensive, dangerous or time-consuming experiments, and showcase rare objects. These augmented reality abilities are great for teaching chemistry and biology in basic school, as they can visualize inaccessible objects, processes and phenomena in the classroom without using large time, material and technical resources. At the moment, sufficient experience has not been accumulated in the application of this technology in the study of natural sciences, in particular chemistry and biology. Thus, there is a need to conduct an appropriate scientific and pedagogical research to determine the effect of the introduction of augmented reality technology in the study of natural sciences. Methodology. The methods of designing a learning model, pedagogical experiment, observation, conversation, and generalization of the experience gained were used. Results. The results of a pedagogical experiment on the use of mobile 3D models to demonstrate inaccessible laboratory experiments and objects in the study of chemistry and biology in basic school, aimed at analyzing and highlighting the most significant examples of the application of this technology in practice. The essence and features of the use of mobile 3D models in the study of chemistry and biology are described. Significant aspects of the use of such technology in the modern school are revealed. Conclusion. The experience of organizing lessons with a demonstration of inaccessible laboratory experiments and objects in the study of chemistry and biology in a basic school allows us to conclude that there are significant differences in the educational process implemented using mobile 3D models and augmented reality technology.

Formation and development of lexical skills using LMS Moodle when teaching a foreign language at a non-linguistic higher education institution
Problem statement. The author shares her experience in the development, creation and implementation of interactive tasks and exercises in electronic courses created using LMS Moodle for the formation and development of lexical skills in students of a non-linguistic university. Methodology. The features of the LMS Moodle tools Glossary , Hyperlink , Page , Quiz , Hot Pot and their high potential to create interactive lexical tasks and exercises are considered and analyzed. Results. A lot of examples of online tasks and exercises of various types - differentiation, transformation, repetition, substitution and constructive - to form the lexical skills of students are given, and their detailed analysis is provided. The algorithms for introducing various interactive tasks and exercises into the LMS Moodle electronic course are shown in detail. Conclusion. The author concludes that it is expedient and effective to use online tasks and exercises in order to form and develop lexical skills for students of universities and other educational institutions.