No 4 (2011)
- Year: 2011
- Articles: 17
- URL:

The maintenance of education in computer science of students of pedagogical higher schools in the conditions of informatization educational environment
Given article is about the questions of an urgency of research of the chosen theme, contains the analysis of the purposes, maintenances of training within the limits of a subject Computer science, requirements to entrance knowledge, abilities, and also the list common cultural and professional competences at which formation process of training to discipline is aimed.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2011;(4):11-14

The conceptual basis of methodical system of continuous teaching to information security of schoolchildren
In the article the analysis of conditions of modern teaching of schoolchildren in the fields of information security is carried out, the principals of the basis of information security teaching for schoolchildren is considered, the securing of continuity between the education levels in the process of the basis of information security teaching of schoolchildren is studied. Based on the analysis of state of information security training the contours of the methodology of continuous information security training of schoolchildren are outlined.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2011;(4):15-20

Problematic tasks at studying common methods of computer science and programming
In work it is offered to consider working out problems, showing various variants of its decisions. Advantages of such approach are shown on an example of a classical problem arising at working out of compiling systems. Two competitive its decisions allow to draw a conclusion that any general method has borders of the adequate application.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2011;(4):21-33

The development of managerial competence of teachers in the use of information and telecommunication technologies as a resource for expansion of additional professional education
The paper considers the possibility of forming a managerial competence of teachers of computer science and other teachers use in their work information and communication technology in training and retraining of teachers.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2011;(4):43-47

The use of content management systems in distance learning
In article the approach on the organization of remote training on the basis of control systems of a content is considered. Classification of control systems by a content of web resources is spent. Their basic advantages and lacks are revealed. Possibilities of systems of the given class for automation of working out of a site of remote formation are investigated.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2011;(4):83-88

Information and methodical resources of forming of environmentally oriented educational space
The article deals with the rationale for formation of educational environmentally oriented space in the modern school, features are the use of information and methodological resources through Uniform distributed eco Resource Center, offered matrix model based on a mini-resource centers.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2011;(4):97-102

Our AutHors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2011;(4):103-105