No 2 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 21
- URL:

Main approaches to defining a content of teaching material in the section “Presentation of information” in computer science or ICT
The problems associated with assessing the quality of information, principles and forms of representation, the role and place of information in teaching computer science students, as well as examples to illustrate possible approaches to the method of reporting.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):24-35

Model of forming professional competence of pedagogical higher school students in the sphere of multimedia technologies
The article challenges the formation of professional competence of students in the use of multimedia technology in the educational process. Defined a system of information literacy in the field of multimedia, a model of competence in the area of the graduates of multimedia technology in accordance with the Federal state educational standard-3 (FSES-3).
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):36-40

Some particular features of teaching mathematics to students of technical universities to prepare to use computer systems(on example of MathsCAD)
This paper discusses the preparation of technical university students to use computer systems. According to the author, the teaching of mathematics, focused on the formation of competencies related to understanding of the systems in the mathematical structures and creation of logical and algorithmic culture provide students to use computer systems at a qualitative level.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):47-52

Methodical training of future teachers for the development of spatial thinking of students by means of information technologies
Directions of methodical preparation of teacher of mathematics are described in the article, her kinds and levels are described; description of some types of information technologies is presented and their role is certain in the decision of problem of development of the spatial thinking of students
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):59-65

Using information and communication technologies as a factor of improving professional culture of a future doctor
The article reveals directions of using of information and communication technologies in the process of studying medical and biological physics, author assesses situation in higher medical educational institutions of Ukraine and influence of this pedagogical factor on the professional culture of future doctors.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):66-72

About actualization of informational component of school mathematical tasks
In this article the question of IKT — competence of future mathematics teacher, expansion of information potential of mathematical tasks through their information component and application of this technique at mathematics lessons is considered. As computer support at lessons use of the software (calculator) for various sections of mathematics is offered.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):73-77

Creation of personal websites of teachers and their use in teaching latin language for special purposes in the higher school
This article is devoted to introduction of modern information technologies in the process of teaching the Latin language to the students of higher educational institutions. The main attention is paid to the use in the course the Internet-technologies, in particular — personal sites of teachers.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):87-92

Directive, formal and productive introduction of digital educational and methodical materials
The experience of implementation of ICT based education materials and practices are discussed. Step by step attempts to introduce ICT based education materials in classroom practices are shown. As a result the set of strategies and procedures of ICT based school transformation process is formed as a model for implementation of digital teaching and learning materials.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):100-105

Using expert systems in drawing up a working curriculum
The concept of an expert system is given, its structure and range of application are presented in the article. The possibilities of expert systems at a mode of knowledge input and a mode of consulting at elaboration and choosing disciplines at students’ option are described. The advantages of the expert system use at elaboration of higher education are revealed.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):122-125

Information system of index-rating evaluation of higher school students and the result in its implementation
This paper describes the information system of index-rating evaluation and financial incentives of university students, a list of indicators to measure the student’s activities, features of the calculation and analysis of data on the results of implementing the system in Ukhta State Technical University.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):126-134

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(2):135-138