No 1 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 23
- URL:
Information support of education as a tool of training individualization and efficiency
The article is devoted to ways of information support of education, on the basis of efficient education technology, and describes the systems for creating skills and learning as well as customized monitoring, which are implemented in this technology.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):5-13

Model of situational quality management of preparation of pupils to unified state examination on computer science
Given article is devoted to working out of model of situational quality management of training pupils on computer science. Functions of quality management of preparation of pupils to examination, and as stages of model, actions of corresponding stages and specificity of subject Information-communication technologies are considered.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):19-22

Methodical features of training to the information technology of pupils of the basic school
In work problems and the basic approaches to training to an information technology in conditions фундаментализации formations, obligatory stages and sequence of training to an information technology are considered historical aspect of training of schoolboys to an information technology.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):23-28

Psycho-pedagogical aspects of mentality development while realizing problem-solving teaching in it
Nowadays information technology and e-learning are regarded as subjects mostly aimed at developing students' mentality. This statement is reflected in the requirements of the State Educational Standard in the field of informatics. Psycho-pedagogical research of various aspects of mentality development within problem-solving approach will allow to single out and substantiate methods of information technology teaching relevant to the regularities of a student's psychic activity.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):29-32

The theoretical preconditions for problem situation realization while studying information technology at school
Within the framework of modern pedagogy and educational practice there have been worked out and realized various theoretical conceptions, theories, educational approaches including humanistic, personality-oriented, activity-oriented, competence-oriented. One of such approaches to education and personality development is the problem-solving approach.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):33-37

System of preparation of pupils to unified state examination in a subject «Computer science and ICT»
Given article is devoted the analysis of the general situation of formation and Unified State Examination. It is offered to spend process of preparation of pupils to successful delivery of Unified State Examination on computer science on following themes «The information and its coding», «Logic bases», «Algorithmization bases», «Programming».
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):38-40

Networking as a new form of work of school libraries
The article describes a new form of work of school libraries on the basis of network interaction; provides conditions for the creation, described the structure and benefits of networking in comparison with traditional forms of work.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):46-50

Information technology as a resource quality of primary and secondary vocational education
In conditions of informatization of education is particularly relevant, creative and cognitive sustainability research approach to acquire new knowledge, finding expression in the new orientation of thinking, a new quality of education.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):56-59

The competent approach in modern continuous education system
The informational-communicative competence of students of Pedagogic high schools is considered as an integral part of student's general professional formation process and competent system and constructive approach can be basis of it.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):60-64

Lesson-presentation as way of development the analytical skills
The article describes the necessity of new methods of training, in particular the methodic of compressive training which let to extraction and perception of the considerable amount the facts from vast informative space for limited time; cultivation the analytical skills at pupils on lesson-presentation with help of information technology, in addition to improve memory, attention and etc.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):65-68

Formation of competence in the field of use of information technology in system vocational education

Computer testing as the element of education and control in system of distant education
In article questions of an urgency of computer testing as element of control of knowledge in system of remote education are taken up, process of realization of testing and an estimation of quality of knowledge of students the teacher is considered. The concept of the test and computer testing, a rule of drawing up, approbation and the analysis of test tasks by means of statistical parameters is defined, and also considered at-measure computer testing in a control system of education. «MOODLE» which gives a wide spectrum of possibilities for construction of times-personal of education tests.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):73-77

Use of environment «MOODLE» in education to health and safety bases
In the article are considered the questions about the organization of distance courses OBО (Bases of safety of vital function). In particular, the conditions, which necessary for originating (creating) specialized study room.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):78-83

Models and methods of definition of productivity of use of interactive electronic educational elements in educational process
The given research is directed on the decision of the important scientific problem consisting in working out of interactive electronic educational elements in format SCORM 2004, used in systems of electronic training. During work performance models of the electronic educational elements based on use of praktiko-focused methods of formation necessary professional competenсes by preparation of experts for the high technology sectors of economy, especially nuclear branch have been developed. The developed models have laid down in a basis of methods of definition of productivity of use of interactive electronic educational elements as components of the research environment of nuclear university.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):94-104

Requirements for a bachelor degree for the discipline «Modern information technology»
The scientific novelty of the developed standard «Psychological and pedagogical education» consists in the fact that a common activity platform for the creation of future specialists knowledge and professional competences that allow them to carry out the process of education and training become the main content.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):105-108

Multimedia presentation teaching material in physics in high school
This article describes the experience of using modern information and communication technologies in creating and conducting lectures on general physics at a technical high school. Didactic requirements to multimedia lectures are formulated, and particular method of lecturing are presented. This should be considered when establishing such lectures at universities in various fields.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):115-121

Our AutHors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2012;(1):122-124