Vol 18, No 2 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 8
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1465
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2021-18-2
Full Issue
Teaching of bachelors of pedagogical education to the implementation of design and research activities in the conditions of digitalization of the school
Problem and goal. In the context of digitalization of school education and update of requirements of Federal State Education Standards to implementation of project and research activities of school children the relevance of development of professional training of bachelors of pedagogical education in higher education institutions is substantiated. Methodology. As a summary and systematization of the accumulated practical experience of project-based teaching as well as its scientific and methodological analysis, training of bachelors of pedagogical education for project and research activities based on cross-subject interaction is described. Results. The examples for training of future teachers in project and research activities by use of cross-subject interaction in higher education institution are provided. Conclusion. The need to develop bachelors of pedagogical education - future teachers - in fundamental, technological skills to solve subject and cross-subject tasks using means of digitalization and digital educational resources in the context of professional interaction between subject teachers and computer science teacher is proved.

Modeling approaches to informatization of project activities in secondary school
Problem and goal. In the system of modern education, the issue of informatization of project activities is studied only in terms of its use within individual subject areas. This significantly narrows the possible effect of using this method at the intersection of subject areas, which was the original purpose of creating and describing this method. At the same time, it is extremely rare to mention the construction of a school project management system, although management is also necessary for the implementation of the project, especially when it comes to projects at the intersection of subject areas, when entire teams of project coordinators (subject teachers), teams of project participants (students), representatives from enterprises and/or universities (project partners) are involved. The purpose of our research is to model approaches to informatization of project activities. Methodology. Project management is sufficiently described in modern literature and research, and the standards of project management are described and accepted all over the world. In our study, to model approaches to informatization of project activities, we will rely on the experience of using the method in the economy and on the standards adopted worldwide and in the Russian Federation. Results. The conducted research has shown that in education it is possible to effectively apply the approaches that have proven themselves in the economy, which makes it possible to effectively apply the project method in educational activities. Conclusion. We were able to apply universal standards of project management to model approaches to informatization of project activities, which in the future will allow us to organize the project activities of schoolchildren at a fundamentally new level.

STEM education as a factor of national security
Problem and goal. Determination of the place and role of education in the national security system at the present stage based on the analysis of the foreign and Russian regulatory framework, as well as scientific literature on the subject of the study. Methodology. Through the analysis and parallel comparison of the main domestic and foreign regulatory legal acts in the field of security, the key transformations of the perception and vision of education as a factor of national security in foreign countries and Russia were identified, and the causal relationships between the development of the education system and national security were formulated. Results. The problems of national security in all their diversity are significantly related to the state and sustainability of the development of the educational sphere, the impact of which is long-term and has far-reaching consequences in the form of imbalances in the socio-economic, scientific and technological development of the country. Conclusion. The formalization of existing approaches to assessing threats to national security and the economic aspects of ensuring national security will allow us to propose a methodology for quantifying the costs of the education system as a whole (or only for higher education), necessary to optimize the impact of education on national security.

Models of using immersive teaching technologies in the practical activity of a teacher of informatics
Problem and goal. Virtual, augmented mixed reality and augmented virtuality are becoming integral attributes of the immersive educational environment, disposed to continuous learning and comprehensive development. The relevance of the study of models of using immersive technologies in the activities of a computer science teacher is beyond doubt, because they are the real embodiment of new methodological ideas and approaches. Methodology. In the course of the research, the analysis of models of immersive learning technologies for the practical activities of a computer science teacher was carried out. On its basis, a set of computer tools and equipment has been proposed that allows introducing immersive technologies into educational practice. Results. Methodological recommendations on the use of virtual, augmented and mixed reality technologies both in informatics lessons and after school hours are presented. The key topics of the computer science program, in which it is advisable to use immersive technologies, have been identified. Methodological approaches to the transformation of informatics teaching in the context of digitalization of education have been formulated. Conclusion. The results of the study indicate that immersive learning technologies can be successfully applied both in informatics lessons and outside the classroom. They not only contribute to the immersion of students in an interactive environment, but also increase the interest, motivation and quality of their knowledge. Lessons using immersive technologies open up new opportunities for a computer science teacher for professional growth, methodological and subject self-improvement.

System and activity approach to learning artificial intelligence in basic school
Problem and goal. The problem of insufficient substantive and methodological support for the training of basic school pupils in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) is considered. The aim is to identify the features of the application of the system-activity approach to teaching basic school pupils in the field of artificial intelligence, to describe the principles of teaching school pupils the basics of artificial intelligence and the conditions for their implementation, to highlight the types of school pupils’ activities in the context of the system-activity approach. Methodology. A set of methods was used: analysis of regulatory documents that determine the priority tasks of our country; analysis of research and scientific and methodological publications in the field of teaching AI for basic school pupils in the domestic and foreign education system; reflection of the content of the knowledge gained; identification of methodological approaches; search for principles, conditions and opportunities for teaching elements of AI to basic school pupils; local pedagogical experiment. Results. A comparative analysis of the methodological experience of predecessor teachers made it possible to identify the possibility and effectiveness of the application of the system-activity approach to teaching basic school pupils in the field of AI. The revealed approach made it possible to determine the fundamental principles of teaching the elements of artificial intelligence, the conditions for their implementation, as well as the most appropriate types of activities for basic school pupils. Conclusion. Today AI technologies are actively developing information technologies and possession of them has a positive effect on the level of information culture of a school pupils, which, in accordance with the requirements of the information society, must be formed, at least, in basic school. The results of the study made it possible to substantiate the possibility and expediency of applying the system-activity approach to teaching the elements of artificial intelligence to basic school pupils, starting from grade 5.

Prospects for modernization of the electronic educational environment “Cross-Platform Project” format in the context of blended and distant learning
Problem and goal. The relevance of this study is emphasized by the increasing need and importance of distance education in the modern world in connection with the pandemic, as well as the increased demand of teachers and students of different levels for the tools of the virtual classroom. The purpose of this work is to introduce teachers to the tools of the Internet, to present a classification of these tools, resources and existing electronic educational environments for working in distance learning. Methodology. The use of the Langteach-online cross-platform learning environment during the COVID-19 pandemic, and the experience of working with LMS Moodle and LMS Canvas related to the construction of online courses are analyzed. A comparative analysis of online services and the use of QR technology for educational purposes for the modernization of the developed format of the electronic educational environment is carried out. Results. The experience of modernizing the format under study to expand the range of disciplines and forms of education in the field of which it can be applied at the levels of secondary and higher education in the Russian Federation is presented. The working conditions of the environment, its functionality and requirements for the teacher as the organizer of the educational environment of this format are described. Conclusion. The presented format expands the effective tools of the teacher, integrates mobile technologies into the educational process, forms multifunctional online libraries of various-format educational materials.

The digital didactics as a discipline of masters training program
Problem and goal. The problem lies in the effectiveness of the formation of motivation for the productive information activities among the subjects of the educational process. The goal is determined by the need to train specialists, taking into account changes in the field of education that have occurred due to the introduction of digital technologies in education and risks of digitalization generated by technogenic processes in the educational environment. Methodology. The author's programs and funds of evaluation tools were used, practical tasks and research project topics were developed to include them in the programs of pedagogical and industrial practices of undergraduates. The materials are based on the author's developments, which are reflected in the textbooks. In practice, the following technologies have found methodological justification for the implementation of the discipline: information and communication technologies for universal use, Big Data, distance learning, blended learning, organization of project activities of students. Results. The introduction of the discipline “Digital Didactics” allows undergraduates to form new competencies. Conclusion. The competencies formed during the training of the discipline “Digital Didactics” enable to take into account the existing changes in the field of education.

Teaching students the equations of mathematical physics using educational electronic resources
Problem and goal. Currently, information and telecommunications technologies are widely used in the professional activities of most specialists in various subject areas. This circumstance initiates the training of students in higher education institutions, who must have not only deep subject knowledge, but also be able to master modern information and telecommunications technologies and be able to apply them in their activities. One of the fundamental disciplines that is included in the university curricula for preparing students of physical and mathematical fields of study is “Equations of mathematical physics”. In the process of teaching students the equations of mathematical physics, the goals are set not only to form students' solid subject knowledge, but also to acquire the skills and abilities to apply modern information technologies in the study of mathematical models based on the equations of mathematical physics. Methodology. Educational electronic resources are used in training sessions on mathematical physics equations. Such training sessions with students take place in the form of laboratory classes, where modern computer technologies are used to find solutions to equations of mathematical physics and then analyze them. Results . The implementation of didactic principles of teaching mathematical physics equations in laboratory classes using educational electronic resources allows students to achieve good results in the methods of studying mathematical physics equations. Conclusion. The use of educational electronic resources in the classroom on the equations of mathematical physics allows students, in addition to deep subject knowledge, to acquire the skills and abilities to use modern computer techno- logies to solve mathematical problems.