Vol 20, No 4 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 7
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1737
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2023-20-4
Full Issue
International experience in transformation of the professional development system in the context of digitalization
Problem statement. Modern requirements to the system of professional development all over the world demonstrate the need to use information and digital technologies. The task of generalization of effective approaches to solving key problems significant for the capital's education in the conditions of digitalization is topical. Professional development system in Moscow, which is undergoing transformation in the conditions of digitalization, needs to formulate effective proposals or model solutions based on the analysis of modern international experience in the transformation of the professional development system, which will allow it to retain leading positions in the implementation of quality education at all levels. The aim of the study is to formulate proposals for improving the system of professional development in Moscow based on the results of the analysis of international experience in the transformation of the professional development system in the conditions of digitalization. Methodology. The methods of analysis of scientific publications and materials, analysis and comparison of materials of analytical reports of foreign organizations of different countries describing the practice of implementation of professional development programs were used. To formulate proposals for improving the system of professional development in Moscow, the methods of comparing the results obtained and modeling the situations in which they could be applied were applied. Results . The experience of European and Asian countries was analyzed; the main criterion for their selection was the fact that they occupy leading positions, recorded by such international studies of education quality, as PISA and TALIS, as well as have effective international mechanisms for the implementation of the system of professional development. The results of international experience were summarized and compared with the current state of the capital's professional development system, and a number of practices and approaches, as well as digital technological solutions of high interest for the implementation of an effective transformation process in the context of digitalization were identified. Conclusion . The transformation of qualifications development systems abroad is at the system level with the implementation of different approaches, concepts, strategies or digital tools. The study identified effective international practices on the basis of which proposals for improving the system of professional development in Moscow could be formed.

The current state and prospects of modeling digital professional spaces in business and education
Problem statement . As world becomes more and more digital, there is an increasing need for modeling digital professional spaces (DPS) that help manage business processes more quickly. DPSs are computer systems designed to improve the efficiency of such types of work activities as cooperation, communication and data exchange. Modeling of the DPSs at the university will speed up the subsequent professional adaptation of graduates. The purpose of the study is to describe the methodological, theoretical and technological foundations of the DPSs’ modeling. Methodology . System-structural, system-activity, and competency-based approaches were used. Content analysis and thematic monitoring of digital content modeling were carried out. Results . A model for the design of DPS is presented, which includes several key components, such as user needs assessment, cognitive management, DPS modeling, designing the organizational structure of business processes, data modeling and development of scenarios for the use of information systems, educational engineering. The importance of each component is analyzed, examples of how they can be implemented in practice, several problems were discussed and potential solutions were proposed. An overview of the main concepts and approaches related to the modeling of DPS, including their definition, characteristics and main problems, is provided. The main methods and tools used to model these environments are considered. The most promising areas of research in this area are identified. Conclusion . Modeling and using of DPS in higher education has the potential to improve the quality and accessibility of education, while preparing students for a rapidly changing labor market. DPSs have the potential to digitally transform higher education by providing students with an immersive, personalized and engaging learning experience that can prepare them for future careers and improve their overall learning outcomes.

Formation of schoolchildren’ divergent thinking in the conditions of additional education when working with timelines
Problem statement . One of the most important tasks that digital school teachers face is preparing a graduate, who is ready to use the acquired knowledge in his future life and find non-standard, original solutions, overcoming the usual patterns and established opinions. The study aimed at substantiating the effectiveness of the use of timeline services for the development of divergent thinking in schoolchildren in the conditions of additional education. Methodology . Theoretical and methodological analysis and generalization of fundamental scientific works on the research problem, processing of test results and timelines were applied. The pedagogical experiment involved 130 students of the state budgetary educational institution of Moscow “School No. 1506”. To diagnose and assess the formation of divergent thinking, the method of F. Williams (adapted by E.E. Tunik) was used. Pearson's chi-square test was used as a statistical processing method. Results . The timeline in additional education was carried out when displaying historical facts in chronological order, compiling algorithms, creating biographies, and presenting statistics. The didactic potential of the timeline as a kind of quantitative infographics is revealed, which offers a graphical implementation of digital data in relation to each component in the structure of creativity: flexibility, originality, elaboration, fluency. Statistically significant differences in qualitative changes in the pedagogical system were determined. Conclusion . The use of timeline services in the conditions of additional education contributes to the development of divergent thinking of students due to the possibilities of interactive presentation of events and facts, reuse, multimedia, technical minimalism. Difficulties that complicate the use of virtual timelines are noted: time resource management, the need to develop criteria and indicators for the effective use of web services for the corresponding purpose.

Digitalization of motivational features as a way to organize independent work of bachelors
Problem statement . Effective organization of extracurricular work for future bachelors involves the construction of individual learning trajectories, based, among other things, on the level of motivation to study specialized disciplines. The expediency of using intelligent information technologies in classifying the composition and forms of independent work of bachelors of applied mathematics is substantiated. Methodology. Applying the developed mobile application, multi-parameter motivational characteristics of students were identified. The resulting motivational profiles are clustered into five motivational groups, similar in sign values. The construction and analysis of multi-parameter classification were carried out via cluster analysis and neural network technologies. Clustering of motivational groups and the application of appropriate strategies for organizing independent work were realized at the Faculty of Computer Technologies and Applied Mathematics of Kuban State University. Results. The constructed neural network classifies the bachelor's motivational profile, assigns him a strategy for independent work, defining the specific values of the variable elements of the strategy. Strategies for organizing independent work have been established for clustered motivational groups. Conclusion. Construction and clustering of motivational profiles allows you to adjust individual strategies for independent learning of bachelors of applied mathematics, determine the values of variable elements and, as a result, not only develop professional skills, but also develop skills in organizing your own work process, resource allocation, and identifying work stages.

The impact of the mobile applications usage on the quality of tourism specialists training
Problem statement . The modernization of the educational system involves the adoption of technologies based on artificial intelligence, AR, VR, and mobile platforms. The use of mobile tools in the training of workers in the tourism industry meets the requirements for training programs for highly qualified professionals in this area and the challenges of economic integration. The study aimed at substantiating the efficacy of the use of mobile applications in the training of tourism industry specialists for the quality improvement. Methodology . Theoretical and methodological analysis and generalization were applied in determining the content and problems of mobile learning in the area of tourism and identifying the prospects for the development of travel applications. For designing mobile applications, the iBuildApp tool was chosen. A testing was developed, including the blocks “Fundamentals of tourism activities” (20 points), and “Mobile applications in the field of tourism” (20 points). The study involved 49 students of the Orel State Institute of Culture (the direction of training “Tourism”, profile “Technology and organization of excursion services”). Pearson's chi-squared test was used as a statistical processing method. Results . The ideas of a methodological approach are formulated, reflecting the necessary changes in the system of training specialists in the tourism sector, taking into account the challenges of economic integration, the requirements of a professional standard, and the strategy for the development of tourism in Russia. The difficulties that affect the effectiveness of the inclusion of mobile applications in the training of industry workers are highlighted: dependence on foreign software solutions, the high expense of creating own mobile application and its post-maintenance, and technical failures in the network. Statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the training system were determined. Conclusion . The incorporation of mobile applications in the training of tourism industry specialists advances the quality of their training due to new opportunities for collaboration and project activities, cost optimization, innovative work experience, etc. There are also negative aspects, such as a decrease in the overall level of oral communication, the risks of losing the phone, distraction, and addiction.

The formation of foreign language competence of future teachers when working with flash cards
Problem statement . The modernization of higher education is a good ground for the use of electronic resources in ensuring accessibility, continuity and quality of teaching foreign languages. The use of interactive tools (simulators, flash cards, virtual whiteboards) meets the requirements to educational training programs for students of pedagogical directions and the challenges of modern society. A flash card is a card with a word, a concept, an image on one side and a translation on the other. The study aimed at substantiating the effectiveness of the use of flash cards for the formation of foreign language competence of future teachers. Methodology . Theoretical and methodological analysis and generalization were used to determine trends in the development of language education, the inclusion of informatization tools in foreign language activities and professional communication. The online platform Quizlet was chosen to work with ready-made flash cards and to create new thematic sets in digital format. The questions for the control work grouped into two blocks “Digital educational technologies” (50 points) and “Foreign language in professional communication” (50 points) were compiled. The study involved 54 students from Vyatka State University (the direction of 44.03.05 “Pedagogical education”, with two training profiles, bachelor's degree level). Pearson's chi-squared criterion was applied at the stage of statistical processing of the results. Results . The system of working with flash cards in the foreign language professional communication of future teachers is described: the study of the Quizlet functionality, working with ready-made sets of cards, automating and improving lexical units, developing their own thematic sets. In the course of independent work and network collaboration the students of the experimental group used Flashcards, Speller, Scatter, Quizlet Live modes. Statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the level of formation of foreign language competence were determined. Conclusion. The use of flash cards in the preparation of students of pedagogical specialties has a significant didactic potential for the development of their foreign language competence: the effect of immersion, competitiveness and obtaining positive emotions; resources for independent language learning in extracurricular time; overcoming the language barrier in the virtual gaming environment of information interaction. However, there are some drawbacks: monotony of forms for tests, lack of opportunity to practice pronunciation, partial support of operating modes in the mobile version.

The use of video materials in online classes of English for specific purposes
Problem statement . In recent years, the distance format is no longer a rarity and is being actively introduced into the educational process. However, in higher school, when teaching specialised subjects, including English for specific purposes, there is a certain difficulty in making a class dynamic and interesting for students. The use of video materials seems to be one of the ways to solve this problem. The aim of the study - to consider the issues related to the use of videos in classes of English for specific purposes. Methodology . The research covers such topics as advantages of using videos in English language teaching and criteria for their selection as well as preparation of video-related tasks. It also highlights specifics of using news video content as a tool for teaching English. Particular attention is paid to the use of video content in distance learning conditions. The examples of practical experience of using videos in English classes for thirdand fourth-year students studying “Transport Processes Technologies” in Admiral Makarov State Maritime University of Maritime an Inland Shipping in St. Petersburg are given. Results . The use of videos in distance learning classes has a significant number of advantages for students. The practice showed that the most interesting and effective to be used in online classes are newscasts. Conclusion . It is concluded that the process of class preparation using video materials is challenging for teachers, but at the same time that its use has a positive impact on their professional growth and on the effectiveness of the educational process.