No 1 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 18
- URL:

Genesis of the problem of computer visualization of educational information in pedagogical knowledge
The analysis of the basic directions of the pedagogical studies of computer visualization of teaching information is presented in the article. The content and the cognitive-educational potential of the computer visualization of teaching information are opened in the context of vocational education within the framework each of the described theoretical approaches.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):21-27

Shell moodle of the distance learning as a tool of realization of the system-activity approach
The article is devoted to the shell of distance learning Moodle, the code that you can freely use and modify. The advantages of this system for teaching students; the experience of the implementation of distance learning (DL)-based open system «Moodle» GBOU in the school № 507 is also described.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):40-45

The integration of school courses of informatics and mathematics in the light of the new federal government educational standards
The article presents review of regulatory framework merging of informatics and mathematics in a united subject area and the possibility of integrated study of these disciplines. Also in the article are extracted related topics and learning outcomes of these subjects at all levels of schooling.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):54-59

Pedagogical value of using information technologies in the individual work of students
The article deals with the pedagogical aspect of using information technologies in students’ self-work and increasing their activeness. The increasing involvement of new information technologies and the application of competent approach during the educaional process of the International Kazakh-Turkish Unicersity named after A. Yasavi. One of the actual problems of training the future specialists is the usage of information technologies in students’ self-work and forming the information communicative competence of the future ecologists. The versatile characteristic of basic activity types of information communicative competence information technologies in apply with information technologies is offered and examined
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):66-75

The informatization of education as a factor of integration of initial tuition to mathematics and informatics
The problems of integral teaching of mathematics and informatics are considered in the article. The directions of its realization are marked. The role of informatization of education and master programs are tested in the process of training teacher to the integrated teaching school children of primary school to mathematics and computer science.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):76-81

Mathematical development of school children on the integrated lessons of informatics and mathematics
This article explores the possibility of integrated lessons of informatics and mathematics. Particularity we base on the theme «sets and operations on them». Interrelationship between basic themes of informatics and the theme «sets» is demonstrated.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):92-96

Designing of adaptive computer aided learning system of tasks for probabilistic statistical branch of mathematics
This article focuses on the development of a model of adaptive learning system problems in probability and statistics branches of mathematics, based on ICT, which takes into account the shortcomings of modern educational systems, namely: they are highly specialized to a pre-rigid structure, closed, static, focused on the target audience and do not take into account dynamic characteristics of individual student.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):97-104

Intelligent control system for admission rules in higher education institution as a component of an automated information system of the admission committee
In this paper we propose a model of decision-making as a component of an automated information system for data processing students of higher education. The purpose of the system implemented on the basis of the proposed model is the asynchronous generation of lists of the admission positions given as input data pre-entrants and committed in time of the application by the operations of the user of the system. Paper describes the mathematical and object-oriented model of the proposed solutions.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):105-114

Statistical analysis of results of computer-based testing in the credit system of education
In this article a program for statistical analysis of results of computer-based testing is described. Some examples of its usage for assessment of students’ achievements in the credit system of education are demonstrated. Consideration is given to the evaluation of the quality of the tests.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):115-125

Means of automation of organizational and managerial process of extracurricular activities
Information and communication technologies improve the efficiency of management, so their introduction in the organizational and managerial processes of extracurricular activities is a necessity. A special place is occupied in the management of communication processes with the development of ICT have additional channels. Subject to the unification of requirements, resources, databases, programs used in the extracurricular field, can become part of an overall information system of the university.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):126-132

Our Authors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2013;(1):133-135