Vol 18, No 1 (2021)
- Year: 2021
- Articles: 9
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/informatization-education/issue/view/1433
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2312-8631-2021-18-1
Full Issue
To Vladimir Filippov’s anniversary

Research on the differences of students’ learning styles and knowledge integration in SPOC learning: a case study of course “Basic Portuguese”
Problem and goal. With the advent of the information age, Internet-based online learning has also become one of the learning methods chosen by many learners. They can use these online learning platforms to complete knowledge construction while learning offline. Methodology. Most studies of learning behaviors focus on the discovery of the best learning model and disregard the possible impact of different learning behaviors on knowledge construction. Therefore, based on the Felder - Silverman learning style model, this article uses the Solomon learning style scale to improve the design of the questionnaire and collect four-dimensional differential learning behaviors data. In order to further understand the influence of learning styles on the effectiveness of online learning, we also use online learning data on the Small Private Online Course platform and general cognitive intelligence knowledge integration theory to clarify the relation between learning modes and individuals’ differences. Results. This study observes and analyzes the learning behavior data of 46 students of Nankai University in the SPOC learning platform, also analyzes the differences in learning styles and knowledge construction of students in the SPOC environment. Compared with the traditional “Basic Portuguese” teaching method, the blended teaching model based on the Chaoxing Learning platform has unparalleled advantages. Interactions inside and outside the classroom, improving student participation and promoting teaching diagnosis. Conclusion. Through a comprehensive analysis of questionnaire data and online data, we found that some learning styles have different effects on the effectiveness of online learning, ignoring the individual differences of learners will still cause problems in knowledge construction.

Use of artificial intelligence technologies for building individual educational trajectories of students
Problem and goal. Developed and tested solutions for building individual educational trajectories of students, focused on improving the educational process by forming a personalized set of recommendations from the optional disciplines. Methodology. Data mining and machine learning methods were used to process both numeric and textual data. The approaches based on collaborative and content filtering to generate recommendations for students were also used. Results. Testing of the developed system was carried out in the context of several periods of elective courses selection, in which 4,769 first- and second-year students took part. A set of recommendations was automatically generated for each student, and then the quality of the recommendations was evaluated based on the percentage of students who used these recommendations. According to the results of testing, the recommendations were used by 1,976 students, which was 41.43% of the total number of participants. Conclusion. In the study, a recommendation system was developed that performs automatic ranking of subjects of choice and forms a personalized set of recommendations for each student based on their interests for building individual educational trajectories.

State and prospects of distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
Problem and goal. In Russian society, the simultaneous and mass transition to distance learning of educational organizations in March 2020 in connection with a new coronavirus infection caused a sharp discussion about the effectiveness and consequences of this format of training, as well as about the prospects for its use after the COVID-19 pandemic. In the current conditions, the education system is faced with the task of training specialists in the face of the uncertainty of the future and the accelerated digitalization of the economy. The purpose of the research is to analyze the main factors influencing the development and spread of distance learning in the coming years, as well as the possible short and long-term consequences of switching to distance learning in higher education institutions. Methodology. The analysis of the scientific literature and practical activities, as well as experienced teaching, was used in the study. Results. The content and form of education will significantly transform in the long term. Today the necessary digital competencies cannot be acquired within the framework of the traditional educational process (lectures, seminars, exams in oral form), without the systematic use of information technologies in the educational process. Information technologies will be in high demand by graduates and will allow them to be prepared for the practical use of IT in the workplace. In addition, it can significantly improve the effectiveness of training because it allows to implement an individual learning trajectory, personalize training, remove restrictions on the time and place of training, and increase the visibility and interactivity of the educational process. Conclusion. Online education, e-learning using distance learning technologies in the long term will meet the demand of students and society for training in an uncertain future. Thanks to information technologies, conditions are created for active cognitive and educational activities of students, individualization of training is provided, turning the student into an active and equal participant in the educational process, including by refusing to provide ready-made differentiated knowledge, which leads to the formation of the reproductive nature of thinking in students.

Analysis of the development efficiency of the Moscow Electronic School resources by future computer science teachers on the basis of practical training sites
Problem and goal. The practical (pedagogical) training sites based on Moscow schools in the context of effective development of the resources of the Moscow Electronic School by future computer science teachers are analyzed. The goal is to identify the correlation of the digital footprint obtained as a result of the development of the school network activity index based on data on the actions of teachers and students in e-learning environments and of educational organizations identification corresponding to this index, as well as the methodological activity of schools in Moscow - the bases of practical (pedagogical) training of future computer science teachers. Methodology. The analysis of regulatory documents and the database of Moscow schools, where the Moscow City University students of the “Computer Science” direction are engaged in practical (pedagogical) training, reflection on the content of the knowledge obtained, search for criteria for selecting basic schools for conducting practical (pedagogical) training of future computer science teachers, local pedagogical experiment were used. Results. It was found out that the activity of schools in the development and use of educational resources of the Moscow Electronic School is not a prerequisite for cooperation with these schools. At the same time, the knowledge of information technologies, including the technology of working with the resources of the Moscow Electronic School, by future subject teachers, is an integral part of the professional competence of a modern teacher, and especially a computer science teacher. Conclusion. The basic criteria for selecting sites for industrial practices of future computer science teachers, in particular students of the Moscow City University, are proposed. The formulated criteria for selecting basic schools for conducting practical (pedagogical) training of university students will allow them to successfully solve the tasks set for this type of educational activity, achieve their goals and form professional and pedagogical competencies.

Methodology and features of assessing the economic effect of implementing digital educational environment models in secondary vocational and higher education systems
Problem and goal. The active introduction of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the educational process, the reform of traditional models of learning and education have become priority areas of reforms and initiatives in various national education systems in the 21st century. Given that public spending is the main source of funding for education in the OECD countries, assessing the economic impact of implementing a digital educational environment at different levels of education under pressure on public budgets has become a key issue for national governments and educational organizations, as well as the subject of special research. In Russian practice assessment of the economic effect of the full-scale use of e-learning and distance learning technologies in the implementation of educational programs of secondary professional (training of middle-level specialists) and higher education have not yet been carried out. For these purposes, a methodology has been developed, which, however, needs to be tested. Results. The study identified a list of costs required to ensure the full use of e-learning and distance educational technologies in realization of educational programs of secondary vocational (training of mid-level professionals) and higher (including graduate school) education; the methodlogy for assessing the economic effect of these measures is justified, and calculations are made based on this methodology. Conclusion. The developed methodology has shown its effectiveness and needs further research and quantitative analysis.

Development of information culture of students when teaching equations of mathematical physics in the conditions of informatization of education
Problem and goal. In modern conditions, specialists in various subject areas who have an information culture and are able to solve complex professional problems using modern information and communication technologies are in demand. Currently, specialists in the field of applied mathematics are required, which plays an important role in the development of human civilization. Therefore, in the process of teaching various academic disciplines of applied mathematics at the university, including the discipline “Equations of mathematical physics”, attention should be paid to the development of students’ information culture. Methodology. When teaching students the discipline “Equations of mathematical physics”, it is extremely important that the teacher knows not only the content of teaching this discipline of applied mathematics, but also has practical experience in solving equations of mathematical physics by computer means. Such qualities of the teacher will allow him to successfully conduct training sessions in the conditions of informatization of teaching mentioned discipline. At the same time, it ought to be clearly understood that the use of computer technologies in teaching the discipline “Equations of mathematical physics” must be correct. The necessity to develop and implement in practice a variety of methodological approaches that allow students to develop an information culture in training sessions on that discipline is obvious. Results. The use of advanced pedagogical technologies in training sessions on the discipline “Equations of mathematical physics”, where computer technologies are used, will allow students to develop an information culture. Conclusion. Computer technologies that students use in the process of solving educational problems require them to have certain skills and abilities to identify their broad capabilities. Students are aware of the role of computer technologies in conducting applied scientific research, understand the role of computer modeling methodology and computational experiment in studying the world around them.

Approaches to improving the training of IT specialists in the field of electronic document management
Problem and purpose. The problem of improving the training of IT specialists in the field of electronic document management in the process of studying at a university is examined. Methodology . The study used an analysis of practical activities in working with electronic document management systems and training in working with these systems in the process of training IT specialists in the field of electronic document management. Results. A proposal has been put forward on the need to create a special educational system for electronic document management for use as an object of study and as a means of training in the education of IT specialists in the field of electronic document management, the requirements for it were formulated, and step-by-step models of its preparation are described. Conclusion. The proposed software and technological tools and organizational and methodological methods will allow solving the problem of improving the quality of training of IT specialists in the field of electronic document management.

Development of an adaptive mass open online course in the framework of training in artificial neural network technologies
Problem and goal. The development of mass open online courses contributes to the increasing attention of students to them. At the moment, there are many large services that provide online training, but there are no clearly defined universal requirements for such courses. Also, along with this problem, there is a fairly high level of rejection of the course at various stages due to the loss of motivation to continue training. Methodology. A variant of solving these problems by using adaptive learning technologies on the example of a course on learning artificial neural network technologies was considered. Results. In the process of reviewing the issue, the topics of the online course sections were determined. As a result, a work plan was drafted and the most relevant ways to solve the identified problems were formulated. Conclusion. The developed strategy can help with further elaboration and testing of the designed course and can be applied to any mass open online course.