Development of the basic principles of distant teaching of mathematics in middle and high schools
- Authors: Zhdanov A.A.1
- Moscow City University
- Issue: Vol 17, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 220-228
- URL:
- DOI:
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Introduction and goal. The article dwells upon a topical problem of organizing distant learning, in particular, learning mathematics online. On the basis of literature analysis and analysis of teaching experience the principles of distant teaching of mathematics in middle and high schools were developed. The recommendations on creating effective cooperation of a teacher and learners while teaching online are given. Materials and methods. The identification of approaches to creating principles of teaching mathematics online in middle and high schools was carried out on the basis of analysis of academic literature, experimental teaching and surveying educationalists. Results. The article has practical value for educational institutions: the most popular electronic educational resources and software for teachers of mathematics were analyzed. It is shown how to organize the process of distant learning. The result of the experiment carried out to implement the developed principles of distant learning of mathematics at School No. 1234 (Moscow) are given. Conclusion. The implementation of the developed principles will allow teachers to ensure an effective change from full-time tuition to distant teaching of mathematics in middle and high schools. The rational use of electronic educational resources and software taking into account created recommendations (for example, a principle of basic PC knowledge, principles of completeness, system and interactivity) will allow teachers to optimize their working time without lowering the quality of teaching and interaction with learners.
About the authors
Alexander A. Zhdanov
Moscow City University
Author for correspondence.
postgraduate student of the department of the higher mathematics and technique of teaching mathematics
29 Sheremetyevskaya St, Moscow, 127521, Russian FederationReferences
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