Vol 16, No 3 (2019)


Digital identity, digital self-identification, digital profile: problem statement

Kondakov A.M., Kostyleva A.A.


Problem and goal. Article is devoted to a research of the problematic issues concerning digital identity, digital self-identification of the personality, a digital profile. Not only scientists of the humanitarian direction, but also experts in the field of public administration, finance, edu- cation, philosophy and ethics, hi-tech sectors of economy are engaged in search of answers to these questions, because formation of digital identity is a sphere of personal, public, corporate and national security. The purpose of the research described in article is definition on the basis of the analysis of the developed approaches to digitalization of society of possible problems in the field of formation of digital identity of the personality and identification of the main solutions of such problems. Methodology. The analytical research on identification of the questions characterizing the processes of digitalization of society is conducted. The first block of questions: what is digital identity? What its features? How the digital identity in the conditions of network communication is formed? The second block of questions: how there is a digital self-identification of the personality? What consequences of this process for real and virtual (convergent) life of the individual? The third block of questions: what is a digital profile? Who provider of a digital profile? What do new opportunities and risks of use of digital profiles consist in? Results. During the research it is reasoned that in the conditions of the digital economy assuming universal use of big data arrays, the solution of the problem of control over formation of digital identity of the citizen is of particular importance. Since the earliest age, at the person it is necessary to develop skills of formation of digital identity purposefully. The only way to restore complete control over a digital projection of the person is to make all data on the user open for him. Experience of application of the corresponding digital profiles generates the new risks listed in article. Conclusion. Problems of digital identity, digital identification and a digital profile are subjects for serious public and professional and scientific discussion. The digital identity has more and more increasing impact on human life and society. Formation of digital identity is a question of personal, public and national security. The person needs to learn to form the digital identity.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2019;16(3):207-218
pages 207-218 views


Features of teaching the use of information technologies when obtaining financial services

Zaslavskaya O.Y., Usova N.A.


Problem and goal. In article the complex analysis of the organization of processes of training of users to work with non-cash payment system with use of means of informatization and an assessment of efficiency of the electronic educational resource which is in a special way developed allowing to organize such training is carried out. The aim was to identify the specifics of training the population to use a non-cash payment system for goods and services on the basis of the developed electronic resource, which is to consider the classification of Russian and international payment systems, the experience of their use, the possibilities of information and telecommunication technologies in the organization of such training. This made it possible to design a model of increasing the level of financial literacy, to develop an educational electronic resource, to organize and conduct training built using information technology, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of the developed educational electronic resource in the formation of financial literacy. Methodology. During the design of a special electronic educational resource, the study of special literature and normative legal acts was carried out. The study was based on the works of A.I. Savelyev, A.V. Pukhov, D. A. Kochergin, V.A. Lopatin, S.V. Krivoruchko, V.M. Ionov, 1. Semenikhin, D. Pominov, V.A. Dadalko, P.A. Tamarov, etc. The study used: the method of direct monitoring of quality testing of the site, which allowed to determine what are the features of the website design, as well as to formulate recommendations for its change (as part of the direct observation, we measured the speed of the respondent’s navigation on the site, the emotional state, as well as a list of sections of interest to respondents to a greater extent), and method of in-depth interview, aimed to assess the compliance of the content of the developed materials with the requirements of the target group of consumers and potential users of the portal. The focus group as a method is not suitable in this study due to the fact that respondents differ too much in age and level of financial literacy. Results. The article presents a detailed analysis of the level of financial literacy of the population of the Russian Federation. The study confirmed the relevance of the problem of low level of financial literacy of the Russian population, as well as the need to develop an information tool to solve this problem. As part of the project, a prototype of the website was developed as an information tool to improve the level of financial literacy of the population. The choice of the website as a tool for effective informatization of financial literacy training was based on the statistics of growth of Internet users, as well as on the choice of the target audience aged 20 to 35 years. Conclusion. Features of informatization of training on the use of non-cash payment system are considered based on the use of a prototype website specifically for current and future users of financial services. This portal is aimed at developing users’ independent skills of comparison and selection of payment systems and e-wallets on the basis of indicators of their financial stability. The functionality of the portal is aimed at finding and mastering by the user the important principles of working with banking products, and to ensure that users of the portal are always aware of the next seminars and events to improve financial literacy in their city of residence.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2019;16(3):219-230
pages 219-230 views


Approaches to solving the problem of search of scenarios of lessons on informatics for basic school in the Moscow E-School library

Levchenko I.V., Sadykova A.R.


Problem and goal. The article deals with the problem of search of scenarios of lessons on informatics for basic school in the Moscow E-School (MESH) Library. The goal is to identify the features of the MESH search engine and possible approaches to improving the process of scenarios of informatics lessons for basic school. Methodology. In the process of research was used a set of methods: analysis of the resources of the MESH library and normative documents; reflection of the content of knowledge obtained; searching for approaches to improving the process of finding scenarios of informatics lessons for basic schools in the MESH library; local pedagogical experiment. Results. Revealed the difference of the classification of sections and themes of the school informatics course provided by the Approximate Basic Educational Program [16] (in accordance with General Educational Standards [20]) and the MESH library classification [3], as well as the presence of a large number of controlled elements of MESH library content, indicated by the creators of the scenarios of lessons on informatics for basic school, what determines the problem of finding the right resources. The results of the study allowed to find approaches to solving the identified problem. Conclusion. The approaches to solving the identified problem of search of scenarios of lessons on informatics for basic school in the MESH library are proposed, their implementation can have a positive impact on the ability to find the necessary digital resource and, as a result, increase the effectiveness of professional activity of basic school informatics teacher.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2019;16(3):231-242
pages 231-242 views


Automated system for career guidance testing in educational organizations

Kusakina E.V., Samarina E.A., Frolov Y.V.


Problem and goals. In article the problem of carrying out professional orientation activity in the general education organizations is considered. The role of early career guidance for the conscious choice by graduates of schools of the future profession is shown. Need of use of the automated systems for conducting professional orientation testing of pupils for the purpose of determination of tendencies and interests in one or another field of professional activity is shown. Methodology. The research is directed to design and development of system “Psychodiagnostics of educational institution”, which allows to hold professional orientation testing in various options. Unlike the existing developments, the created system allows to carry out in a computer class and far off both group and individual testing. Results of testing for all the time of carrying out are kept in a system. The system gives an opportunity to carry out analytics of results of a research on various indicators and criteria. Results. Work has practical value for the educational institutions, which are engaged in career guidance of school students. Results of approbation of this system on the basis of Moscow State Budgetary Educational Institution “School No. 1357 ‘Na Bratislavskoi’ ” are shown. Conclusion. The system allowing to increase efficiency of professional orientation ac- tivity of the educational organization and to automate process of testing in various options with a possibility of analytics of results of testing is for the first time offered.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2019;16(3):243-256
pages 243-256 views


Model of designing resources of Moscow E-School in the subject area “Mathematics” of basic general education

Denischeva L.O., Semenyachenko Y.A., Fedoseeva Z.R., Zhdanov A.A., Zakharova T.A.


Introduction and goal. The article deals with the actual problem associated with the development of various methodological aspects of preparing scripts for math lessons in the Moscow E-School (MESH), which have not yet been considered in the methodology, which will help the mathematics teacher to get involved in active and productive work on the use of a new electronic resource. Research objectives were definition of approaches to the development of a typology of scenarios of math lessons in MESH and creation of a model of the most popular types of scenarios. Materials and methods. The definition of approaches to creation of typology of scenarios of lessons of mathematics was carried out on the basis of the analysis of scientific literature, analytical activity, a method of modeling and carrying out questioning of workers of education. Results. The most often applied types of scenarios for mathematics lessons which can be created by the teacher by means of the available MESH resources have been developed and described. Such types of scenarios reflect the model made on a basis of system-activity approach, and include motivational, activity, control and reflective blocks. The proposed model provides for the possibility of a unified representation of scenarios. Conclusions. The application of the developed approaches will ensure the efficiency of work of the teacher, rational use of software, technological advantages and key opportunities of tools of MESH, will facilitate search of the necessary scenario in MESH.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2019;16(3):257-269
pages 257-269 views

Teaching physics students of humanitarian-oriented groups in the Middle Years Programme (basic school) of the International Baccalaureate

Kornilov V.S., Lvova O.V., Obolensky I.S.


Problem and goal. In 1968, an international non-governmental organization of the International Baccalaureate with consultative status with UNESCO was established in Switzerland [11; 26; 27; 29-31]. The methodological basis of the International Baccalaureate is intercultural communication, communication, self-development, conceptual thinking, learning efficiency, etc. The International Baccalaureate is an internationally recognized curriculum and is implemented worldwide, including in Russia (Vladivostok, Moscow, Moscow region, Perm, Samara, Saint Petersburg, Ulyanovsk). In addition, International Baccalaureate diplomas are recognized by many foreign educational institutions. In the process of teaching physics to students of humanitarian-oriented groups on the Middle Years Programme (MYP) (basic school) of the International Baccalaureate, some students have difficulties both in mastering the theoretical material and in solving educational text problems. In this connection, to improve the efficiency of training of such students it is advisable not only to carry out a theoretical justification of the possibility of using methods of adaptation of texts of problems in physics and to develop adapted educational tasks with their subsequent inclusion in the content of training, but also to use modern information technologies both in the presentation of theoretical material to students (multimedia teaching tools, electronic resources, etc.) and to teach students to use computer programs (“Live physics”, “Laboratory L-micro”, “1C: Tutor in physics”, “Physics course of the XXI century”, “Open physics”, “Physics in animations”, “Physics. Grades 7-11. Workshop”, etc.). Obviously, that it is necessary in the future to carry out experimental and pedagogical activities revealing the effectiveness of teaching physics. Methodology. The effectiveness of teaching physics to schoolchildren of humanitarianoriented groups under the MYP (basic school) of the International Baccalaureate will be largely provided by the developed content of training, the implementation of didactic principles of training, the implementation of a system-activity approach in teaching, the informatization of training, linguistic analysis of the content of educational tasks, the implementation of technological approach to the design of the educational process, taking into account the peculiarities of psychological laws of formation of mental actions of schoolchildren in the process of solving physical problems [1; 3; 7-9; 12-16; 19; 20; 28]. Results. Application of the method of adaptation of the text of educational tasks, the use of informatization tools, the use of various algorithms for solving physical problems, linguistic analysis of the content of educational tasks helps to improve the quality of teaching physics to students of humanitarian-oriented groups under the MYP (basic school) of the International Baccalaureate. Conclusion. The use of an adapted format for the presentation of educational problems, various algorithms for solving physical problems, the use of modern information technologies for teaching physics to students of humanitarian-oriented groups under the MYP (basic school) of the International Baccalaureate contributes to the increase in students’ interest in learning and the formation of their fundamental system of subject knowledge in physics.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2019;16(3):270-280
pages 270-280 views


K yubileyu glavnogo redaktora

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RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2019;16(3):281-282
pages 281-282 views

K 60-letiyu Viktora Semenovicha Kornilova

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RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2019;16(3):283
pages 283 views

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