No 1 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 21
- URL:
How Finnish teachers are encouraged to adopt information and communication technology
The aim of this reflective paper is to analyse how Finnish teachers are encouraged to adopt the use of information and communication technology (ICT) in teaching and learning. The paper is based on our research group experiences. First, a Finnish education context and a Finnish school model are introduced. Second, different approaches, like strategy-based development and pre- and in-service teacher education approaches in the context of ICT use, are discussed. Finally, the outcomes of 25 years of development of ICT use in education are briefly evaluated. Most examples are presented in the context of science education.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):5-15

«Smart auditorium» — the step on the way to integration of means of informatization of education
In article the concept of «smart auditorium», its property of heterogeneity, object orientation, krossplatform, content and methodical unification is discussed. Locates that creation of such auditoriums promotes integration of separate means of informatization of education.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):16-26

Informatisation intraschool control as a factor in increasing its efficiency
The article deals with the actual positions of the requirements of the present day problem of the use of information technology in intra-school supervision. The necessity of informatization control and diagnostic activities in the modern school. Focuses on the importance of transfer of school inspection and diagnostic procedures on the basis of information and communication.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):27-30

Modelling of systems of informatization of organizational and administrative activity of high school
In article factors of informatization of organizational and administrative work of school gather and systematized. Set of such factors is considered as the maintenance of possible model of systems of informatization of organizational and administrative activity.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):31-35

Creation of information technology competence at the bachelors of a course «Business informatics»
An article describes an approach in cheating an information technology competence at the bachelors a of course of «Business Informatics» in process of studying the disciplines of professional cycle by the example of subject «computing systems, networks and telecommunications».
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):36-40

Features of development and use of electronic training means in the Kazakhstan system of the higher education
In article the modern approaches applied in Kazakhstan to providing system of electronic training in higher education institutions by qualitative technological means are described. The main problems and possible ways of their decision within processes of informatization of education are listed.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):41-45

Use of the environment of programming of SCRATCH in teaching of the school course of computer science in classes of correctional compensating education
In article the attention to use of the object and focused environment of programming of SCRATCH of teaching of the section of algorithmization and programming of a school course of computer science in classes of correctional compensating education. Its opportunities in the course of such training are discussed. Its opportunities in the course of such education are discussed.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):51-55

Hierarchical relationships — methodological basis of the concept hierarchies studying
Two classes of hierarchical relationships that are determined. It is useful in the hierarchical models construction, and in related concepts of generalized tree structures. It is studied the kinds of hierarchies, reducible to each other, as well as the possibility of a correct determination of level stratification systems. Hierarchical relations and related concepts are compared. The above concept should be used in the teaching of computer science and other disciplines that require a precise definition of the hierarchy.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):56-63

WOLFRAMALPHA use when training in the solution of tasks with parameters
In the center of attention of this article WolframAlpha — quality of mathematical and methodical preparation of future mathematics teacher and informatics in bachelor degree and magistracy system is essential to raise the new mathematical online-processor allowing on condition of methodically expedient use in educational process.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):64-72

Analytical review of modern information education technologies
This article discusses and analyzes the modern information education technologies, which are seen as the priority to use in the modern information educational environment (Internet-based educational technologies, distance education, media education, e-Learning technologies, smart-education technologies).
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):73-81

Application of the electronic educational resources in the higher educational institution
In article approaches to effective application of electronic educational resources are described. The analysis of methods and forms of education in higher education institution is carried out, the principles of application of the electronic educational resources, adequate to used methods and forms of education are established.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):82-86

Modern innovative technologies in the professional training of the future specialists in the context of informatization of education
New targets of education are based on the priority of the human person, the development of which should become the main value and the most important outcome of education. In such conditions, the problem of use of means of information and communication technologies, and first of all, application of the multimedia computer materials, the Internet- and Web-technologies in professional education, self-education and gaining more importance and relevance. From this point of view in the article considers the problem of the use of multimedia technologies, Internet- and Web-technologies in higher professional education.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):87-94

Laboratory practical work according to the mathematical analysis with application information technologies
In this article the structure and contents of the manual “Laboratory Workshop on the Mathematical Analysis with Application of Information Technologies” which Authors are R.M. Aslanov and O.V. Li is considered. The grant can be used when carrying out a practical training in internal, as well as in remote forms of education.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):95-103

The method of adaptation under the parameters of the subject of the information interaction
To ensure the effectiveness of settings (adaptation) created software and hardware on the particular subject of the method was developed for adaptation under the parameters of the subject of information interaction in the form of a set of operations to build a network dialog procedures on the basis of accounting for entry-level qualification of the subject, assessment of the current level of skills and operational restructuring of the network in accordance with the assessment of his level.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):104-107

About teaching the elements of mathematical analysis for students of economic specialties with the use of modern information technologies
The article deals with aspects of a technique of teaching of mathematical analysis of the economic departments of the universities with the help of the program «MathCAD». It is shown that the use of this software product contributes to the effective development of methods for solving problems of mathematical analysis of the studied students — economists
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):108-113

Preparation of teachers to use ios professional activity
Article is devoted to the analysis of features of preparation of teachers of higher educational institutions to use of means of the information and educational environment in the professional activity. The directions of programs of professional development, approaches to the formulation of concept of the information and educational environment, a problem of functioning of the information and educational environment of higher education institution are analyzed.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):127-132

Vocational education and training system in Russia: key statistical indicators on the results of automated data collection
The main goals, objectives and results of the ongoing project fulfillment on development and implementation of the automatized system on the collection, analysis and representation of the information about functioning of the structure of the vocational education and training (VTE) system in the Federal subjects of Russia are presented. The features and capabilities of the automatized system for different types of users, methodological and technological aspects of the interaction with users are discussed, some global statistical indicators of education on the VTE programs in the country for 2011—2012, calculated on the base of the data loaded, are given.
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):133-144

Our AutHors
RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2014;(1):145-148