Vol 21, No 4 (2024)


The feasibility and methods of developing the foreign language teachers’ competence in the field of using digital technologies in professional activities

Grinshkun V.V., Kopylova V.V.


Problem statement. Every year, there are more and more studies aimed at improving the quality of digital resources created and used in the field of education, as well as at developing appropriate professional qualities among teachers. Within the framework of foreign language education, when using various digital tools, vocabulary is formed more effectively, dialogues are modeled, oral speech is used to a greater extent, and opportunities for mastering grammar are expanded. At the same time, existing research practically does not address the problem of finding integrated approaches to preparing teachers for the practical use of digital resources in the framework of the development of foreign language education. The problem of substantiating the expediency of improving the necessary systems for training teachers of a foreign language, searching for methods and means to improve the effectiveness of work with students of pedagogical specialties of universities is urgent. Methodology. A long-term study is being carried out, during which educational programs for bachelors and masters of pedagogical directions of metropolitan universities are being developed and improved. A series of experimental studies are being conducted to determine the effectiveness of the proposed developments. Results. The model, conditions, principles and content of training future foreign language teachers for the professional use of digital technologies are developed and described. An increase in several key parameters for the study was revealed, indicating the validity and effectiveness of the proposed approaches to the development of the studied competence of foreign language teachers. Conclusion. The implementation of approaches to the development of the competence of a foreign language teacher in the field of using digital technologies is appropriate. It is necessary to provide for the further development of methodological systems for teaching students at pedagogical universities the systematic use of such technologies not only in the context of teaching schoolchildren, but also in many other types of their professional activities.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(4):419-433
pages 419-433 views

Formation of digital literacy components of future teachers in the course of studying the university-wide discipline “Digital Technologies in Education”

Isupova N.I., Suvorova T.N.


Problem statement . Development of informatization of education occurs under the influence of large-scale penetration of digital technologies into all spheres of modern society. Considering this influence, it becomes important to identify and take into account the current level of digital literacy of future teachers and, based on its analysis, develop a scientific and methodological justification for determining the structure and content of the discipline destined for preparing future teachers to work in the context of digital transformation of education. The article presents a study aimed at substantiating the need for a differentiated approach to teaching the discipline “Digital Technologies in Education” studied by students of the pedagogical direction of training within the framework of bachelor’s degree program. Methodology . Theoretical and methodological analysis and generalization of fundamental scientific works on the research problem and processing of testing results are used. Experimental work is carried out on the basis of Vyatka State University. The pedagogical experiment involves 111 bachelors in the field of study 44.03.05 “Pedagogical education (with two training profiles)”, profile “Subject training. Teaching and education technologies”. A differentiated approach to organizing the study of the discipline “Digital Technologies in Education” is considered as an innovative method for developing digital literacy of future teachers. At the stage of diagnostics and assessment of the formation of digital literacy of bachelors, an original test is used, aimed at identifying the level of formation of five components of digital literacy of future teachers: information, computer, communication and media literacy, as well as attitudes towards technological innovations. The Pearson’s χ2 (chi-square) criterion is used as a statistical processing method. Differentiation of the content of the discipline and division of students into subgroups occurs on the basis of an analysis of the results of input diagnostics, during which the most acute deficiencies in the formation of one of the five components of the student’s digital literacy are identified. Results . Statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the level of the digital literacy index of students in the experimental group trained in accordance with the proposed approach were revealed (χ2 = 9.570; α < 0.05). Conclusion . The use of a differentiated approach to studying the discipline “Digital Technologies in Education” helps to increase the level of digital literacy of future teachers. This approach, based on identifying and taking into account the most acute deficiencies in the development of digital literacy components, will allow to increase the students’ own digital literacy index, as well as to form their readiness to use digital educational tools in future pedagogical activities in order to increase the level of digital literacy of schoolchildren.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(4):434-447
pages 434-447 views


Designing the trajectories of variant teaching of the basics of artificial intelligence in the school course of computer science taking into account the possibilities of project-research and extracurricular activities

Karakozov S.D., Samylkina N.N.


Problem statement . The mandatory study of the basics of artificial intelligence and data analysis in general education course of informatics is a significant innovation that requires adjusting methodological system of teaching informatics at school. The article presents the results of research on the problem of designing trajectories of variant teaching of the basics of artificial intelligence and data analysis in the course of computer science of basic general and secondary general education in accordance with the requirements of the updated FSES of general education on the basis of current methodological approaches, taking into account the possibilities of project-research and extracurricular activities. Methodology. Theoretical methods of research were used: analysis of scientific publications on the subject of artificial intelligence and data analysis, analysis and comparison of materials of foreign educational standards of different levels of education, review of domestic practices of implementation of the results of pedagogical research on the methodology of teaching computer science on the basis of integrative methodological approach. Results. On the basis of the proposed components of the methodology of teaching artificial intelligence basics and data analysis, the possibilities of designing different learning trajectories in accordance with personal requests of participants of educational relations, as well as for the rational use of resources of the information educational environment of the organization in the implementation of basic educational programs of general education are shown. Conclusion. Designing trajectories of variant teaching of the basics of artificial intelligence in the school course of computer science, taking into account the possibilities of project-research and extracurricular activities, allows to optimize needs of students and resources of educational organizations.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(4):448-464
pages 448-464 views

Augmented reality technology and possibilities of its use in teaching computer science to junior schoolchildren

Zenkina Y.E.


Problem statement. In the paper, the author sets a goal to identify the potential of educational technology of augmented reality in the process of teaching computer science to junior schoolchildren using the example of 4th grade students. Methodology. The article analyzes educational and methodological literature, as well as scientific articles by teachers and scientists who propose the use of augmented reality technology in the educational process. The advantages and disadvantages of this technology are identified, and its capabilities in improving the quality of teaching the subject, developing students’ logical thinking, and forming a sustainable motivation to study the subject under consideration are demonstrated. It is concluded that there are insufficient approaches to teaching computer science using augmented reality technology for primary school students. Results. The experiment showed the effectiveness of using augmented reality technology in computer science lessons in primary school. The author of the article argues, that augmented reality technology makes it possible to introduce elements of entertainment and interactivity into the learning process, as well as gamify the process of transmitting knowledge that has a positive impact on the development of cognitive interest of younger schoolchildren in mastering both computer science and mathematics, with which the study of computer capabilities is successfully integrated. Conclusion. The paper outlines several recommendations that make it possible to qualitatively include augmented reality technologies in the process of teaching computer science to junior schoolchildren, designed to diversify the course of teaching the subject under consideration.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(4):465-475
pages 465-475 views


Development of agency skills and creative thinking among students of a technical university: practical cases

Abramova O.F.


Problem statement . At the moment, we are in a transitional period of the formation of a new educational process, which is much broader and much more extensive than the classical methods of obtaining vocational education, both in terms of skill set and time. This is important for all areas of study, but this article focuses on educational processes at a technical university, or rather, areas of study related to information technology. Modern software development is usually carried out in teams. Emotional intelligence and the ability to put yourself in the place of your colleagues, as well as potential users of the software product, come to the fore. Stress tolerance and teamwork skills are also important qualities, which include the skills to independently solve non-standard tasks, the ability to take responsibility for solving a problem or for not completing a task, and the ability to follow the rules. The purpose of the study is to develop methods to improve the effectiveness of training a technical specialist, taking into account the challenges of the modern labor market. Methodology . The practical cases proposed in the article were tested in various training courses taught by the author on the basis of the Volga Polytechnic Institute. More than 70 students studying in the fields of Computer Science and Computer Engineering and Software Engineering took part in the testing. Results . Based on the analysis of the results of application of educational cases, detailed descriptions of tasks and recommendations for their application in the educational process were formulated. Conclusion . The application of the described practical cases allowed students to develop the ability to decompose tasks, distribute them within the team and consciously delegate execution depending on the set of knowledge and skills of an individual team member, as well as the ability to offer nonstandard solutions to tasks and adequately analyze existing options. Students studying using the above-mentioned cases participate much more calmly and effectively both in external educational activities, such as design and educational intensive courses, competitions and acceleration programs, and are more motivated and involved in the stages of implementation and protection of their own projects within the framework of disciplinary and end-to-end course projects, as well as final qualification work.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(4):476-487
pages 476-487 views

Possibilities of using immersive learning based on abstract highly formalized mathematical models for training future mathematics teachers

Matveeva V.A., Zaslavskaya O.Y.


Problem statement . Immersive technologies are becoming a hallmark of the modern educational process today by allowing users to immerse themselves in a virtual environment, create a sense of presence and engagement through high interactivity and realism of visual and audio effects. Dynamic models provide a mathematical description of system behavior over time in different domains. In the context of immersive learning based on abstract highly formalized mathematical models for preparing future mathematics teachers, dynamic models provide the basis for creating interactive and realistic virtual environments. Teaching mathematics is usually associated with abstract highly formalized mathematical models. “Observing” an abstract highly formalized mathematical model is a complex dynamic process that is consistent with its behavior in real-world processes, although these processes are not always possible to visualize. The purpose of this work is to describe the technology of ‘weak immersive learning’. Methodology . The study of the problem is considered using the example of the mathematics section “Number Theory”. The asymmetric RSA encryption system is chosen as the observed model. To bring the studied model closer to the real situation, the Maxima computer algebra system is used. Results . In the process of studying the mathematical model of the RSA cryptosystem and its implementation in the Maxima computer algebra system, students experience a ‘partial’ immersion in the environment being studied, since to observe the results it is necessary to know the mathematical model and a number of functions that can provide a certain result. However, the pedagogical process is accompanied by the following principles: immersion in context, interactivity, personalization, motivation, assessment, and accessibility. Conclusion . Thus, the technology under consideration can be called ‘weak immersive learning’, since visual effects and creation of a computer model require the direct participation of the student and theoretical knowledge of the subject.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(4):488-500
pages 488-500 views


Artificial intelligence in higher education: problems, opportunities, risks

Gasanova R.R., Romanova E.A.


Problem statement. The unprecedented pace of development and application of artificial intelligence in higher education attracts the academic staff of scientists to analyze and discuss the problem of opportunities, risks and boundaries of the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in the organization of higher education. The purpose of the study is to analyze the integration of AI into the educational processes of higher education as a strategy for using digital technologies, indicated by accelerating the achievement of educational transformation goals in the activity sphere, where opportunities are found for teaching, learning, and scientific activities of the teacher and students. Methodology . Analytical and theoretical research methods (literature analysis, data synthesis, generalization, induction, deduction, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships) were applied to assess the current state of the educational sphere regarding the widespread introduction of AI capabilities, and an express survey was conducted in the number of 105 people: students of additional education programs “Teacher” and “Teacher of a higher educational institution” on the topic of psychological adaptation to the active use of AI technologies in the framework of pedagogical practice. Results. There are opportunities to optimize the learning process using AI, such as assessing the level of knowledge of students according to predetermined criteria, organizing and conducting tests and exams, ability to get rid of routine work, translating and voicing any text. Conclusion. It is summarized that the most promising direction for application of AI technologies in higher education is an additional education, which is organized primarily for acquisition of specific knowledge and skills by reducing the time spent searching for literature, scientific reviews, setting specific tasks and problems, organizing communication, etc.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(4):501-515
pages 501-515 views

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