Vol 21, No 1 (2024)


Expanding the prospects of applying stereoscopic image technology in geometry teaching as a consequence of education informatization

Bogdanova E.A., Bogdanov P.S., Bogdanov S.N.


Problem statement. Informatization of education pointedly affects the development of students' spatial thinking, that fact significantly expands the prospects for applying stereoscopic image technology in geometry teaching. The problem of choosing software environments that allow obtaining high-quality stereoscopic images, as well as the problem of technical equipment selection for the best perception by students of these images in the process of studying stereometry, are relevant. The purpose of this study is to substantiate the appropriateness of using stereoscopic anaglyph images to study stereometry, as well as to identify the most suitable and accessible electronic environment for constructing such images and choosing a technology for transmitting them to students. Methodology. The authors analyze the features of some software environments for constructing stereoscopic images and their application in the study of geometry, identify the main methods for obtaining and transmitting stereoscopic images, and formulate recommendations for introducing stereoscopic image technology into the educational process. Results. The work substantiates the appropriateness of using stereoscopic images in the study of stereometry. It has been established that the cheapest and simplest option for obtaining stereo images is provided by color separation technology, therefore it should be recommended for use in the development of students’ spatial thinking. Analysis of software environments for constructing images with a stereoscopic effect, as well as scientific works devoted to the use of stereoscopic images in the study of various disciplines and in organizing the project-oriented and research activities of students shows that informatization of education significantly expands the prospects for using stereoscopic image technology. In particular, mathematics teachers, using various programs, can quickly and easily create high-quality anaglyph images for geometry teaching. The conducted research made it possible to find out that the optimal tool for this is the GeoGebra system of dynamic mathematics. Conclusion. The work identified electronic environments that are most suitable for constructing high-quality stereoscopic images for the purpose of using them in the geometry teaching process, and selected available technologies for transmitting such images. The issues of developing a methodology for using anaglyph images in stereometry teaching and organizing the training of mathematics teachers to implement this methodology remain relevant.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(1):7-20
pages 7-20 views

Development of emotional intelligence among philology students in the practice of developing multimedia stories

Nimatulaev M.M., Novoselova S.Y., Smerechinskaya N.M., Shiryaeva-Shiring O.V.


Problem statement. The effectiveness of linguistic, interpersonal, and intercultural communication depends not only on professionalism, but also on the emotional abilities of its participants (communication skills, ability to react in unforeseen situations, determine the expectations and interests of others), and skills in using digital technologies. The study aimed at justifying the need to use multimedia stories in the training of specialists in the field of philology to develop their emotional intelligence. Methodology. Theoretical and methodological analysis and generalization of fundamental scientific works on the research problem, processing of test results, and the structure of multimedia stories are used. Experimental work was carried out on the basis of the Sochi Institute (Branch) of RUDN University. In the pedagogical experiment 54 bachelors were taking part, the direction of training is 45.03.01. Philology. Teaching philological disciplines. Multimedia storytelling was considered an innovative narrative practice based on the creation of emotional stories using digital technology. MS PowerPoint was used as a corresponding service. At the stage of diagnosing and assessing the formation of emotional intelligence, the N. Hall test was applied. The method of statistical processing was the Pearson χ2 test. Results. The use of multimedia stories in the training of specialists in the field of philology and humanities is carried out as follows: studying the digital service and its capabilities; concept development; collection and analysis of information; story creation and digital implementation; presentation and subsequent application in practice. With multimedia storytelling, philology students master the philosophy of dialogue between cultures, are aware of values (their own and others’), make moral choices, gain new social experiences, and design information and communication activities. Statistically significant differences in the qualitative changes that occurred in the pedagogical system were determined. Conclusion. The use of multimedia stories contributes to the development of the emotional intelligence of philology students due to the social nature of interpersonal and intercultural activities, multi-layered and non-linear circulation, multimodality, and support for an emotionally comfortable language atmosphere. The corresponding criteria for effectiveness are formulated: the presence of an idea (central element), the “mobility” of the main character, projection of the meaning of real life, structure, narrative style, etc.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(1):21-34
pages 21-34 views

The use of information technologies and interactive teaching methods in mathematics classes during cycle training at a technical university

Rakhimov A.A.


Problem statement. A method of cyclic education at a university is proposed. The aim of the study is the search for answers to the questions of what is meant by this concept, and how the cyclic learning method differs from others. Methodology. The learning outcomes of students of technical universities and work results of teachers who taught subject of mathematics using information technology and interactive teaching methods are analyzed. The use of information technology in mathematics classes during cycle training at a technical university was evaluated. Results. The author considers comprehensively justified and list all the priorities of the cyclic method of teaching in higher education institutions. The main aspects of interactive methods, their types, the results of using them are described, as well as specialty of applying these methods in the classroom and in the independent work of students. Conclusion. With the cyclic method of teaching, students become active participants in the educational process, learn to use and put into practice various sources of information.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(1):35-43
pages 35-43 views


Formation of students’ communication skills using the “Dailo” interactive dialogue system based on artificial intelligence technologies

Dreytser S.I.


Problem statement. Pedagogical technologies for the communication skills formation are constantly being improved, new methods and practices are emerging to solve this problem. The use of information technology to develop professional communication skills presents particular interest. However, today there is not enough data on what specific tools there are in the field of information technology for the formation of communication skills, how exactly communication skills are formed with the help of information technology, and through what mechanisms the formative effect occurs. An approach to informatization of education based on artificial intelligence tools used to develop professional communication skills among employees of large companies is discussed. Methodology. The author analyzes the capabilities of interactive dialogue systems, implemented using artificial intelligence technologies, for the formation of professional communication skills. Communication scenarios with different behavioral possibilities for the participant and criteria for control assessment of the communication skills of the participants were developed. The experimental study was carried out as part of the activities of the company's personnel training departments. The participants of the experiment were 35 employees of large companies. Statistical processing of the results was performed using the Mann - Whitney and Pearson tests. Results. It was confirmed that the dialogue simulator teaches the ability of flexible reproduction and improvisation in the process of dialogue while maintaining its logic and essence. In the second experiment, the data obtained partially confirm this hypothesis and give rise to a new assumption that the tool can be used to diagnose defining reflection by providing participants with overspecified and underspecified tasks. Conclusion . The experiment data suggest that the dialogue simulator enhances flexible dialogue skills while maintaining logic. Additionally, it may help diagnose reflection by presenting tasks of varying determinacy. These hypotheses require further investigation to guide future research on artificial intelligence in education.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(1):44-55
pages 44-55 views

Professionally oriented network course as the basis for developing the computational thinking of future engineers

Shchedrina E.V., Ivashova O.N., Paliivets M.S., Ashcheulova A.V.


Problem statement . The need to study and use network technology competencies to improve the general education and professional level is becoming a prerequisite for training the next generation of advanced engineers. To effectively use computer devices and digital tools, computational thinking is required. The study aimed at substantiating the effectiveness of using a professionally oriented network training course for the development of computational thinking of future engineers. Methodology . To obtain theoretical generalizations, an analysis of scientific works on the problem of defining the phenomenon of “computational thinking” and the use of network educational resources in the training of specialists in engineering and technical specialties was carried out. Computational thinking is determined as a mental process of a set of actions: mobilizing an image system of objects and their interconnections from human memory; formulating the problem taking into account uncertainties; creating a solution algorithm; and implementing it effectively using digital tools. 68 bachelors were involved in the study in the direction of training 23.03.03 “Operation of transport-technological machines and complexes”, profile “Automobiles and automotive industry”. All are first-year students of the Russian State Agrarian University - Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazev. The online training course “Computer science and networks” is used, developed by E. V. Shchedrina, presented on the Moodle platform, and has registration certificate no. 24877 dated August 28, 2021. To diagnose and assess the maturity of computational thinking, the author’s testing materials are used: 30 questions following the work program of the discipline. Pearson's chi-square test was applied as a statistical processing method. Results . When working with the materials of a network course in the discipline “Computer Science and Networks,” a new generation engineer performs a sequence of actions characteristic of computational thinking: analyzes the text of a professionally oriented problem (formulates the task as a computational problem), decomposes the problem, composes and implements the algorithm, performs its analysis and evaluation. The conditions that influence the formation of computational thinking are generalized: obtaining relevant scientific and theoretical facts, patterns, and information on innovative methods and means; their reasoned choice, effective implementation at a high technical level; and analysis of the result and its practical application. Statistically significant differences were determined in the qualitative changes that occurred in the system of training specialists for high-tech production. Conclusion . The positive aspects of using a professionally oriented network course for the development of computational thinking of engineers are highlighted (for example, to gain experience in formulating a problem taking into account the uncertainty of the future, students analyze a corporate network, determine a subnet mask for different conditions, etc.). Options for the practical application of the research results are proposed: in the work of the All-Russian network project for variety testing “Malaya Timiryazevka”, and in the activities of the Center for Pre-University Training and the Digital Department of the academy.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(1):56-73
pages 56-73 views


Implementation of virtual reality technologies for professional and personal development of students

Nagovitsyn R.S., Alimov R.S.


Problem statement. Today, virtual reality technologies are actively and systematically used only in the field of various entertainments, despite their enormous educational potential, which is insufficiently used in the system of educating students. Experimental study is aimed at filling this gap through the introduction of virtual technologies into the process of professional-personal development of students. The goal of the research is to theoretically substantiate and experimentally prove the effectiveness of introducing virtual reality technologies to increase the level of professional and individual development of students in various areas of undergraduate training. Methodology. In the experiment took part 118 students from psychological-pedagogical, socio-cultural and engineering areas of undergraduate training. All participating in the experiment carried out blended learning: some subjects were taught in a classroom in a full-time format, and some disciplines were taught remotely using video conferencing on the Telegram platform and virtual reality technologies on the Mootup and Vive Sync platforms. Results. Virtual reality technologies are an effective means for the holistic professional and personal development of students. In the context of the activity-behavioral and cognitive-reflexive components, the highest rates of increasing the number of students at high and situational levels of development were recorded. The smallest experimental impact was recorded on the motivational-axiological component of students’ professional and personal development. A more detailed analysis of the obtained comparative data after the implementation of the experimental work showed that the author’s development had a more significant impact on students of engineering areas of professional training, compared to students of other undergraduate profiles. Conclusion. The use of virtual communication has made distance learning more attractive and focused for students, greatly facilitating the exchange of information, knowledge, values and views, and making this process more natural, as in real classes.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(1):74-85
pages 74-85 views

Visualization of the procedure for assessing the quality of the digital educational environment using the “Transparent box” model

Pak N.I., Syromyatnikov A.A., Stepanova T.A., Kuular D.O.


Problem statement. Modern cognitive technologies make it possible to create visual and intelligent means of monitoring and assessing the quality of objects and resources. It is of interest to carry out such procedures from the perspective of the “Transparent box” model, which can provide high interactivity and visualization of monitoring data for analysis and making management decisions on the development of digital educational environments of institutions. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the “Transparent box” model for visualizing the procedure for monitoring the digital educational environment of educational institutions based on an object-structural map containing its structural and functional components with a topological set of statistical and monitoring indicators. The purpose of the work is to substantiate the “Transparent box” model to visualize the procedure for monitoring the digital educational environment of educational institutions based on an object-structural map containing its structural and functional components with a topological set of statistical and monitoring indicators. Methodology. The “Transparent box” model for educational resources provides for the construction of their object-structural map of all components. To create an object-structural map of the digital educational environment, it is convenient to use an object-oriented approach. At the same time, the components of the environment (objects) and their relationships should be structured hierarchically from top to bottom or from bottom to top. The topological object-oriented structure of the digital educational environment with target components in the form of an object-structural map represents the framework of the “Transparent box” model. Functional properties and information flows between objects play great importance in the object-structural map. They form the mechanisms that determine the effectiveness of achieving environmental targets. Objects and their connections are endowed with criteria indicators, which are assessed by experts. The overlay of a heat map on the object-structural map, the color of its components corresponding to expert assessments, determines a visualized picture of the state of the environment in general and its individual sections in particular. The main feature of the model is its topological interactivity, which allows one to display evaluation and monitoring indicators of the environment for analysis and making management decisions on the development of the digital educational environment. Results. An innovative “Transparent box” model is proposed in the form of an object-structural map of the digital educational environment of educational institutions for conducting assessment and monitoring procedures. The use of an object-oriented approach to develop an object-structural map is justified. The collection, accumulation and processing of data to monitor the development of the institution’s digital educational environment is carried out in traditional ways, for example, using Yandex forms, which are filled out by representatives of the organization under study. For the practical implementation of the proposed model, it is advisable to create a special web application that visualizes the process of monitoring the digital educational environment and provides users with a convenient interface for analysis and making management decisions on the further development of the environment. Conclusion. The “Transparent box” model is substantiated for visualizing the procedure for monitoring the digital educational environment of educational institutions based on an object-structural map containing its structural and functional components with a topological set of statistical and monitoring indicators. The proposed model provides high interactivity and visualization of monitoring data for analysis and management decisions on the development of digital educational environments of educational institutions.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(1):86-104
pages 86-104 views


International practices of professional retraining system for teachers in the context of digitalization of pedagogical education

Suvirova A.Y., Lesin S.M., Sheveleva N.N., Antonov N.V.


Problem statement . The existing world practices of professional retraining in the conditions of digitalization are reviewed. The search for an effective mechanism of professional retraining transformation that would give an advantage to the national education system in the conditions of digitalization becomes relevant. Existing practices include state initiatives and requirements that support and help new candidates in the teaching profession to change their career preferences without significant obstacles, which is a new way to organize professional retraining. Methodology . Scientific publications and materials from open internet sources, including analytical reports of foreign organizations of different countries describing the implementation practices of professional development and professional retraining programs were analyzed. Results . The authors give substantiation, approaches, and practice of international practical experience of effective mechanisms in the organization of professional retraining system in the conditions of digitalization of teacher education. It is necessary to pay attention to the peculiarities of such transformation, which will provide the development of possible management solutions for the Russian education system. Conclusion . The proposed international experience should be considered as an opportunity to develop effective model solutions for the domestic system of professional retraining of teaching staff. It is important to pay attention to the fact that digital skills training is implemented systematically with the support of the authorities, and that professional retraining in the conditions of digitalization opens the possibility of forming a career path with the support of mentors and employment services with the help of modern information technologies.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(1):105-113
pages 105-113 views


Inclusive education in higher school of Russian Federation and People's Republic of China: formation of conditions in the digital environment for persons with disabilities at work with laboratory equipment

Dobromirov D.D., Wu R.


Problem statement. Education is an integral part of a person's cultural and professional development. In this respect, the challenges of making the learning process accessible and at the same time maintaining a high level of educational quality are relevant today. Terminologically, inclusive education covers a wide range of issues, but the key issue is the question of accessibility of education for different social groups. The priority task of the present study is defined in the plane of identifying the working conditions for persons with disabilities (PWD) studying in universities in natural and technical directions, with laboratory equipment due to the exceptional importance of laboratory workshops in the system of professional training of future specialists. The study is aimed at substantiating the targeted use of digital technologies in the educational process, in particular, in the organization of work of persons with disabilities in the context of their performance of laboratory workshops. Methodology. By the method of quantitative and statistical analysis the relevance of the search for system solutions that define an accessible educational environment for persons with disabilities in the framework of professional training of future specialists of natural and technical profiles is outlined. The theoretical model of organizing the accessibility of the educational process in the framework of laboratory practicals for persons with disabilities in the digital environment is proposed. Results. The theoretical model of inclusive education in higher education in Russian Federation and People's Republic of China for the organization of analog implementation of laboratory workshops by persons with disabilities in a digital educational environment has been developed. The necessity of integration of digital tools into the educational process, requiring systematic training of persons with disabilities in natural-technical directions, which include in the content of their curricula the realization of laboratory workshops. The key importance in the selection and further implementation of digital technologies in the educational process in the plane of creating conditions for working with laboratory equipment is determined around the individual needs of students with disabilities. Conclusion. The relevance and applied significance of the theoretical model of the variant digital environment are substantiated, as well as a list of recommendations for the use of such a model in terms of its target orientation on the accessibility of the educational process for students with health peculiarities and studying in natural-technical profiles.

RUDN Journal of Informatization in Education. 2024;21(1):114-124
pages 114-124 views

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