Author Details

Троцук, Ирина Владимировна

Issue Section Title File
No 4 (2014) Articles Social activity of the youth: Approaches to the assessment of forms, motives and factors in the contemporary Russian society PDF


No 4 (2014) Articles A brief course of sociology by a criminologist: Christie N. The Density of Society / Transl. from Norwegian by E. Rachinskaya; ed. by Ya.I. Gilinskiy. - St. Petersburg: Aletheia, 2014 PDF


No 1 (2015) Articles “Ethical consumerism”: The specifics of sociological interpretation and present manifestations PDF


No 1 (2015) Articles The art of interpretation and criticism: a new sound of the ideas formulated half a century ago: Sontag S. Against Interpretation and Other Essays. - M.: Ad Marginem Press, 2014. - 352 p. PDF


Vol 15, No 4 (2015) Articles Comparative analysis as a basic research orientation: Key methodological problems PDF


Vol 15, No 4 (2015) Articles Comparative studies of value orientations: potential, limitations, and the logic of development PDF


Vol 15, No 4 (2015) Articles Do we have the right to speak about peasantry in the contemporary Eastern Europe? Book Review: Krest’janstvo v stranah Vostochnoj Evropy, 1990-2010 gg.: Sbornik nauchnyh trudov [Peasants in the Eastern European Countries, 1990-2010] / Yu.I. Igritsky (Ed.). M.: INION RAN, 2013. - 160 p PDF


No 4 (2011) Articles Images of Neighboring Countries in the Perception of Students (Results of Sociological Studies) PDF


No 3 (2013) Articles Dominant Ideas in the Outlook of the Youth: Possibilities of Empirical Fixation through the Prism of Fears, Hopes and Apprehensions PDF


No 3 (2013) Articles Patriotism as a Value: Components of Sociological Analysis (Comparative Characteristics of Russia and Serbia) PDF


No 4 (2009) Articles Value system of students in Russia and China: the regional dimension (exemplified by Guangzhou and Maikop, Republic of Adygeya) PDF


No 3 (2011) Articles A Sociological Assessment of the Constructivist Potential of the Mass Media PDF


No 3 (2014) Articles Russian students’ life plans: gender and other differences in the estimates of prospects in the labor market PDF


No 3 (2014) Articles Family, marriage, love - equal or unrelated concepts for Russian youth? PDF


No 3 (2014) Articles On the nature of photography: Sontag S. On Photography. - M.: OOO “Ad Marginem Press”, 2013. 272 p.; Benjamin W. A Short History of Photography. - M.: OOO “Ad Marginem Press”, 2013. 144 p.; Sontag S. Regarding the Pain of Others. - M.: OOO “Ad Marginem Press”, 2014. 96 p PDF


Vol 15, No 3 (2015) Articles Marriage priorities and patterns of the Russian youth (on the example of mixed marriages) PDF


Vol 15, No 3 (2015) Articles Political correctness, postmodernism and neotribalism: A sociological perspective on ideology, instruments and consequences of ‘the revolt of the minorities’: Book Review: Ionin L.G. The Revolt of the Minorities. - M.; SPb.: Universitetskaya Kniga, 2013. - 237 p. PDF


No 1 (2010) Articles Pop-culture as a factor of Socialization: the Opportunities for Empirical Analysis PDF


No 4 (2013) Articles Russian students’ main fears: the results of an empirical study PDF


No 4 (2013) Articles From turbulence to the crisis’ diagnostics: limits and potential of sociological critique (new agenda for the European sociology) PDF


No 2 (2014) Articles Russian students’ life plans: expectations and concerns in the professional field PDF


No 3 (2012) Articles The Image of Serbia in Russian Society: Results of a Survey of Moscow Students PDF


No 4 (2012) Articles Sociological Evaluation of Neighbour Countries’ Images as Perceived by Russian Students: Methodological and Content Components PDF


No 1 (2014) Articles Student youth expectations and concerns: sociological evaluation in the cross-cultural context PDF


No 2 (2011) Articles Textual Analysis within Sociological Research: Terminological Rather Than Methodological Difficulties? PDF


No 1 (2012) Articles All You Wanted to Know about the Field, but were Afraid to Ask PDF


No 2 (2015) Articles “White spots” of the generational analysis: Objective and subjective meaning of the age PDF


No 2 (2015) Articles Structural imbalances as a key factor of unemployment in the Russian labor market PDF


No 2 (2015) Articles Symbolic codes of the body: Clothes as an Indicator of Socio-Cultural Practices Transformations. Book Review: Vincent S. The Anatomy of Fashion: Dressing the Body from the Renaissance to Today / Trans. from English by E. Kardash. - M.: Novoe Literaturnoy Obozrenie, 2015. - 288 p PDF


Vol 16, No 2 (2016) Surveys, experiments, case studies Few words on the high level of social distrust among the Russian youth: Civil servants’ social image PDF


Vol 16, No 2 (2016) Reviews Social metaphors and the human “construction” in the scientific publicism on the body. Books review: Nudelman R. Neizvestnoe nashe telo. O poleznyh parazitah, origami iz DNK i suete vokrug gomeopatii... [Our Unknown Body. On Beneficial Parasites, DNA Origami, and the Bustle around Homeopathy...]. M.: Lomonosov, 2014. 240 s.; Knight R. Smotri, chto u tebja vnutri. Kak mikroby, zhivushhie v nashem tele, opredeljajut nashe zdorove i nashu lichnost [Follow Your Gut: The Enormous Impact of Tiny Microbes] / Per. s angl. E. Valkina. M.: Izd-vo AST: CORPUS, 2015. 160 s PDF


No 1 (2009) Articles Ranking of Higher Education Institutions: Ideology and Methodology of Development (Russian Practice) PDF


Vol 16, No 1 (2016) Reviews “Standards of death”: Transformation of interpretations and practices of dying in the contemporary society: Book Review: Protopresbyter Aleksandr Shmeman. Liturgija smerti i sovremennaja kultura [Liturgy of Death, and Modern Culture]. M.: GRANAT, 2013. 176 s.; Erickson K.A. How We Die Now: Intimacy and the Work of Dying. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 2013. 192 p PDF


Vol 16, No 3 (2016) Surveys, experiments, case studies Status” of family institution in the contemporary society, and family and marriage values of the youth PDF


Vol 16, No 3 (2016) Reviews A small book about a big problem, or a macrolook at what we eat. Book review: Shagajda N.I., Uzun V.Ja. Prodovol'stvennaja bezopasnost' v Rossii: monitoring, tendentsii i ugrozy [Food Security in Russia: Monitoring, Trends, and Threats]. M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Delo» RANHiGS, 2015. 110 s PDF


Vol 16, No 4 (2016) Surveys, experiments, case studies The youth of Russia and Serbia: Social trust and key generational problems PDF


Vol 16, No 4 (2016) Reviews Social aspects of Russian geography: A new round of the studies of the space transformations between two Russian capitals: Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Moskvu: 222 goda spustja. Kn. 1: Dva stoletija rossijskoj istorii mezhdu Moskvoj i Sankt-Peterburgom [Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow: 222 Years Later. Book 1: Two Centuries of Russian History between Moscow and Saint-Petersburg]. Moscow: Lenand, 2015; Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Moskvu: 222 goda spustja. Kn. 2: Puteshestvie iz Peterburga v Moskvu v XX veke (po itogam ekspedicii 2013 goda) [Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow: 222 Years Later. Book 2: Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow in the 20th Century (Following the Results of 2013 Expedition)]. Moscow: Lenand, 2015 PDF


Vol 18, No 2 (2018) Surveys, experiments, case studies The social well-being of the post-socialist countries’ youth (on the example of Russia, Kazakhstan and Czech Republic): Comparative analysis of fears and hopes (Part 2) PDF


Vol 18, No 2 (2018) Reviews Conceptual and empirical findings and gaps of the history of emotions. Review of the book: Plamper J. Istorija emotsij [The History of Emotions]. Per. s angl. K. Levinsona. Moscow: Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie; 2018. 568 p PDF




Vol 19, No 3 (2019) Reviews and Essays Human dignity and ways to lose it, or A few recipes for happiness PDF


Vol 19, No 4 (2019) Reviews and Essays Happiness and heroism, personal and collective as main elements of the ‘bright future’ in the Soviet (non)utopia PDF


Vol 20, No 3 (2020) Reviews Justice as a criterion for assessing the ‘quality’ of urban space (and the happiness of its residents) PDF


Vol 21, No 2 (2021) Sociological lectures Complex concepts with varying connotations: In search for conceptual definitions PDF


Vol 21, No 3 (2021) Reviews How sociology of emotions is possible, and how it helps to understand happiness and justice PDF


Vol 21, No 4 (2021) Reviews Everyday people’s patriotism in Russia: Possibilities and limitations of sociological study and typologization PDF


Vol 22, No 2 (2022) Reviews Unfair justice, or how social activism destroys the ideas of equality and ‘good society’ PDF


Vol 22, No 4 (2022) Theory, Methodology and History of Sociological Research ‘Core’ and ‘periphery’ of the concepts ‘happiness’ and ‘justice’: Unfinished sentences technique as a means of validation PDF


Vol 23, No 2 (2023) Sociological lectures Rural human capital in the conceptual optics: Continuum and/or post-ism? PDF


Vol 23, No 3 (2023) Theory, Methodology and History of Sociological Research Two and a half undeservedly forgotten conceptual foundations of rural sociology PDF


Vol 23, No 3 (2023) Contemporary society: the urgent issues and prospects for development Russians’ ideas of heroes and heroism: Stable and changing components (based on the public opinion polls) PDF




Vol 23, No 3 (2023) Reviews On the benefits of mythologies for sociological imagination PDF


Vol 24, No 1 (2024) SECTION «SOCIOLOGICAL SCIENCES» OF THE 6TH PROFESSORIAL FORUM (RUDN UNIVERSITY, NOVEMBER 16, 2023) The new Federal State Educational Standard and sociological imagination: A few words about poor sociological (and not demoscopic) education PDF


Vol 24, No 1 (2024) Sociological lectures Some (relatively) new conceptual ‘frames’ supplementing the study of human capital in rural sociology PDF


Vol 24, No 2 (2024) Sociological lectures Tattoo as an object of sociological interest: Some functional features in the contemporary society PDF




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