No 4 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 13
- URL:
Personality in culture, culture in personality
Personality is a dialectical interconnection between the social and the individual realized via activity, socializing, responsibility towards others, communication. The sense of self-actualization of the personality takes shape in the framework of the given process manifesting itself in various cultural phenomena, especially in art which is to the most extent personalized.

Dramatization and attraction: new identification tools
The article provides the analysis of identification mechanisms and its presentation patterns in the contemporary megapolis, the reasons for identification challenges emerging in the contemporary multicultural world where the contemporary urban community offers the opportunity for identity transformation, so that the citizens of metropolis are faced with the challenge of finding new identification tools. The notions of «dramatization» and «social attraction» offered in the article for the identity problem analysis in the context of diverse style and taste options of the contemporary urban community serve to form an estimate of the behaviour of an individual who keeps deciding on his own behavioral pattern.

Interview as a tool to obtain information in qualitative research strategy
The axis of the publication is the endeavor involving the description of one of three universal methods of sociological data collection, i.e. the interview. The interview method is viewed in the context of the change in the extent to which the interview procedure is formalized. Other underlying principles of the classification of diverse practices of sociological interview are provided in this very item. Special attention is given to the roles of interviewer and respondent in the course of the interview.

Value system of students in Russia and China: the regional dimension (exemplified by Guangzhou and Maikop, Republic of Adygeya)
The article helms the reader to the results of the second stage of the joint Russian-Chinese research project devoted to the comparative analysis of the value system of students in both countries. The comparative analysis of the representative questionnaire survey of Beijing and Moscow students prompted the authors to address the problems of regional differences at home. As a result the researchers turned their attention to value priorities of students of metropolitan and regional institutions of higher education. In Russia the survey was conducted in Maikop (the capital of Adygeya). It has been demonstrated that although value systems of young people in both cities bear enough similarities in their structure and appropriate dominants on the whole, one can observe significant and pronounced differences determined by socio-cultural features of the region as well as by institutional limitations on youth opportunities.

Value system of Chinese youth: the comparative analysis of metropolitan and regional students' priorities

Social innovation: the specific nature of the sociological analysis of the category
The problem of social innovation has gained in pivotal importance in contemporary Russian science in the context of indispensability of the country's transformation which would provide an opportunity of its transition to the innovative stage of development tailored to the evolving needs of time. The article examines the specific nature of the sociological approach to social innovation analysis as well as its advantages over economic analysis.

Regional identity in the discourse of regional development sociology
The concept of regional identity underlies the new emerging field of science - sociology of regional development. The well-developed regional (local) identity is associated with the specific perception of territory (location area) of the community members which requires their everyday support. The peculiarity of the author's theoretical model manifests itself in the interpretation of regional identity and the associated concepts of rationality, action, values (culture), institutions and social norms identified at the level of the acting subjects and localizable in the definite regional space (regional context). The author's theoretical model is verified by the actual empirical study. The main result of the survey conducted by the author is the verification of the regional identity concept which provides an opportunity to reveal social effects attributed to power holders' identification with value preferences of regional communities and the individuals involved.

Problems and trends in spread of drug addiction among young people
The article examines the underlying factors and developmental trends of drug addiction among young people. The classification of drug users is offered and the statistics of changes in addictive behaviour in Russia in recent years is provided in the paper.

Research of inequality in education in contemporary Russian sociology
The axis of the publication is the survey of the major approaches applied to the analysis of the issues pertaining to inequality in educational opportunities in contemporary Russian sociology. The author highlights three lines of research of inequality in the given sphere and provides a detailed description of each of them.

Educational levels of women in France and Kazakhstan: attempts at the comparative analysis
The article examines the urgent issues of the comparative analysis of women's educational levels in France and Kazakhstan. The factors influencing the professional and educational paths of women in both countries are analyzed in terms of sociological research data. In addition, considerable attention is given to the controversial issues which are likely to provoke a discussion.


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