
Challenges of ‘modern evil’ for the sustainable development: A request for cooperation of scientific and theological knowledge
Kravchenko S.A.
Gaming as a potential source of conflict with real life: The youth’s assessments
Mamedov A.K., Denissova G.V., Smirnova O.V., Sapunova O.V.
Student youth: Psycho-emotional and social self-portrait (based on the results of focus groups)
Barash R.E., Tyurina I.O.
Russian students on the potential and limitations of artificial intelligence in education
Aleshkovski I.A., Gasparishvili A.T., Narbut N.P., Krukhmaleva O.V., Savina N.E.
Nonlinear effects of ‘normal traumas’ on human capital
Kravchenko S.A.
Antinomies of digitalization and visualization in the contemporary mass culture
Nimensky A.V., Gerasimov A.D.
Digital human rights: International-legal and social dimensions
Kartashkin V.A.
Russian university bureaucracy - terra incognita for sociology of education
Babintsev V.P., Gaidukova G.N., Shapoval Z.A.
Estimates of the land reform of the 1990s thirty years later
Vinogradskaya O.Y.
Possibilities of solving social problems of African countries by means of public-private partnership
Pashkova E.V., Morozenskaya E.V., Tambo T.H., Kalinichenko L.N.
TV versus Internet: How media consumption affects the approval of the authorities
Ushkin S.G.
Perspectives of the Russian information society: Digital divide levels
Dobrinskaya D.E., Martynenko T.S.
VII international scientific conference “Digitalization of society and the future of Christianity. On the transformation of the value-regulatory system of society”
Ryazantsev I.P., Plyusnin R.M., Kargin E.A.
The social dimension of modern media space and its content
Mouzykant V.L., Mouzykant P.V.
New transmission mechanism for the sustainable and humanistic development of human capital: Demand for the ‘rigidity turn’
Kravchenko S.A.
Data in the digital world: New opportunities or additional risks?
Vershinina I.A., Liadova A.V.
Forced shift to distance learning as an impetus to technological changes in the Russian higher education
Narbut N.P., Aleshkovski I.A., Gasparishvili A.T., Krukhmaleva O.V.
Media consumption of different cohorts: TV and Internet
Nazarov M.M., Ivanov V.N., Kublitskaya E.A.
Sociology on the move: The demand for the humanistic digital turn
Kravchenko S.A.
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