No 1 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 13
- URL:
From “religiosity” to “spirituality”: the European context
Recently the quite not sociological term ‘spirituality’ has become widespread in the Western sociology of religion and is often contrasted with the term ‘religiosity’ as a description of religious consciousness. Many authors write not only about traditional church religiosity, but also about ‘fuzzy fidelity’, ‘spirituality’, ‘spiritual revolution’ as a stable trend for many European countries and beyond. The article focuses on the question how the changes of religion are considered by European scientists, how they interpret the term ‘spirituality’ — is it a ‘megatrend’, a ‘methodological artifact’, a commodity of ‘spiritual supermarket’ or a part of an overall commodification process — and what are the difficulties of its study.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):5-25

Chalmers Johnson’s theory of revolution
The author proposes a reconstruction of Chalmers Johnson’s processual theory of revolution based on the conception of an unbalanced value-coordinated system. In addition to the structural level Ch. Johnson analyzes revolution on the levels of the rational political choice and revolution strategies and tactics, claiming randomness of the revolutionary process.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):26-40

‘Life circle’ of anthropology: from positivist ambitions to the recognition of multiparadigmality
The article offers a brief historical overview of anthropology as a discipline consisting of several logically independent research traditions, and the evolutionary ethnology seems to be the first one chronologically. The author considers the competition of cultural and social anthropologies as based on opposite ‘metaphysical assumptions’ noting that despite different attitudes to sociology both have had a significant impact on sociological knowledge. Further, the article describes the formation of structural anthropology and ethnomethodology in the second half of the twentieth century as rejecting positivist scientific criteria previously accepted by Western scientists. The historical overview ends with the consideration of cultural and social anthropologies’ integration and the analysis of the multiparadigmality of modern anthropology.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):41-57

Reflexive criteria of sociological research
The article is devoted to the sociological criteria of explaining the way of thinking and actions of subjects, their spiritual and moral positions and intellectual forces that form the laws of social life. The author seeks to adapt such categories as ‘meaning of life’, ‘human dignity’, ‘rationality’ etc. for the purposes of sociological analysis by methodological construction of some real life dichotomies such as ‘subjective meaning and social function’, ‘the real and the ideal’, ‘the demanded and the excluded’. Thus, the author studies economic, political and technical processes in terms of both positivity and negativity of social interaction and states that given the increasing differentiation of the society and the contradictory trends of social development the reflexive criteria that take into account the socio-cultural nature of the man help to find one’s own model of development.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):58-68

Universities as basic elements for the development of educational, scientific and social systems in the historical context
The article describes the features of formation and the main periods of historical development of universities as a special type of organization within the higher education system. The author identifies the key models of universities and shows that they have never been autonomous for, on the one hand, they historically developed depending on three institutes — the church, the temporal power and the market, and, on the other hand, the universities were a fundamental element of educational, scientific and social systems.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):69-82

The competence-based approach in educational and management practices: models of competencies
The article considers the peculiarities of the Russian way to implement the competence-based approach in the higher professional education system. Such an approach is supposed to improve interaction of the higher professional education and the labor market, increase the competitiveness of specialists and lead to the inevitable update of the content, methodology and environment of learning. The authors identify basic methods of definition and application of competencies and competency models in educational and business practices.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):83-90

Scientific schools in the strategy of higher professional education development
The article is based on the data of the research “Development of methodology for the modernization of higher technical education in the perspective of the development of scientific schools” conducted by the Philosophy Chair of Moscow State Technological University «STANKIN». The authors gathered considerable empirical data and analyze the on-going process of the scientific schools’ institutionalization within Russian universities and their role in formation of innovative strategies for the development of higher professional education.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):91-99

Resources of modernization of the local social infrastructure in the Russian Federation
Social infrastructure is the foundation for the development of municipality meeting basic needs and interests of population, creating conditions for its subsistence and reproduction. Thus, the study of the conditions and factors of modernization of social infrastructure and the basic problems of its development in contemporary Russia acquires particular relevance. The author evaluates the development of social infrastructure on the basis of the expert survey results (officials and elected representatives of local self-government of the Russian Federation were interviewed) and suggests some ways to support the local authorities in order to modernize the social infrastructure of municipalities.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):100-113

The social dimension of modern media space and its content
The article describes the nature of the relationships between subjects of the modern media space as a part of an open social system. The authors analyze the consequences of growth of media consumption, the Internet influence on the behavior of Russians and methods to measure the emerging media space and social networks.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):114-123

Social portrait of wage earners (based on research data)
The article describes the main characteristics of the basic social-structural institute of the contemporary Russian society — communities of employees, which include representatives of different social groups: workers, agricultural workers, specialists and managers. The authors analyze their role positions in various spheres of life using data of a number of sociological surveys and the Federal State Statistics Service.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):124-137

Specific features of the Belarusian Podlasie identity
The article analyzes characteristics of the Belarusian identity formed in the Podlasie voivodship in Poland. The article is based on the statistical data and the results of sociological studies including international surveys. The authors identify the basis of reproduction and main markers of Belarusian Podlasian identity, its differences from dominant forms of the Belarusian national identity.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):138-148

Student youth expectations and concerns: sociological evaluation in the cross-cultural context
The authors accept the necessity and validity of the outlined in the article and generally accepted methodological decisions in the analysis of the youth situation in the labor market and the process of professional development of young people as determined by a set of objective and subjective factors. However, they believe it is important to supplement such data by evaluation of the expectations and concerns of students in the professional sphere for many problems in the labor market are brought about by the mismatch of realities and expectations of young professionals and their concerns regarding employment and career. Before considering such expectations and concerns, the authors developed a questionnaire to assess the general level of anxiety of the youth so that to interpret correctly the future survey data focused on professional hopes and fears. The article presents the results of the comparative analysis of anxiety levels among Russian and Chinese students obtained in the surveys of the relevant samples in Moscow and Beijing. In particular, the authors registered a higher level of anxiety and at the same time of optimism and fatalism among Chinese youth, but such an ambivalence is quite ‘normal’ and is typical for Russian students as well although on other grounds.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):149-167

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(1):168-169