
Ways to solve the main problems of social protection of the low-income youth (on the example of the Penza Region)
Kosharnaya G.B., Karimova L.F.
Ideological foundations of the image of the future among the contemporary student youth
Velikaya N.M., Irsetskaya E.A.
Students’ empathy in the context of extremist risks
Tupikova V.A., Gudkova Y.A., Ovchinnikov-Lysenko E.G.
Starting positions of university applicants and features of their further education: A sociological analysis
Aleshkovski I.A., Gasparishvili A.T., Krukhmaleva O.V., Narbut N.P., Savina N.E.
Diagnostics of the students’ level of conformity (results of the methodological experiment)
Puzanova Z.V., Larina T.I., Gudkova Y.A.
Regional youth in a nonlinear global-local society: New forms of social tension
Golenkova Z.T., Khagurov T.A.
Moral exclusion in the context of social desirability
Puzanova Z.V., Tertyshnikova A.G.
The NEET youth: European context and Russian realities
Bulanova M.B., Artamonova E.A.
Features of the perception and construction of sacred images by the generation Z (on the example of the technical university in the Republic of Bashkortostan)
Enikeeva I.I.
Student youth: Psycho-emotional and social self-portrait (based on the results of focus groups)
Barash R.E., Tyurina I.O.
Eventful growing up of children with different levels of health: A sociological analysis
Mayorova-Shcheglova S.N., Besschetnova O.V., Gubanova A.Y.
‘Adult’ youth in the contemporary social space of Russia
Belyaeva L.A.
The state in search of intellectual resources: The image of scientist in the perception of Russians
Lavrov I.A., Kryshtanovskaya O.V., Samokhina M.V.
The socialcultural context of the formation and implementation of the sociological education models in Russia
Bulanova M.B.
Russia’s youth non-commercial organizations: Identity politics and the collective “I”
Gabdrahmanova G.F., Galiullin R.D.
Network youth communities in the social-cultural space of the northern region: methodological and empirical aspects of the study
Chizhova L.A., Tutygin A.G., Stirmanova R.S.
Student youth expectations and concerns: sociological evaluation in the cross-cultural context
Narbut N.P., Trotsuk I.V., Ji Jinfeng -.
Moscow students: Changes in value orientations
Ilyinsky I.M., Lukov V.A.
Social well-being and information behavior of the youth in the Republic of Khakassia
Shigolakova T.B.
The dynamics of the value orientations of the Kuban youth
Khagurov T.A., Ostapenko A.A.
0 - 0 of 81 Items > >> 

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