
Gaming as a potential source of conflict with real life: The youth’s assessments
Mamedov A.K., Denissova G.V., Smirnova O.V., Sapunova O.V.
The role of the university educational environment in forming family values: Russian students’ assessments
Strelets I.E., Mukhortov D.S., Markova Y.S.
Social functions of mentors for graduates of orphanages (on the example of Novosibirsk)
Popov E.A.
‘Adult’ youth in the contemporary social space of Russia
Belyaeva L.A.
Legal socialization of the youth under the crisis conditions of the contemporary Russian society
Samygin P.S., Popov M.Y., Samygin S.I.
Pop-culture as a factor of Socialization: the Opportunities for Empirical Analysis
Trotsuk I.V., Karpova A.M.
Influence of spiritual and moral values of young people on the formation of the civic culture of the Russian society
Tkacheva N.A., Belonozhko L.N.
Theory of Systems and Social-Political Realities of Modern Russia
Annikova V.A., Skorobogatova A.V.
The challenges and factors of political socialization of the contemporary youth
Belgarokova N.М.
Interconnection of socio-cultural adaptation and identity in the socialization process
Rakhmanova L.Y.
Young People in Russia's Transitive Society in 1990-2000
Kubjakin E.O.
Adaptation of Students to University Milieu: A Social-Phenomenological Analysis
Bronzino L.Y., Volchina A.E.
Metamorphization of society: The factor of ‘side effects’ and globalization of nothing
Kravchenko S.A.
Childhood as a social construct
Podvoyskiy D.G., Naumova N.P.
The impact of spiritual and moral values of the youth on the Russian society civil culture
Tkacheva N.A., Belonozhko L.N.
Personal socialization: the problem of violence
Marković D., Dimitriević S.
0 - 0 of 16 Items

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