
Non-verbal signs of personality: Communicative meanings of facial expressions
Sharkov F.I., Silkin V.V., Kireeva O.F.
Student youth: Psycho-emotional and social self-portrait (based on the results of focus groups)
Barash R.E., Tyurina I.O.
Sociological interpretation and an attempt at interdisciplinary study of artificial sociality and artificial intelligence
Menshikov V., Komarova V., Bolakova I., Ruza A., Ruza O.
Antinomies of digitalization and visualization in the contemporary mass culture
Nimensky A.V., Gerasimov A.D.
Gaming as a potential source of conflict with real life: The youth’s assessments
Mamedov A.K., Denissova G.V., Smirnova O.V., Sapunova O.V.
Religious diversity and new religious movements in the contemporary society
Danilov A.N.
Social Aspects of Internet Communication: Virtual Community and Communication Personality
Maximova O.B.
Online communities in the study of political communication
Platonov K.A., Legostaeva N.I.
Comparative analysis of verbal and non-verbal methods to obtain managerial information
Lobanova E.N.
Actualization of the intercultural dialogue in the Internet
Lipatova M.E., Bogatyreva A.A.
Social bots in political communication
Vasilkova V.V., Legostaeva N.I.
Autopoiesis of the techno-social systems as a factor of social risks proliferation
Orlov D.E., Orlova N.A.
Uzbeks in Russia: Practices of adaptation in a foreign language environment
Pozdeev I.L., Arzamazov A.A.
On the demarcation of mythological messages in the communicative space of contemporary culture: An interdisciplinary approach
Strelnik O.N.
Davydov V.N., Arshinova A.I., Sofoklis S.
The Language of Consumer Society: Communicative Role of Thing
Kurilova A.S., Tikhaze D.K.
Sociological analysis of television’s functions and impact
Temnova L.V., Solntseva S.A.
Longitude studies of the patriotic mood of school youth in polyethnic regions (results of sociological surveys)
Ruban L.S.
High Personal Activity and its Sociological MeasurementReview of the book:Muzykant V.L. Psychology and Sociologyin Advertising. M.: RIOR-INFRA-M, 2012. 217 p.
Lapshin I.B.
Growing up as a part of teenage communities: Current trends and risks
Azashikov G.H., Khagurova N.E.
0 - 0 of 33 Items > >> 

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