No 2 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 18
- URL:
Vilen Nikolaevich Ivanov Anniversary
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):5-6

Congratulations from the colleagues
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):7-14

Sociological ‘attack’
На основе многочисленных документальных источников (материалов конференций, совещаний, симпозиумов) рассматривается четырехлетний (1984-1987), во многом переломный, период деятельности Института социологических исследований АН СССР по развитию и пропаганде социологической науки в стране. Обращается внимание на начавшееся в то время проведение масштабных социологических исследований, «выход» социологов в средства массовой информации (радио, телевидение), показана роль государственных и партийных органов в этом процессе.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):15-31

The monastery as a pattern for the management of time: a contribution to the historical sociology of modernization processes
The article examines the role of monasteries in the development of civilization, especially at the onset of modernization. Particular attention is focused on the development of scheduling and time management, in which they played an important part, and contributed to the promotion of a rationalization that has found application in various areas of modern society (production, military, education, medicine, etc.) Life in monasteries became an inspiration not only for practice but also for many utopian projects of social reform.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):32-42

Childhood as a social construct
The article considers the period of childhood as a social construct and focuses on the duration of this life’s phase, the historical changes of children’s social position and the childhood symbolic image in the culture following the development of educational institutions and styles. The authors analyze the theories of such recognized authors in the field of social and cultural genealogy of childhood as Philippe Ariès and Lloyd de Mause.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):43-60

Sociology of Nazism: the basic approaches of the historiography
The article considers the key findings and achievements of the foreign historiography in the study of the social base of Nazism and the sociology of German Nazism at the beginning of the 1930s. The social composition of NSDAP, the party structures and voters are the main topics of the research. The emphasis is made on the national socialists’ support by the middle class and the working class as well as on the lines of scientific discussion on this topic.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):61-72

Hundred rubles or hundred friends? (The causes of network and market corruption)
The author distinguishes two forms of corruption - market corruption and network corruption. The market corruption is the use of public office for personal gain, when every firm or individual who pays a bribe receives public services. The network corruption is the use of public office for personal gain, when only those firms or individuals who are in kinship, friendship or business relationships with public officials receive public services. The author believes that network and market corruption may have different causes and consequences, that is why they should be treated separately. Using Life in Transition Survey II from EBRD (2010) the aggregated level of the market corruption, network corruption and the mixed form of corruption was measured. The results showed that the market corruption and the mixed form are strongly positively correlated and are very sensitive to worsening of socio-economic conditions. The pure network corruption correlates negatively with two other forms and is more inert and stable. The pure network corruption is not associated with worsening of socio-economic conditions and is rather a reaction to the strict anticorruption measures in the poor institutional environment.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):73-89

Russian students’ life plans: expectations and concerns in the professional field
This article is a logical second part of the sociological evaluation of the students’ value orientations and fears the first results of which were published in 2013 (1). Within the framework of an empirical research in the form of a survey on a sample of students at the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, we suggested a format for operationalization of value issues in the professional field by ‘measuring’ the student youth expectations and concerns. The results of the survey showed, in particular, that the students’ worldview seamlessly combines quite diverse considerations: prestige-image orientation and substantive arguments while choosing a specialty and educational institution; pragmatic and idealistic assessments of their own skills; adequate perception of the situation on the labor market and commitment to the ideals of personal achievements in the spirit of the ‘American Dream’; focus on learning, understanding the need of experience and confidence that even without any professional experience they can easily and quickly find a job; fears of a professional failure, loneliness and poverty and the belief that their personal qualities do guarantee them from becoming losers.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):90-107

The use of the psychosemantic method of multiple identifications in the study of ethnic representations (the results of the survey in PFUR)
The article describes the peculiarities of the development and use of multiple identifications method and the results of an empirical study of the images of ethnic groups. The author considers the problem of reconstructing the semantic space, describes the instruments of the research based on the psychosemantic method of multiple identifications, analyzes the positions of different ethnic images in the subjective semantic space of PFUR students, identifies the possibilities and limitations of the method in sociological surveys.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):108-127

Behavior attitudes of the residents of Tyumen in the field of interethnic relations
The article analyzes the behavior attitudes of the residents of the Tyumen region identified through the monitoring studies conducted from 2001 to 2013 and based on the indicators developed by the author. The author’s hypothesis that the Tyumen region is a relatively calm and peaceful area in terms of interethnic relations was confirmed. Some indicators were examined through the socio-demographic characteristics (gender, age, etc.). The results of the studies conducted by other Russian sociologists are also considered in the article.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):128-135

The value system of nowadays Kazakhstani youth
The article analyzes the data of an empirical study of the value orientations of Kazakhstani youth. The author believes that the problem of studying the youth value orientations has two interrelated aspects: first, through such surveys, we identify the whole society dominant values; second, we reveal features of the value orientations of the young people as a specific socio-demographic group. The article analyzes the empirical results of the project conducted by the National Research Center ‘Youth’ of the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov and devoted to the problems of social and cultural adaptation of youth in the cities of Kazakhstan. The project focused on such questions as the system of youth values, their susceptibility to re-evaluation, differences in the youth outlook priorities in gender and age groups. The results of the research show that, on the one hand, boys and girls adhere to the individual achievements strategies characterized by self-reliance, activity and orientation on the career; on the other hand, there is a clear prevalence of the values related to the closest social circle.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):136-145

Peculiarities of the organizational behavior of Russian doctors
The article considers the peculiarities of the organizational behavior of Russian doctors and conditions of its formation determined by the development of the national health care system in the Russian and Soviet periods. The authors analyze the changes in the national health care system since the Semashko model that was created in the first years of Soviet power and evolved in the post-war period into a multi-level system of medical care with clearly differentiated structure of services and later into the Soviet model focusing on specialized outpatient care and large staff of narrowly focused specialists; from the first private medical clinics in the late 1980s to the decline of the sphere in the 1990s and the reforms of the beginning of the XXI century. All stages of the national health care system evolution are the determinants of the Russian doctors’ organizational behavior changes, the crisis of professional ethics, the transformations of the professional consciousness from the ideas of service and medical care to the principle of providing medical services. The authors also consider some implications of the national project ‘Health’ in the contemporary Russia.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):146-160

The use of emotional intelligence models in the assessment of management practices
In the face of constant changes and instability, every organization feels an increasing demand to develop personal qualities of the staff for the effective functioning. As a result of the formation of intangible assets management, we have obtained methods for managing emotions as a part of the intellectual capital. The article discusses the basic models and techniques for measuring emotional intelligence of the head of a company, in particular, J. Mayer, D. Caruso and P. Salovey model of abilities (test MSCEIT V2.0) and mixed model (D. Lusin EmIn test and R. Bar-On EQ-i test), their advantages, limitations and heuristic value when applied to the study of organizations.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):161-173

Sociology of sports and sociology of management in the context of humanistic social changes
In the multifaceted diversity of the contemporary society, since the 1960s the terms ‘sport’ and ‘management’ have become increasingly used. However, these phenomena have not been studied and conceptualized in the terms of the civilizational changes that took place. The article considers the use of the ideas accumulated in the specific branches of sociology and related to the construction and development of sports groups and other questions in order to ensure a humanistic orientation of the social changes in the context of the development of a new civilization of ‘knowledge and progress’.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):174-180

Legal culture: characteristics and specifics (on the example of contemporary Kazakhstan)
The article considers the legal culture as an ‘ideal phenomenon’ providing value meanings for the outlook of the Kazakhs and the basis for the development of the population legal consciousness. The author focuses on the national significance of the legal, civil society and the development of new legal social ideals, norms and rules, examines key problems and contradictions in the legal culture of today’s Kazakhstan.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):181-189

The role of the sociological communities of Russia and Kazakhstan in the integration and cooperation of two states
The article analyzes various practices of cooperation between Russian and Kazakhstani sociologists, identifies its most significant stages on the macro-level, i.e. the institutional level. The author also characterizes the national sociological association of Kazakhstan (ASK), specifies its contacts with major Russian sociological associations. The author underlines that the sociologies and sociological communities of two largest CIS countries - Russia and Kazakhstan - study the fundamental problems of integration processes and develop new approaches and projects of cooperation.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):190-197

Management of organizational changes (the case of the electric power industry reorganization)
The article shows the potential of the system-process approach to the management of organizational changes in a modern enterprise on the example of the electric power industry. The author believes that the proposed model of organizational changes management allows to develop and effectively implement the problem-target mechanism for managing organizational changes focused on more comprehensive and sustainable achievement of goals of an enterprise activities’ optimization in the new economic conditions.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):198-207

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2014;(2):208-209