No 3 (2013)
- Year: 2013
- Articles: 16
- URL:
The “Strong” and “Weak” Social Science: A Look through the Prism of Russian Realities
The article proposes to introduce and apply the concepts of “strong” and “weak” science, which in their research focus on the cognitive practices of social sciences. A “strong” social science (in a region or in the world) is a science whose representatives hold the leading position in the process of producing social knowledge as a whole. A “weak” social science is a science whose representatives occupy the position of outsiders in the production of social knowledge. The transformation of Russian social science from “weak” to “strong” requires the following prerequisites: leaning on the “inner” reserves; state support; development of freedom and democracy, as well as active national non-government foundations; and development of inter-disciplinary and poly-disciplinary research.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):5-13

Theoretical Conceptions and Methodological Specificity of the Study of the Social Identity Phenomenon
Different theoretical and conceptual approaches to the study of the social identity phenomenon are analyzed in this article. Despite the thorough theoretical development of this matter, there are serious methodological difficulties in the empirical study of social identity. The authors substantiate the expediency and possibility of applying the «Who am I?» test. On the basis of examining the social identity of Chinese and Russian students it is proved that the «Who am I?» method has a vast cognitive potential.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):14-24

Dominant Ideas in the Outlook of the Youth: Possibilities of Empirical Fixation through the Prism of Fears, Hopes and Apprehensions
Despite the fact that various aspects of value orientations of today’s young people are widely covered in modern scientific and popular literature, it is hard to find research papers where dominant ideas in the outlook of the young generations would be considered through the prism of sociologically (and not psychologically) adequately interpreted fears. In sociology the problem of fear is most often viewed in the context of studying the so called “catastrophe consciousness” — the assessment of fears and apprehensions is done on the basis of wide representative examinations without focusing on the group of the youth specific in its ideological structure. The article presents basic outlines of sociological “measurement” of young people’s fears, hopes and apprehensions not in a comparative generation context, not only in the sphere of employment, not as an exclusively psychological condition, but from the point of view of a detailed characteristic of the general social well-being of this group.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):25-39

Modern Studies of Career as a Social Phenomenon: Theoretical and Methodological Problems and Ways to Overcome Them
The article offers a critical analysis of the situation in the modern international social science in the field of studying the career as a social phenomenon. The main areas of research are outlined and their advantages and limitations are defined. Special attention is given to the consideration of theoretical and methodological limitations in career studies in the context of social stratification and social mobility; suggestions as to the ways to overcome these problems are made.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):40-50

Collisions of Legal Consciousness in the Minds of Russian Students: A Critical Breach between the Moral and the Legal
The legal consciousness of a contemporary Russian is characterized by contradictions, which, as the article argues, are of a fundamental-critical nature, being a manifestation of the crisis in contemporary (not only Russian) society, connected with the formation of the indefinite society. The article presents the results of the methodological experiment which confirmed the thesis of a breach between the moral and legal aspects in the legal consciousness of Russian students.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):51-65

Prosumption as a Political Practice in a “Producer-Consumer Environment”
In this paper prosumption is characterized as a political practice in “producer-consumer” communities. Digital political prosumption is the result of the dissemination of Web 2.0., new social media, and 3.0. marketing. Political prosumption can develop in such forms as: the production of media political content (public journalism, political blogging, open news), citizens’ participation in ‘occupy’ movements and pirate parties. The principles of digital prosumption in politics are as follows: openness for public participation, assessment by communities, heterarchy, ad-hoc-meritocracy, common property, and personal service of community members. The appearing new forms of citizen participation are considered to be a transition to a democratic net society structure based on prosumption.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):66-79

Theory of Systems and Social-Political Realities of Modern Russia
The article examines the process of forming the theory of systems as a scientific paradigm of social-humanitarian cognition. Focusing their attention on the interpretations of the structural composition of a political system, the authors analyze the relations between the state and the citizens of modern Russia, the actually effective mechanisms of interaction between the authorities and public associations.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):80-88

The Modern Monetary System and Gold
The article considers the nature of modern money, analyzes the mechanism of its creation, showing that it is basically generated by credit and the principle of partial bank reserve. The article draws comparative parallels between trade money based on gold and contemporary, credit money; the author quotes leading bankers and finance experts on the need for partial return to the principles of functioning of the gold standard as the most effective institute of regulating the monetary system in society.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):89-102

Practical Aspects of Research Monitoring: Methodological and Functional Solutions
The article describes the experience of designing, testing and implementing the National system of monitoring the quality of meteorological services in Russia. Within the framework of this project a large-scale research program was carried out aimed to develop the conception, methodology, research tools and design of customer assessment of the Roshydromet services.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):103-118

Presentation of the Subject of State Power as an Element of Developing Managerial Discourse
The article considers some issues connected with the formation and development of managerial discourse at the present stage. The material used by the author was the RF President’s Address to the RF Federal Assembly in 2012 in comparison with the CPSU CC Political report to the XXVII party congress. Discourse, as a unit of communication, has content and the form in which it is expressed. This is why the author analyzes both the information component, and the means of objectification of different types of information, as well as those pragmatic tasks which can be solved with the help a concrete choice from the possibilities and variants offered by the language.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):119-127

Patriotism as a Value: Components of Sociological Analysis (Comparative Characteristics of Russia and Serbia)
The article presents basic conceptual and empirical interpretations of the notion “patriotism”, used in sociological research on various subjects. On the one hand, the authors point out the complexity of this notion used by various disciplines, which becomes even more complex due to its obvious ideological connotation. The latter shifted its content and functional accents in the post-soviet period, but never lost its weight, which actually stands in the way of reaching a compromise by researchers in their theoretical interpretations of patriotism. On the other hand, the article demonstrates the “diagnostic” significance of empirical “readings” of the patriotic moods among the youth: it presents empirical indicators of assessing patriotism as a social goal, basic research approaches to the study of patriotism are systematized, and a comparative analysis of patriotic moods among students in Russia and Serbia is carried out.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):128-147

Self-Realization of the Youth in Rural Regions: Features, State and Prospects
The article presents the results of a sociological research of modern rural youth in the Krasnodar region on the basis of in-depth interviews. The author analyzes the peculiarities of self-realization of young villagers under the conditions of socio-economic stagnation in rural areas. In particular, attention is focused on young people’s start-up opportunities in employment, on their migration purposes, and employment prospects in the village.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):148-156

Career Trajectories of Municipal Servants: Two Types of Professional Mobility (Case Study in Novgorod Region)
The case study of a district in the Novgorod region shows some scenarios of recruiting new employees in the district and town municipalities, their work motivation and the most plausible career trajectories. The author argues that on the municipal level (district or its administrative center) there are parallel career ladders for the top-ranked municipal clerks and for the rest of the municipal staff: the career trajectory of the high-ranked clerks can be described as a step-by-step trajectory, while the one of the lower-ranked employees — as a shuttle trajectory. There is an almost insurmountable border line between these two levels of municipal hierarchy, an obstacle for implementing the classical Weberian characteristics of “proper” bureaucracy: meritocratic recruitment and workers’ promotion and predictable long-term career ladders.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):157-169

The Role of Feasts and Holidays in the Cultural Space of Russian-Speaking Emigrants (Evidence from Germany)
On the basis of a qualitative sociological case study, the article compares the ritual organization and perception of religious, family and state holidays. At this stage, the traditional ritual regulation cultivates, rather, a division of Russian-speaking emigrant groups. One can also observe certain differences in the awareness of the general symbolic experience and in the perception of their socio-cultural identity among the representatives of different migration ‘waves’.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):170-181

Sociological Data Archives: History and Prospects
The article examines the history of establishment, principles of organization, areas of activities and missions of the basic national and international archives of sociological research data in Russia, the USA and some European countries.
RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):182-190

RUDN Journal of Sociology. 2013;(3):191-192