No 1 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 14
- URL:
Theoretical and Empirical Studies of the Professional Career: Integration Prospects on the Basis P. Bourdieu's Theory
The article discusses the main current approaches to the interpretation of the term professional career, as well as the established lines of empirical study of the factors of career development. The author points out to the insufficient co-ordination between the efforts of theoretical conceptualization of career-related issues and the empirical studies of this subject. The author analyzes the most promising directions for further career research in terms of Bourdieu's theory of social space. Primarily, the author focuses on elaborating the concepts of career field and career capital related to it.

Visual Studies: Basic Methods of Research
The article presents a brief overview of the basic research methods within the framework of visual studies. The methods of research are considered in terms of their ideological origins, the level of analysis and the researcher's focal point.

The Policy of Expanding the Country's Communication Sphere as a Brand in the Discourse on Russia's Social and Economic Development
The author of the article speaks about the impact of the investment rating on the image of the country and about the peculiarities of forming Russia's brand, comprising some stable non-material assets. The term 'Hallo-effect' is introduced as a positioning instrument used to strengthen the country's image affecting the situation in business and politics. The author also analyzes the problems, resulting from this, in the instruments of sociological measurement proper and the problems of social after-effects of these studies.

The Implementation of the Competencies-Based Approach in Training Personnel for Public and Business Administration (PA&BA)
The article presents the second part of the research, following the first publication in [5]. On the basis of the authors' own experience, they describe and analyze the specific features and problems of the competence-oriented method used in training personnel for public administration.

Young People in Russia's Transitive Society in 1990-2000
The article analyzes how the youth, as a specific social-demographic group, are affected by the processes moulding a transitive society in Russia. The author considers the specific nature of socialization and social development of young people in today's conditions in Russia, concluding that these processes have some dysfunctional features, which create the social basis for extremism among the youth.

The Czechs and Their History: A Contribution to the Study of Historical Consciousness
This article aims to provide the first complete overview of the nature and content of the historical consciousness of the Czech population on the basis of sociological methods. Historical consciousness is understood not only as a body of knowledge, impressions, and images of the past, but, above all, as an awareness of certain connections between the past (stored in collective memory), present and future; as a consciousness which has contributed to people's attitudes to the present and the future. The issue of historical consciousness is examines with the tools provided by sociological methods, in particular, quantitative methods. First, the size of the population interested in the history of the Czech Republic as such is assessed; then the focus is shifted to some general aspects of historical consciousness, particularly the ideas of people concerning the importance of the forces shaping the course of history, and their assessment of the general importance of history. In conclusion, the authors present the evaluations by the Czech population of their national history, its key stages and major events. In the final discussion there is a comprehensive interpretation of the empirical data in terms of the existing theoretical research models. In this discussion attention is paid to patterns of historical changes in people's perception of their past, as well as the selectivity of historical consciousness and its influence on the political situation, social changes and personal life experience.

Social Goals and Values of Belgrade University Students
The research of social goals and aims as the basic grounds and components of social development is extremely significant for the understanding of the direction in which society is heading. Their generalized ideological profile is a relevant indicator of the dominant form of socialization in society, which is of special significance in studying youth values. The article presents to the reader the results of an empirical study conducted in the University of Belgrade in May 2010.

The Citizens of the Republic of Belarus Residing abroad as a Specific Group of the Belarusian Diaspora
In this article the author analyzes two basic interpretations of the phenomenon of diaspora, singles out and compares groups of the Belarusian diaspora, defining it in general as a particular group of Belarus citizens residing abroad. A detailed description of the key social features of the group is provided, namely, its composition, size and development trends.

Assessment of Specialists' Level of Adaptation to the Conditions of Society in Transformation
The author focuses her attention on the analysis of the general and the particular in the adaptation of specialists on the basis of the data collected in Russia by the NRI HSE in the course of monitoring the population's economic situation and health (RLMS-HSE), comprising a vast body of classified information on the changes in the conditions and quality of life of the Russian people.

Social Exclusion of Convicts and Ex-Convicts in Russia
The article raises questions pertaining to ex-convicts as well as confined prisoners - one of the most marginalized groups among all exclusive groups in society. The authors speak about deprivation of convicts and former convicts, as well as their discrimination by the state, identifying the spheres of maximum discrimination of the exclusive group under investigation. On the basis of a sociological study, the authors analyze the most significant barriers preventing the ex-convicts from re-socialization. According to the authors, the task of the government agencies and public organizations is to reduce the number of barriers, which put the socially excluded groups in isolation.

All You Wanted to Know about the Field, but were Afraid to Ask
This article is a review of the book Leaving so as to Stay: a Sociologist in the Field (a collection of articles edited by V. Voronkova and E. Chikadze. SPb.: Aleteia, 2009. 148 pages), which is fairly uncommon for sociological discourse due to its expressiveness, self-reflection and emotional tone. In this collection, on the basis of examples from the authors' personal experience, a question, significant to every sociologist, is raised. The question is: How does one meet the requirements of research work if objectivity is hard to attain - as a result of a powerful emotional reaction arising at the moment of interaction between the sociologist as a person and the surveyed people in a situation of inclusive observation.


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