
Synergism of Music and Word in Polyphonic Forms of Choral Works a Cappella by Modern Russian Composers
Koshkareva N.V.
Aphorism in the Circle of Small Text Forms in Oral, Written and Electronic Discourses
Ivanov E.E.
The Formation of Meaning and Functional Motivation of Language Units’ Semantics
Lipatova T.V.
Priorities of Systemic Linguistics
Lipatova T.V.
Social and Speech Portrait of a Descendant of Russian Immigrants to the Chinese Three Rivers Region in the XX Century
Oglezneva E.A., Pustovalov O.V.
Dynamics of the form for literary discourse and translation
Novikova M.G.
Transfer from the Genre of a Story to a Genre of a Novel in the Literary Works by Ch. Aitmatov
Arstanbekova Z.A.
Fractal Semiotics Modeling of Concept Cup in Religious Texts
Ko C.
“Breeding Words”: Aesthetic Contemplation
Valentinova O.I.
Phraseological Units with the Word “Bread” in Russian, Frenchand Italian Linguocultures
Kaskova M.E., Ustinova O.V., Bolshakova E.K.
Form and Content as Methodological Categories of Belles-Lettres Language Science
Mamontov A.S., Moroslin P.V., Astremskaya H.V.
Vita of Protopope Avvakum: New Style Semiotics
Valentinova O.I.
Inner Language Form as a Determinant of its Lexical Peculiarity (based on the Study Material of the Russian and the Teleut Languages Paroemia)
Denisova E.S., Proskurina A.V.
Interior and Exterior Human Universe in Russian and English Paremiae Linguistic Analysis Essay)
Orlova T.G.
What is the Colour of the Feeling (A Case Study of English Idioms with Colour Components)
Pasechnik T.B., Savelieva I.G.
Word Morphology as the Background of Typological Characteristics of Languages
Shirokova A.V.
METAPHOR OF FORM IN “LILY” (architectonics of Icelandic Fourteenth century Christian Drapa)
Ogurechnikova N.L.
Forms of address as a mean of expressing social conflict in the Mikhail Bulgakov’s “Heart of a Dog”
Di Z.
If you sing kara, everything will be OK: Features of transferred meaning of words-neologism in Chinese publicistic discourse
Fu Jie -.
A Study of Grammatical Case Forms and their Directionality in Fulfulde: The Transformational Generative Approach
Bello I.M.
Nenarokova M.R.
The backgound of formal and informal addressing in English and Turkish
Hosten G.
1 - 22 of 22 Items

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