Inner Language Form as a Determinant of its Lexical Peculiarity (based on the Study Material of the Russian and the Teleut Languages Paroemia)
- Authors: Denisova E.S.1, Proskurina A.V.1
- Kemerovo State University
- Issue: Vol 10, No 4 (2019): Linguistic Semantics and Semiotics. Literary Text Studies
- Pages: 841-859
- URL:
- DOI:
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In the present article we make an effort to develop the ideas of the Russian linguist G.P. Melnikov about the determinants of the language system in the context of his study about the dynamic language nature. The article is devoted to argumentation of peculiarity of multi-structural languages lexical recourses based on their inner form. Significance of the present article is determined, at first, by increased interest from scientists to comparative study of the languages used within one territory in conditions of preservation of their national and cultural originality; second, by insufficient information about linguistic peculiarities of short folklore genre of the Teleut people; third, by scientific relevant tendency to explanatoriness of surveys in the sphere of modern linguistics that is directed to human beings and the world around them. The goal of the authors is to research typical communicatively relevant ways to reflect extralinguistic reality that determine vocabulary of the Russian and Teleut languages. To achieve the stated goal the authors use in the present article data-fetching methods (data from dictionaries, via informants interviewing and questionnaire), descriptions, comparisons, experiments as well as the methods of linguoculturological and statistic analyses. The material for this study is based on proverbs, superstitions, riddles, idioms that are regarded as the elements of the Russian and Teleut people spiritual culture. Communicative aspects of culturally significant facts comprehension identified through lexical universals analyses allow us to define the national world-image of the Russian and Teleut people. The conducted research proved that received during the analyses typical and unique coding methods of the information preserved in the depths of national memory determine lexical originality of compared languages. As a result, the study of paroemiological fund of the Russian and Teleut language that is based on the inner form category allowed the authors of the present article to reveal the mechanism of linguoculturological processes happening between them.
About the authors
Elvira S. Denisova
Kemerovo State University
Author for correspondence.
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Style and Rhetoric, Institute of Philology
Krasnaya Str., 6, Kemerovo, Russian Federation, 650000Anastasia V. Proskurina
Kemerovo State University
PhD in Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Chair of Style and Rhetoric, Institute of Philology
Krasnaya Str., 6, Kemerovo, Russian Federation, 650000References
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