No 2 (2011)


The Editor-in-Chief preface

Denisenko V.N.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):5-6
pages 5-6 views

An Essay on Semantic Field

Novikov L.A.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):7-17
pages 7-17 views 731

Semantic Field: Syntagmatics and Paradigmatics

Denisenko V.N.


Dialectical unity and interaction of system and structure let position a semantic field as a semiotic sphere in language lexis and grammar. Semantic field does not just compose a part of the lexico-semantic language system, but as a means of its organization and analysis. The leading role belongs to the function determined by the dominant of a semantic field.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):18-24
pages 18-24 views

On the Dative Case, Indirect Object and Naked Direction

Lutin S.A., Alekseeva I.K.


The authors make an attempt to reexamine some traditional views on the Dative case semantic, discover its invariant function and determine its position in the Russian Cases' System.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):25-32
pages 25-32 views

Vita of Protopope Avvakum: New Style Semiotics

Valentinova O.I.


Typical of the Mediaeval texts 'form and content' correlation is being transgressed in the Protopope Avvakum's works. To understand the mechanism of this deviation - and in accordance with the given interpretation - to formulate approved criteria of Avvakum's texts analysis - is the main task of the article.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):33-40
pages 33-40 views

Intonation as a Means of the Formal Differentiation of Lexico-Semantic Variations of a Polysemantic Russian Word

Moskvicheva S.A.


The article treats the problem of the formal differentiation of a lexico-semantic variations of polysemantic word by means of intonation differences. The analysis of the Russian polysemants allows to define the formal differentiation of LSV as a regular systemic phenomenon, determined by the language position on the scale of lexicality-grammaticality. The extent and depth of dividing a word into grammatical and lexical parts determine the predominant usage of the formal differentiation means. In the unchangeable synsemantic word classes both intonation and stress are used. The stress independence/dependence of the synsemantic parts of speech LSV depends on their functional and syntactic status which is due to their semantic difference.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):41-48
pages 41-48 views

The Reflection of Stylistic Synonymy in the IN THE Context of Literary Works

Novikov A.L.


The article treats a linguistic problem proceeding from the specific features of nomination and the peculiarities of meanings of stylistic synonyms as well as regular patterns of their realization in the context of literary works. Basing on E. Kurilovich theory, there's shown that contextual environment influences on the word meaning in those cases when it coincides with the meaning of another word or phrase existing in the language, or if a semantic correlation is revealed between this word and another one as being repeated in the system of the given language.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):49-53
pages 49-53 views

On the Project of Multimedia Dictionary of Russian Culture Sound Gestures

Babkina V.A.


Sound gestures are the synthetic phonologically indivisible communicative signs of national culture, which are only partially represented in the written form by interjections and expressive particles. The nonverbal component of these signs cannot be isolated from its verbal-aural component. Such signs require special systematic semiographic description within the national (in our case - Russian) sound gestures dictionary. The project of multimedia dictionary of Russian sound gestures is described and proposed in the article.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):54-63
pages 54-63 views

Metaphorical Interpretation of Time Flow in Language World Picture (on the Material of the Russian and English Languages)

Pasechnik T.B.


The article is devoted to the study of metaphorical nominations characterizing different aspects of time category which is considered to be most fruitful for the description of time as a fragment of a language world picture.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):64-69
pages 64-69 views

Metaphor in the Z. Freud's Works

Kakzanova E.M.


The article treats economic metaphors in the medical sublanguage (medical LSP). There are analyzed two famous works by Z. Freud - «Jenseits des Lustprinzips» and «Das ökonomische Problem des Masochismus».
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):70-74
pages 70-74 views

A study of Semantics Fields as a means of the Text Construction: based on the on Russian and Chinese Poems

Li Chunrong -.


In this article semantic field has been studied as a means of text construction, which is a challenge to the traditional way of study it within the field of lexicology. The research contents that the semantic field reveals promising prospects for the analysis of the semantic relation of lexicon in text, the syntactic semantic relation of text and the semantic construction of text.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):75-79
pages 75-79 views

Composition Techniques and Research Area of Xang Yuj's Essay Tao Ancestry

Stezhenskaya L.V.


The article analyzes one of the most well-known essays of Xang Yuj (768-824), Chinese poet, prose writer and political figure of the dynasty Tang period. The author of the article reviews composition technics, used by Xang Yuj to create the text, and retraces the progress of the essay's research area through different philosophic, mainly Confucian categories mentioned in the essay.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):80-88
pages 80-88 views

Chinese Cinema and Films: Organizational and Lingvo-Methodical Bases in Practice of Teaching Modern Chinese. Second article

Barov S.A., Demidova T.V.


The article deals with the problems of Chinese language peculiarities and the elaboration of teaching methods and programmes including Chinese films and cinema language presentation. It analyses organizational specifics of methods to introduce Chinese films in the field of elaborating and functioning of the general system of teaching Chinese.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):89-98
pages 89-98 views
pages 99-100 views

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RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2011;(2):101-102
pages 101-102 views

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