No 1 (2014)
- Year: 2014
- Articles: 21
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To Our Authors and Readers
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):5

Motivational Fields in Linguistics: Range, Scope and Structure
In the article there are considered different approaches to the allocations of motivational fields in linguistics; the range, scope and structure of motivational field are defined; the configuration of motivational field is proposed, that includes sub- and microfields; the place of semantic and morphological derivatives is established, and also set and free comparisons in the structure of motivational field are determined.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):6-14

General System Theory and Linguistic Systemology by Professor G.P. Melnikov: Methodology and Method. Article 1
The publication treats the foundations, methodology and several methods to develop the general system theory, or systemology, which ascend theoretical treaties by L. von. Bertalanffy and at present have acquired wide circulation in different fields of science. As applied to languages, such systems used to be called verbal hierarchical systems, which could be described with the help of special mathematical means and instruments.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):15-21

Content Analysis of Precedent Phenomena in the Novels by B. Akunin
The use of the precedent phenomenon in literature can be considered as the artistic touch applied by the author to create more exact and at the same time indirect characteristic of the hero or any element of the plot. Novels under analysis belong to historical stylization. To confirm a number of assumptions about the use of canon texts and phenomena, and also to define the repetition frequency of links from this or that category of pretexts we worked out the content analysis of precedent phenomenon and put it into practice.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):22-28

Pragmeme as a Unit of Evaluative Lexics
The paper is dedicated to the study of the subject-matter of the pragmeme, its difference from other units of evaluation lexics and its place in the system of axiology. Lexical and syntactic qualities of pragmeme are analysed. Pragmeme is analysed as a system. An attempt to systematise and classify pragmemes, to find their “core” and “periphery” is made.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):29-40

The Language Portrait of the Emperor Nicholas II in the novel «August 1914» by Alexandre Solzhenitsyn
The article deals with the particularies of the emperor Nicholas II discours in the historical novel «August 1914» by Alexandre Solzhenitsyn. The main objective of the article is to show that the peculiar language makes a significant part in creating the characters’ personality. The choice of lexical and stylistic means of language is determined by the writer’s attitude towards the characters.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):41-47

«Archaeology» of Memory in J. Ruo’s novel «Fields of Glory»
The article deals with the aspects of creating a new form of autobiographism in the works of the French writer, J. Ruo. The author studies material “tracks” of time and changes into a “memory archaeologist”. A new approach to the memory discourse is characterized by presenting an invented intrigue, a circular and tangled model of the novel, the extensive usage of intercontextuality and play on words while searching for eluding meanings. The novel turns into the history of palimpsest. The irony proves the “trumped-up” style of the novel intrigue.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):48-54

Transfer from the Genre of a Story to a Genre of a Novel in the Literary Works by Ch. Aitmatov
The article is devoted to the analysis of literary works by Ch. Aitmativ, starting from his first stories and up to the novel “The Day Lasts More Than a Hundred Years”. The author of the article investigates the evolution of Ch. Aitmatov’s creative work and states that the transfer was logical in the period reviewed.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):55-66

Pecularities of the Perception of Concept “Happiness” by Representatives of the French and Russian National Cultures (Illustrated by Phraseology)
On the basis of linguo-cultural analysis of the French and English phraseology the spectrum of cultural connotations of concept “happiness” is being defined in different spheres of life and work of the English and French people.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):67-73

Canadian Litterature as a Linguistic Reflection of the Worldview of French and English Canadians
The article treats specific features of the linguistic worldview of French and English Canadians as representatives of the unique nation — the Canadians. The author analyzes the functional peculiarities of lexical system as a source of linguistic and cultural information. Lexical units are designated for uniquely Canadian cultural and historical realities and they are regarded as an integral part of mentality and linguistic picture of the world.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):74-82

Type Varieties of the “Elderly person” Concept in the Russian and Ossetic Cultural Anthropology
The article is based on the materials of associative experiment and Internet sites data on the content of the cultural types “an elderly person” in the Russian and Ossetian linguistic mentality. It reveals the existing varieties of the entities and described their binary structure.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):83-89

Semantic Features of Russian and Persian Phraseological Units with a Somatic Component hand
This article discusses semantic peculiarities of phraseological units with the component hand , identified in the systems of the Russian and Persian languages; it defines the general and specific characteristics of the considered linguistic units. A comprehensive analysis of phraseological units with the somatic component hand in the Russian and Persian languages enables to identify common features inherent in the human team regardless of the language, and specific features, stipulated by linguocultural and etymological factors.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):90-98

Some Typical National Features of Compliment Reaction in the Russian and Vietnamese Communicative Culture
The article studies such specific national reactions of compliment as speaking out thanks, agreement or increase of the compliment. The author characterizes the above mentioned reactions on the material of the Russian and Vietnamese languages.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):99-103

The Text of the Bible: Bilinguism, Diglossia, Register?
The paper deals with the problem of the specific linguistic and linguocultural features characterizing the Bible translations, and their relation to the norms of the standard language. The situation of the functioning of the translations of Holy Writ in Russian tradition (i.e. the Elizabeth Bible, the Synodal Translation and the Modern Russian Translation) is analyzed in connection with the said problem.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):104-113

Animal-cries and Buddhist Meditation: An Appraisal Mainly Based on the Early Buddhist Teachings and Their Exegeses
The aims of this paper are to examine and figure out the contribution of animal cries in order to acquire one’s spiritual progress through meditation. In addition, the affinity between animal cries and seven basic musical notes in Hindustani music will also be examined. Special attention will be paid to the canonical accounts where the Buddha emphasized the efficacy of flora and fauna, animal cries and music for one’s both secular and spiritual well-being.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):114-124

Determinative Choice in case of Anaphora in the Russian and Italian languages
The present paper studies looks at the formation of anaphoric structures in the Russian and Italian languages, focusing on usage trends. The fundamental differences are shown to be in the choice of the determinative, which in turn defines the degree of linguistic coherence of text elements.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):125-138

Dialogical Free Indirect Speech (Italian Narration of the XIX—XXI centuries is considered an example)
The article presents the variations of how different propositional subjects exchange remarks in course of their dialogical interaction, focusing on the problems of free indirect speech. It also describes the structure of dialogical interactions taking into consideration semantics of communicative units.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):139-148

The Analysis of Language Transfer in course of Mastering Russian Stress Patterns in the Absence of Natural Language Environment
One of the problems dealing with teaching foreign languages in the absence of natural language environment is correct pronunciation. In Iran teaching Russian in the absence of natural language environment causes a lot of difficulties for students. Due to the dynamics of the Russian word stress it’s hard to master the variability of it. The author of the article treats language transfer in course of learning and teaching the Russian accentuation patterns.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):149-158

To the Problem of Unified Usage of Higher Education Terms under the conditions of Bologna Process
The article reviews issues of translating higher education terms, suggests means of effective selection of exact equivalents, determines main directions in the work of unification of terms in the system of Russian higher education.
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):159-163

Festival of Science in the Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, the PFUR, October, 11—12, 2013
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):164-185

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Language Studies, Semiotics and Semantics. 2014;(1):186-188