
The history of conceptualization of the category of quantitativity in the philosophical linguistics
Lazareva O.V.
The Opposition of the ‘Own - Alien’ Space in the Anglo-Saxon Charms
Prosyannikova O.I., Skorik K.V., Kotsubinskaya L.V.
Quantitativity in the Russian and Chinese Languages: Numerals
Lazareva O.V.
Quantitativity in the Russian and Korean languages
Lazareva O.V., Lee Savum -.
Poetic Word in the Light of L.A. Novikov's Teaching on Aesthetic Perception
Danich O.V., Druzhina N.L., Maslova V.A.
Expression of the status of the categories of emotiveness and evaluation in the languages of different types (the Russian and Arabic languages)
Elyseyev V.S.
The neutralization of forms of number in Russian and Spanish languages
Lazareva O.V.
Morphological Peculiarities of Lexical Units of English Origin in Contemporary Russian Slang: Dictionary and Corpus Analyses
Lacková M.
Manifestation of the Author’s Image Category in the Characteristics of the Reign of Peter the Great (based on the material of V.O. Klyuchevsky “Russian History”)
Valentinova O.I., Lele W.
Grammatical Category of Case as an Object of Typological Studies
Rybakov M.A.
THE STRUCTURE OF THE SEMIOTIC CATEGORY OF TIME IN A LITERARY TEXT (Based on Novel “The Defector (Nevozvrashchenets)” by A. Kabakov)
Povalko P.Y.
Form and Content as Methodological Categories of Belles-Lettres Language Science
Mamontov A.S., Moroslin P.V., Astremskaya H.V.
Composition Techniques and Research Area of Xang Yuj's Essay Tao Ancestry
Stezhenskaya L.V.
THE SIMILE AS THE BASIC CATEGORY OF COGNITION (based on the riddles in crimean-tatar language)
Emirova A.M.
Morphothemic models of the category of situation in the Russian and English languages as well as some peculiarities of their actualization on the level of speech representation
Skoromolova Y.V.
Metaphorical Interpretation of Time Flow in Language World Picture (on the Material of the Russian and English Languages)
Pasechnik T.B.
Dynamics of the form for literary discourse and translation
Novikova M.G.
Overview of medial constructions semantics in Romanic languages
Broitman M.S.
Semantic Field: Syntagmatics and Paradigmatics
Denisenko V.N.
Cognitive and anthropocentric approach to treating the category of comic (on the texts containing canine terms)
Fateeva I.M.
Metaphoric concept of time (the Russian and Thai Languages Study)
Ngamsaengpruyek Usane -.
On Traditions and the Formation of Linguistic Theory in Arabic Language Studies
Eliseev V.S.
The Degrees of the Russian Verb Transitivity
Chistyakov A.V.
Word Morphology as the Background of Typological Characteristics of Languages
Shirokova A.V.
1 - 24 of 24 Items

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