
Issue Title File
No 1 (2011) Textbook Russian Verb PDF


Baranova I.I.
No 1 (2011) Interrelation of Russian and Ukranian Peoples' Languages and Cultures (on the Material of Medical Lexis in Dialects of South-Western Bryansk Region) PDF


Penyukovа I.V.
No 1 (2011) Review. Sternin I.A. Selecta. Theoretical and applied linguistics / Scientific editor Z.D. Popova. - Voronezh, 2008. - 596 p. PDF


Shaklein V.M.
No 1 (2011) Y.A. Belchikov. Language and Culture (Special course), Moscow, 2009. - 125 p. PDF


Isaev M.I., Shaklein V.M.
No 1 (2011) Innovative Projects for Learning Russian as a Foreign Language: Moscow-Dakar PDF


Baryshnikova E.N.
No 1 (2011) Teaching Russian in Bologna University (Italy) (Report on Inter-University Seminar of the Chair of Russian and Methods of its Teaching) PDF


Gabriella Imposti -.
No 1 (2011) Our Autors PDF


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No 1 (2011) Verbalization of L.N. Tolstoy's Ideas about School by Syntagmatic Relations of a Keyword PDF


Kuznetsova N.A.
No 1 (2011) Morphonological Alternations at Suffixal Word-formation in Training Russian as Foreign Language PDF


Diouf Aliou -.
No 1 (2011) Psychological and Syntactic Aspects of the Influence of Public Speeches PDF


Usmonоv R.A.
No 1 (2011) Making up Educational Word-list for Foreign Philologists (on the Example of Theme Fashion. Clothes) PDF


Semenistaja M.N.
No 1 (2011) Teaching Foreign Students-philologists Russian Idioms (on the Example of Phraseological and Semantic Field People's Activity) PDF


Pugacheva L.S.
No 1 (2011) English and American Borrowings Reflecting Changes in Russian National and Cultural Stereotypes PDF


Axenova A.T.
No 1 (2011) theoretical and applied problems of lexical and semantic description of People's nominations in Russian PDF


Маklakova Е.А.
No 1 (2011) Language Specifics of Mentative Narration (in the Novel Ai-Petry by A. Iliichevsky) PDF


Arzyamova O.V.
No 1 (2011) Formation of a Russian Speaking Personality in a Foreign Language Society (to the Problem of Specific Textbooks for Foreign Russian Schools) PDF


Mlechko T.P.
No 1 (2011) Students' Сreative Discourse as a Way to Form Figurative Pre-lingual Base of Foreign World Image PDF


Buzalskaya E.V.
No 1 (2011) Psycholinguistic Word Meaning PDF


Sternin I.A.
No 1 (2011) Methods of General Lexicographic Description (on the Example of the Word Guest in Russian Language PDF


Tall Useinu -.
No 1 (2011) Linguistic and Cultural Commenting of a Russian Fairy-tale with Foreign Philologists PDF


Matveenko E.E.
No 1 (2011) Phraseological Representations of One's Own and Someone Else's by Means of Mythological Cultural Code PDF


Khokhlina M.l.
No 4 (2010) On complex method of analysing an indexal image PDF


Romanenko V.A.
No 4 (2010) Making up a word list for a frame learner's dictionary PDF


Kuznetsova L.I.
No 4 (2010) Definite personal sentences in russian diplomatic texts of the period of Crimean war PDF


Ramazanova S.I.
No 4 (2010) The criteria of textual activity technology acquirement PDF


Karikh T.V.
No 4 (2010) Our Autors PDF


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No 4 (2010) The unofficial Ekaterinburg urbanonimes as an element of linguistic and cultural competence of a foreign student PDF


Klimenko E.N.
No 4 (2010) The semantic weight of lexical meanings of ornithonims in the russian and german languages PDF


Amelina (Trizna) L.V.
No 4 (2010) Studying arabian word stress while teaching russian pronunciation to arabic-speaking students PDF


Naumenko Y.M.
No 4 (2010) The figural culture code in the texts of russian folk tales PDF


Skomarovskaya A.A.
No 4 (2010) The ukrainian and russian languages today: confrontation or cooperation? PDF


Vodopianova K.M.
No 4 (2010) The 2nd Congress of Russian Association of Teachers of Russian Language and Literaterature has finished PDF


Voznesenskaya I.M., Popova T.I.
No 4 (2010) Phytonimic comparisons as the means of creating images in the art prose of Y.I. Nosov PDF


Dyachenko Y.A.
No 3 (2010) Our Autors PDF


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No 3 (2010) Cognitive and pragmatic analysis of the usage of grammar categories oppositions in mass-media discourse PDF


Samigulina F.G.
No 3 (2010) Isomorphism in russian terminology PDF


Bocharova M.A.
No 3 (2010) Y. Shevchuk's composition «Pobeda»: to the problem of russian linguistic personality forming in the framework of russian rock «heroic epoch» PDF


Ivanov D.I.
No 3 (2010) Borrowings from closely related languages in bryansk dialect (on the basis of people's names) PDF


Sedoykina Y.V.
No 3 (2010) Methodological organisation of work on lexis of filmed russian fairy-tales at lessons of russian for foreign phylologists PDF


Matveenko V.E.
No 3 (2010) Expressive means and means of social ritualization in public texts PDF


Usmonov R.A.
No 3 (2010) «Real world is based on linguistic standards of the society»: is it a metaphor or reality? (to the problem of teaching foreigners russian communicative behaviour) PDF


Balihina T.M.
No 3 (2010) Russian culture in Ukrainian linguistic context: Policy and reality PDF


Mozgovoy V.I.
No 3 (2010) Semantics of a political word unit in modern russian language PDF


Zavarzina G.A.
No 3 (2010) Quantifiers and their verbalization in russian non-verbal discourse PDF


Muzichuk T.L.
No 3 (2010) Functional and cogniive specific of modern linguistic metadiscourse PDF


Nemyka A.A.
No 3 (2010) Concept «destruction» and basic ways of its representation in the russian language PDF


Fatkullina F.G.
No 3 (2010) Motivating speech in Tolstoy's novel «Anna Karenina» PDF


Li Ling -.
No 3 (2010) Communication and its functions PDF


Chebotnikova T.A.
No 3 (2010) To the problem of peculiarities of artistic translation from russian into arabic PDF


Amar Setti Ali -.
No 3 (2010) The role of a foreign language in building communicative tolerance of future social workers PDF


Leifa I.I., Yacewich L.P.
No 3 (2010) Preposition «of» and means of its expressing in azerbaijani PDF


Aliyeva S.Q.
No 3 (2010) To the problem of methodological concepts of an academic dictionary of paronyms-neologisms (on material of adjectives) PDF


Vereitinova M.М.
No 2 (2010) On the professional competence of a specialist in conference diplomacy PDF


Yermoshyn Y.A.
No 2 (2010) Common solid speech errors made by students in their polish classes PDF


Vernikovskaya T.V.
No 2 (2010) Artistic text in teaching russian as a foreign language to foreign students non-philologists at the elementary level PDF


Brygina A.V., Zorina G.S.
No 2 (2010) The causes of 'blank spots' on the map of contemporary linguistics PDF


Kharchenko V.K.
No 2 (2010) The problem of veto processes in folk menthality and dialect speech PDF


Penyukovа I.V.
No 2 (2010) Our Autors PDF


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No 2 (2010) Comparative analyses on english and russian speakers communicative behavior in particular situation «giving advice to a friend» PDF


Arkhipenkova A.Y.
No 2 (2010) Linguistic characterisitics of the images of justiciaries in russian fables of XVIIIth - XXth centuries: linguocultural analysis PDF


Mikova S.S.
No 2 (2010) The term 'synonymic and varied row' (to define metalanguage of functional and communicative grammar of russian language) PDF


Ruban А.Е.
No 2 (2010) The historical and semantical approach tо teaching russian as naturally determined stage of development of methods of teaching russian in XX century PDF


Sipan V.S.
No 2 (2010) The synonymy of idiom sentences in the artistic text PDF


Puzov N.A.
No 2 (2010) Cognitive aspect of metonymy PDF


Romanenko V.А.
No 2 (2010) The sphere of military concepts and the concept of «blank weapon (sword)» in the language picture of the world of the russians in comparison with other linguistic cultures PDF


Tretyakova L.N.
No 2 (2010) Verbalization peculiarities of the sphere of concepts of «personality speech behaviour» in the system of nominative units of the russian language PDF


Poselenova A.V.
No 2 (2010) Non-verbal discourse in structure of speech and behaviour potential of communicant PDF


Muzychuk T.L.
No 1 (2010) A nanoparticle as an indicator of changes in lexical structure of the russian language PDF


Shaklein V.M.
No 1 (2010) Language representations of the concept «province» in russian lingvoculture of the first three decades of the XIX century PDF


Korotkova N.V.
No 1 (2010) The base koncepts of russian businessman XXI V. (on material of the body text interview) PDF


Potapova T.E.
No 1 (2010) Peculiarities of the process of semantic derivation in the terminological lexics of the russian language of the latest period PDF


Belyaeva J.D.
No 1 (2010) Problems of russian language functioning and teaching in post-soviet Tajikistan PDF


Kudoyarova T.V.
No 1 (2010) Our Autors PDF


- -.
No 1 (2010) The summary of conference materials «Russian in modern media space», taken place at the Belgorod state university on September, 23-26 September, 2009 PDF


Lazarev S.V.
No 1 (2010) The summary of an educational <>-methodical complex «Modern techniques of teaching of Russian non-russian». Shaklein V.M., Ryzhova N.V. - М.: PFUR, 2008. - 258 p. PDF


Ryzhova N.V.
No 1 (2010) Onomastics of dagestan in school education system PDF


Bagomedov M.R.
No 1 (2010) Proverbs and idioms in methodology of textbooks compiling (for public bilingual schools) PDF


Shuntova O.V.
No 1 (2010) Metaphor in spanish colloquial language PDF


Fedosova O.V.
No 1 (2010) The dinamics of using addressing in russian language PDF


Nguyen Vu Huong Chi -.
No 1 (2010) Lexical value of a verb and widespread homogeneous members PDF


Varnaeva A.E.
No 1 (2010) Small text as an object of linguistic research PDF


Trunova E.A.
No 1 (2010) The lingvokulturologichesky analysis of the texts of family songs PDF


Kidyamkina S.A.
No 4 (2009) Developing intercultural communicative competence through culture specific communicative style PDF


Larina T.V.
No 4 (2009) Lexical new formation as representatives the artistic world (on the basis of the prose by Sigizmund Krzhizhanovsky) PDF


Promakh L.V.
No 4 (2009) Tautanim as a way of demonstrating ambivalence of the character's nature PDF


Gutsalyuk O.N.
No 4 (2009) Cultural VS ethno cultural VS foreign cultural component in the structure and semantics of phrasems in russian language PDF


Khokhlina M.L.
No 4 (2009) Rhetorical question in groups of indirect speech acts PDF


Mostovaya L.A.
No 4 (2009) Ways of formation terms referred to the group «document studies» PDF


Grigoryan A.A.
No 4 (2009) Language diplomatic communications as a language substructure of political communications PDF


Ramazanova S.
No 4 (2009) Political metaphor in english media-discussion PDF


Polyakova E.M.
No 4 (2009) Concepts «gourmet» and «gourmand» in french culture through phraseology PDF


Kurguzenkova Z.V.
No 4 (2009) The experience of computer technologies application in practice of foreign students training in russian oral speech PDF


Krasnova L.S.
No 4 (2009) Opinion about a series of interactive video DVD of disks «Miracle-little-one the lessons of reading» and «Miracle-little-one «you learn as in the fairy tale» PDF


Zolotykh L.G.
No 4 (2009) «Za shelomyanem esi...» PDF


Blankov Jean -.
No 4 (2009) Our Autors PDF


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No 4 (2009) Annotatsiya: Larina T.V. Kategoriya vezhlivosti i stil' kommunikatsii: sopostavlenie angliyskikh i russkikh lingvokul'turnykh traditsiy PDF


Larina T.V.
No 4 (2009) Review of «Encyclopaedic dictionary of biblical phraseologisms», the author of K.N. Dubrovina. - Moscow: «Flint. Science», 2010. PDF


Baryshnikova E.N.
No 4 (2009) Review. Sternin I.A. The selected works. Theoretical and applied problems of linguistics / Scientific ed. Z.D. Popova. - Voronezh: «Sources», 2008. - 596 p. PDF


Shaklein V.M.
No 4 (2009) Grammatical links in russian texts of public statements of officials of Tajikistan PDF


Usmonov R.A.
No 4 (2009) 80 anniversary from the date of V.G. Kostomarov's birth and about its book «Speech on text Forms in Dialogue» PDF


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