No 3 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 19
- URL:
«Real world is based on linguistic standards of the society»: is it a metaphor or reality? (to the problem of teaching foreigners russian communicative behaviour)
The article focuses on teaching foreigners Russian communicative behaviour. The characteristics of Russian communication are being identified. We consider codes of Russian national semiotic sphere. In the author's opinion, studying foreign languages means acquiring a new point of view and a new world view.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):5-12

Russian culture in Ukrainian linguistic context: Policy and reality
The article analyses consequences of politicians' inadequate evaluation of Russian and Ukrainian linguistic space in conditions of interaction between the two cultures. On base of identifying their real statuses the author offers methods of preserving Russian culture by means of the Ukrainian language.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):13-18

Semantics of a political word unit in modern russian language
The article deals with the problem of modern Russian social and political vocabulary specificity. The peculiarities of basic typological characteristics of a political word unit, i.e. ideological abusement, and originality of its reflection on the level of a word semantic structure and all semantic macro components of the meaning are observed in the paper. Special attention is paid to the description of semantic and stylistic neutralization processes in the meaning of political lexical units in modern Russian and their mainstreams.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):19-26

Quantifiers and their verbalization in russian non-verbal discourse
The article is devoted to peripheral components of non-verbal discourse - to quantifiers and their verbalizators. In the structure of non-verbal discourse quantifiers denote quantitative and qualitative meaning augments, which are represented by core and central discourse components and work as objective signs of its relay ability.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):27-32

Isomorphism in russian terminology
The article investigates the dynamics of linguists' views on the problem of isomorphism in Russian terminology. The author considers the scientific language to be an open dynamic system whose structure is isomorphic to the structure of logical connections between scientific field notions and to serve as a sign model for this scientific field.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):40-45

Functional and cogniive specific of modern linguistic metadiscourse
The article deals with problems of metalanguage of integrative linguistic areas. It analyses pragmatic problems of some basic linguistic concepts in scientific and pedagogical discourse; determines functional aspects of modern linguistic terms.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):46-51

Concept «destruction» and basic ways of its representation in the russian language
The article deals with the concept «destruction» and basic ways of its representation in the Russian language. Moral and ethical and linguistic and philosophical contents of this concept are revealed, its realization on the lexical and part-of-speech level is also discussed here. Verbs as nominative units of destruction category are paid special attention to.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):57-66

Motivating speech in Tolstoy's novel «Anna Karenina»
The article deals with motivating utterances in Tolstoy's novel «Anna Karenina». We propose a classification scheme of semantic motivation field. Some features pointing to different kinds of motivation are identified. We analyze examples of individual speech acts related to 3 distributed groups with shades of other types of motivation. The totality of means of their expression is being considered.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):67-74

Communication and its functions
The article is dedicated to the analysis of communication behaviour from the point of view of realization of self-presentation social functions, as a type of self-presentation and self-actualization. It should be noted that value orientations of a personality are important motivational factors, while choosing the communication model. Special attention is paid to the formation of a personality with a market orientation, for whom the image construction becomes an independent rhetoric task.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):75-81

To the problem of peculiarities of artistic translation from russian into arabic
Factors influencing completeness and quality of translation of artistic texts from Russian into Arabic are being investigated in the article. Reposing on the statements of modern linguistic translation studies we prove the importance of considering psychological and linguistic distinctions of texts in different languages for the quality of the translation of an artistic text.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):82-87

Preposition «of» and means of its expressing in azerbaijani
The article characterizes means of expressing preposition of in Azerbaijani. As we know prepositions are used to create relations between words. English is an analytical language, while Azerbaijani is a synthetic one. Consequently, different notions in English are mainly expressed by separate words, while in Azerbaijani they are expressed by synthetic elements, i.e. by means of affixes. Synthetic means of expressing preposition of in Azerbaijani are suffixes of Genitive case (yiyəlik hal) -ın4(-nın4) and the sixth case of nouns (çıxışlıq hal) -dan2. Analytical means of expressing preposition of are different words used as a structural part of speech like «haqqında», «barəsində», which are called qoşma.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):95-102

To the problem of methodological concepts of an academic dictionary of paronyms-neologisms (on material of adjectives)
The article raises the question of methodological concepts of an academic dictionary of paronyms-neologisms, considers the notion of «paronym-neologism», gives examples from the materials to the dictionary of paronyms-neologisms adjectives (II-III, IV Certification levels).
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):103-110

Methodological organisation of work on lexis of filmed russian fairy-tales at lessons of russian for foreign phylologists
The article is devoted to actual methodological problems of organization of lexical material of filmed Russian fairytales while teaching foreign philologists Russian language. The author of the article has developed methods of the teaching Russian lexis using filmed Russian fairytales. The article also contains results of the experiment which was hold in the process of experimental education.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):111-115

Borrowings from closely related languages in bryansk dialect (on the basis of people's names)
On the base of personal nominations in Bryansk dialects the article deals with lexical and semantic ties and historical layers enabling to reveal the history of Bryansk dialects in the area aspect. We find elements of borrowings from genetically close Byelorussian and Ukrainian languages and retrace the relationship between Bryansk lexis and lexis of dialects and dialect groups of the Russian language.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):116-120

Y. Shevchuk's composition «Pobeda»: to the problem of russian linguistic personality forming in the framework of russian rock «heroic epoch»
This article is devoted to the main mechanisms of transformation and materialization of an abstract romantic notion «pobeda» («victory») and of creating a new style of a rock composition which is the base of new Russian linguistic personality realization at the end of the 1980-s.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):121-125

Our Autors
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(3):126-127