No 1 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 15
- URL:

Language representations of the concept «province» in russian lingvoculture of the first three decades of the XIX century
In the article cognitive characteristics or the concept «province» are observed; there is a conclusion of the formation of the concept «province» in Russian culture of the first three decades of the XIX century and specific perception of the concept by Russian people.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):13-20

The base koncepts of russian businessman XXI V. (on material of the body text interview)
In this article are analysed base concepts modern businessperson of the first decennial event XXI c. - a BUSINESS (the DEAL) and MONEY (the CAPITAL, INCOM). The Study was run for material of the body text interview, communication-important information in which carries nature of quoting. Person in to the interview is presented by figure domestic business-community, possessing active life position.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):21-26

Peculiarities of the process of semantic derivation in the terminological lexics of the russian language of the latest period
The article focuses on the problem of semantic changes in the terminological lexics. It deals with some peculiarities of one of the semantic processes, which reflect changes in the semantic structure of the terms - the process of semantic derivation. The latter process is examined in detail on the basis of widening its initial meaning.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):27-35

Problems of russian language functioning and teaching in post-soviet Tajikistan
The article presents research data on peculiarities of Russian language functioning as means of international communication in post-Soviet Tajikistan and the resulting specifics in methods of teaching it as not a mother-tongue in Tajik school curricula.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):36-44

Small text as an object of linguistic research
The article is devoted to actual problems of linguistic research of small texts. The issues of minimal text size and minimal unit of text are described in the article. The problem is researched from viewpoints of different famous scholars in this field.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):49-53

Metaphor in spanish colloquial language
The author investigates the metaphor phenomenon in Spanish colloquial language. The difference between the metaphor of language and the metaphor of the colloquial speech is concreted. The author determines special features of the colloquial metaphor and its functions. Varieties of functions are explained using concrete linguistic material. Stable productive groups of Spanish colloquial metaphors are distinguished, according to their main subjects.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):64-74

Onomastics of dagestan in school education system
The article is devoted to the Onomastic Sciences Dagestan in education. Detail problem reflection onimov in scientific, methodical and academic literature of various educational institutions offer different ways to improve the Onomastic work.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):80-88

The summary of an educational <>-methodical complex «Modern techniques of teaching of Russian non-russian». Shaklein V.M., Ryzhova N.V. - М.: PFUR, 2008. - 258 p.
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):89-90

The summary of conference materials «Russian in modern media space», taken place at the Belgorod state university on September, 23-26 September, 2009
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):91-92

Our Autors
Russian Language Studies. 2010;(1):93-94