The Specificity of Functioning of Winged Expressions in the Poetry of Dmitry Bykov
- Authors: Zykova E.I.1
- St. Petersburg State University
- Issue: Vol 11, No 3 (2020)
- Pages: 463-478
- URL:
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The article deals with the specific features of the functioning of winged expressions in the poetry of Dmitry Bykov. Analyzing the poetic work of Dmitry Lvovich Bykov, a modern Russian writer, poet, public figure, publicist, it is impossible not to notice that the poet uses a “winged” language arsenal in all its diversity. These are biblical winged words and quotations ( мафусаилов век, ищите и обрящете, геенна огненная ), quotations from works, Russian and European literature ( Через четыре года здесь будет город-сад! Прощай, свободная стихия! Офелия, О нимфа! Помяни грехи мои в молитвах! ), winged words, dating back to antiquity ( Жребий брошен! белая ворона ), quotes from modern and Soviet songs ( Я люблю тебя жизнь и надеюсь, что это взаимно! ). In addition, the question of the specific stylistic functions of winged expressions, which Dmitry Bykov uses in his poetry, is considered. Among the most significant and most frequent and expressive can be distinguished satirical and compositional functions. In Russia, Dmitry Bykov is known as a writer, a satirist poet, writing mainly on acute political and socially significant topics. Therefore, it is completely understandable why one of the favorite winged words functions that he uses is depathetic. An important artistic language means in D. Bykov’s poetic satire is his author’s transformations of winged expressions. In the poetry of Dmitry Bykov, you can find the use of almost the whole range of individual-author transformations. Both semantic and structural-semantic. Dmitry Bykov is a master of a deep, complex image. In his poems, he creates complex allegories, his images are metaphorical, full of sarcasm. And in order to reach this depth of the image, the author most often uses not one, but several methods of transforming winged words within one context, which is, in our opinion, another specific feature of the writer's artistic style.
About the authors
Elena I. Zykova
St. Petersburg State University
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Philology, Associate Professor, Associate Professor of the Department of the Russian Language for the Humanities and Natural Sciences Faculties
11, University Embankment, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 199034References
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