
Becoming a Member of the Russian Nation: The Content of National Identity Underlying the Social Markers of Acceptance for Immigrants in Russia
Grigoryev D.S., Gallyamova A.A., Komyaginskaya E.S.
Intergroup Contact and Personal and Cultural Stereotypes in Intercultural Relations: A Case of the Stereotype Content in Moscow for Belarusians, Chinese, Uzbeks, and Chechens
Grigoryev D.S., Komyaginskaya E.S.
Personality Features That Contribute to Transition of Young People from Unregistered Marriage to Marital Relations
Poznyakov V.P., Poddubny S.E., Panfilova Y.M.
Cognitive and Motivational Foundations Underlying Acculturation Expectations: Applications of Ethnic Group Position Model
Grigoryev D.S.
Mikhail Kondratyev: When There is Only a Name on a Card
Sachkova M.E., Kochetkov N.V.
The problem of aggressiveness, self-regulation and adaptation of the personality
Tarasova E.V.
Specificity of display of aggression at children of younger preschool age: to the problem statement
Grishina E.V.
Psychosocial characteristics of tuberculosis patients in Russia and treatment compliance factors
Zahkarova E.V., Filshtinskaya E.G.
Role of Interpersonal Relations in Career Development of Employees in Organization
Krysko V.G., Koroleva O.A.
Theoretical and Phenomenological Paradigms of Organizational Relations Research
Gulenina S.V.
The E-Course Multimodal Content, Its Specific Structure and Teaching Affordances
Galchuk L.M.
Discrimination Features of Chromatic Figures in Various Background Characteristics
Chudina Y.A.
Rivalry Determinants of Interpersonal Relations between Medical Staff Members
Levchenko V.V.
Targets of Psychological Work for High Alexithymia People
Gaus E.V., Pronenko E.A., Vasilyeva O.S.
Peculiarities of Trust and Distrust in Students of Higher Schools of Economics
Jouravleva L.A., Sumarokova V.A.
Employee Self-Determination in Power and Management Relations Structure
Gulenina S.V.
Relations of Sensorimotor Integration and Inhibitory Processes with Internal Position of Patient’s Personality
Elnikova O.E., Merenkova V.S.
Ethnic Identity of Young People in Poly-Ethnic Environment
Chebotareva E.J.
Dubovitskaya T.D., Tulitbaeva G.F., Shashkov A.V.
Psychological features of Latinoamerican's students
Reznikov T.N.
Perception of facial expressions produced by configural relations
Barabanschikov V.A., Khoze E.G.
Formation of the student's subjective personality position
Matveeva N.I.
Aggressiveness of Participants in Educational Relations and Psychological Safety of School Environment
Badiev I.V.
The relation of ecological consciousness with stress sensitivity and emotional stability among students (gender aspect)
Yaschcuk I.S.
Psychological features of students from countrys of Africa
Reznikov E.N.
1 - 25 of 25 Items

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