No 3 (2009)
- Year: 2009
- Articles: 18
- URL:
From the editorial board
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):5-5

Determination of children and teenagers economical socialization: experimental research
In the article results of natural forming social-psychological experiment are analyzed; dynamics of valuable orientations of the person of younger schoolboys reveal in conditions of early economic education and as psychological criterion of economic socialization.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):6-12

Psychological features of Latinoamerican's students
The article consides the reasons that have generated the psychological Characteristics of the Latino Americans and their psychological features, including the peculiarities of value orientations of the Latino Americans, their attitude to the various aspects of life and their general psychological features.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):13-20

The gender differences in the displas of self-control problem of women and men
Essence descriptions of self-control, exposed from the analysis of looks of domestic and foreign authors on a problem, are presented in the article, the results of the researches showing the gender differences in the displays of self-control and the attempt of explanation of findings is done from the psychological point of view conducted in two cuts are resulted.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):21-26

Personality traits and academic achievements of students
The problem of correlation of individually-typical peculiarities of personality traits (on the example of inquisitiveness, persistence and sociability) and specific of educational activity of students is examined in the article.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):27-32

Peculiarities of structural organization of functional systems realizing cognitive abilities
In the submitted work the sensomotor korrelaters of students, cognitive abilities was studied. The essence of the method has consisted registration of left and right hemispheres reactions on light, sound and skin irritants before and after intellectual loading. With the help of this technology the sensomotor korrelaters of cognitive abilities were studied as parameters of activity of separate parts having an attachment to certain topological brain mechanisms. Patterns of the dynamic organization of the investigated reactions, inherent in examinus with high and low parameters of educational progress were found out.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):33-39

The international educational exchanges: history and modern value
In article the history, a current state and prospects of development of the international educational exchanges is considered. Influence world processes of globalisation and internationalisation on educational processes of multinational high schools is shown.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):40-46

Values paradigm of education for sustainable development
The problems of the psychological and philosophical maintenance of education for Sustainable Development in the context of the purposes of Strategy for ESD adopted by the United Nations European Commission for Europe are discussed. Changes in the values priorities are considered to be the core issues of the psychological and philosophical maintenance of education for sustainable development.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):47-53

Special features of professional awareness of future primary school teachers
The article recounts the results of the study of professional awareness of future primary school teachers. The findings show the urgency of activities dedicated to planning and controlling the formation of teacher's professional awareness among students.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):54-59

The problem of social reabilitation of children-orphans with immaturity of intellectual development in the foreign and russian literature
This article is devoted to discussion of a problem of social rehabilitation of children-orphans with the immaturity of intellectual development in the scientific literature. The maintenance of the term «rehabilitation» is considered into different theoretical aspects. The new contents of concept rehabilitation is offered as a system of the complex measures directed on preparation of the pupils of VIII type school of a kind to transition in the new environment (independent life) for high-grade functioning in society.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):60-64

Project activity as the way of rising communication effect of senior pupils
The article deals with the project activity and its possible influence on communication effect of senior pupils. It determines the conditions of project activity organization raising the communication effect of senior pupils.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):65-69

«Enhancement of mechanisms of foreign educational documents recognition»
Establishment of 10 regional centers on evaluation and recognition of educational documents enabled the optimization of the activity of Russian Federal Service for Education and Science Supervision responsible for equivalency recognition as well as delegation of these functions to Russian regions what is quite topical in such a big country as Russia. One of regional centers is situated in Irkutsk city. So far the Center has analyzed foreign student body of Siberian Federal District and developed a database of standard samples of foreign educational documents in the given region (Project № 5381/№ П-334).
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):70-74

Joint activity of higher school teachers from psychological and pedagogical aspects
Article is devoted a problem of the organization of effective joint activity of high school teachers. The questions of the role of joint activity of teachers in quality of teaching are considered. There is the system analysis of concept «joint activity» from psychological and pedagogical aspects.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):80-84

Features of formation of psychological structure of children's and teen's aggression
The research paper analyzes the factors influencing the aggressive behaviour formation system at teenagers of 14-15 years, as well as cites data finding-out prevailing forms of aggressive behaviour peculiar to the given age category.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):94-98

Our autors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2009;(3):99-100