Vol 20, No 2 (2023)
- Year: 2023
- Articles: 12
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/psychology-pedagogics/issue/view/1670
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-1683-2023-20-2
Full Issue
Mutual Acculturation of Russians and Armenians in the Krasnodar Territory
Mutual intercultural relations between the dominant population and representatives of ethnic minorities or migrants have been studied in sufficient detail by both foreign and Russian researchers. However, some minorities have a special status and are referred to by Russian researchers as ‘indigenized’ ones. Armenians belong to such ethnic groups. In this regard, it is of interest to study the mutual intercultural relations between representatives of the ethnic majority and Armenians as an indigenized ethnic minority. This study was conducted in the context of J. Berry’s ecocultural approach. The purpose of the study was to test three hypotheses of intercultural relations (multiculturalism, contact and integration). The sample included Russians ( N = 198; men - 50%; M age = 19.7) and Armenians ( N = 186, men - 43%, M age = 23.3) from the Krasnodar territory, the total sample N = 388. The research methods included scales from the MIRIPS questionnaire adapted to the Russian sample. Using structural equation modeling, the results indicating that the perceived security of the Russian and Armenian respondents predicted their attitudes to support a multicultural ideology were obtained; for the Armenians, this was also positively associated with the integration strategy and negatively associated with the assimilation attitudes. Intercultural friendly contacts among Russians and Armenians were positively associated with ethnic tolerance; however, among the Armenians they were also associated with the integration and assimilation strategies. The Armenians’ preference for the separation strategy predicted their life satisfaction; for the Russians, however, their expectation of the Armenians’ separation did not contribute to their self-esteem. In general, the results of the study had shown that the perceived security and especially intensive intercultural friendly contacts lead to the mutual integration of the non-indigenous ethnic minority and the ethnic majority. The historically determined features of the Krasnodar territory, multiculturalism and multiconfessionalism, as well as the absence of assimilation imposed by the ethnic majority, are important conditions for the successful mutual acculturation of the Russians and representatives of the ‘indigenized ethnic minority’, i.e., the Armenians of the Kuban.

Features of Constructing Representations Regarding Intractable Intergroup Conflicts in the Russian and Ukrainian Media Discourse
The phenomenon of intractable intergroup conflict is being actively studied in modern foreign psychology. The study of conflicts of this type is now becoming especially important due to the increase in their number in today’s reality. Of great importance are the works of the Israeli scientific school, which considers the phenomena of the ethos of the conflict, the collective memory of the conflict and the collective emotional orientation, which are the basis for interpreting information about the conflict situation. Despite the large number of models and approaches, there are still quite a few gaps in the research of intractable conflicts (for example, there is no generally accepted definition of an intractable conflict, and many research methods are poorly operationalized). The representations regarding an intractable conflict in the Russian and Ukrainian media discourse are analyzed. The ways of constructing such representations in the media discourse are considered through a reference to the socio-psychological infrastructure of the conflict. The main research method was critical discourse analysis in the interpretation of J. Potter and M. Weatherell. It was found that in both Russian and Ukrainian media discourse representations regarding the conflict were constructed through references to the ethos of the conflict: in particular, through the justification of group goals, the presentation of the opponent’s actions as illegitimate and unfair, the victimization of opposition groups, and the maintenance of positive image of the group. It was revealed that in both Russian and Ukrainian media there are references to collective memory, but the frequency of their occurrence does not allow to talk about a trend. The results can be used to develop measures to reduce bias in media coverage of conflicts. The prospects for further research are discussed, in particular, the analysis of intractable conflict representations in audiences of different media and their comparison with those repertoires that have been identified in the media discourse.

Personality Features That Contribute to Transition of Young People from Unregistered Marriage to Marital Relations
The study examined the role of personality traits and value orientations of young people (both men and women) as factors contributing to the transition from an unregistered marriage to marital relations. The differences in the severity of personality traits and the importance of individual values among the partners living in unregistered and registered marriages were revealed. The sample of the study included two groups of respondents aged 18 to 35: partners in an unregistered marriage (cohabitation) - 144 persons (men and women 50% each) and partners in a registered marriage - 120 persons (men - 42.5%, women - 57.5%). The research methods and tools included: S.H. Schwartz’s Values Questionnaire (Personality Profile Section), 50-point form of L. Goldberg’s Five-Factor Personality Inventory and a scale for assessing the intention to marry and commitment to have and raise children. The results of both questionnaires were processed using the Multipsychometer hardware-software diagnostic complex, which converted the initial test scores into a 10-point equal-interval Sten scale. The presence and nature of the statistical influence was established using multiple linear regression analysis, statistical differences were identified using Student’s t -test and Mann - Whitney U -test. According to the results of the study, the personality trait “agreeableness” was the leading factor in the commitment to have and raise children as well as in the readiness to register a marriage with a partner. The significant differences in the severity of personality traits and the significance of individual values in the partners who were in a registered and unregistered marriage were identified statistically. It was found that the respondents in a registered marriage, compared with their counterparts in an unregistered marriage, had significantly more prominent personality traits such as “agreeableness” and “emotional stability” and, for them, the values “universalism”, “benevolence” and “self-direction” were more important. The obtained results can be used to scientifically substantiate practical recommendations for managers and specialists involved in the support and development of the family institution in modern Russian society, as well as in the practice of individual and family counseling.

Features of Emotional Intelligence, Empathy and Alexithymia in Persons Dependent on Psychoactive Substances with Different Experiences of Their Use
The research is aimed at identifying the specifics of the components of emotional intelligence (EQ) in persons with different experiences of substance abuse. The study involved 157 respondents aged 35 to 45 years, of whom 111 were dependent on psychoactive substances and 46 never used them. The empirical study was carried out using The Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (EmIn) by D.V. Lyusin, The Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale (BEES) by A. Mehrabian and N. Epstein, and The Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS). Significant differences were found for almost all the variables (except for empathy and the ‘intrapersonal management’ EQ component) between the group of persons who did not use psychoactive substances and the groups of persons dependent on such substances. The obtained results also make it possible to speak about differences in the correlations between the components of emotional intelligence with each other, as well as with empathy and alexithymia among the groups of subjects with different experiences of substance abuse. In individuals who did not use psychoactive substances, all the components of emotional intelligence are interconnected. In the addicts, as the duration of substance abuse increases, the number of connections between the components of emotional intelligence, both among themselves and with alexithymia, decreases.

Theoretical Bases for Designing a Methodology of Training Teachers for Intercultural Interaction
The intensification of the processes of globalization and integration of cultures has set before many multi-ethnic countries the task of building a multicultural society that develops according to the laws of tolerance, cooperation and mutual respect. This problem is particularly acute in the regions due to the differences in ethno-cultural and migration processes in any of them, different degree of dynamics and constant changeability of these processes. These factors determine the specific nature of training teachers for intercultural interaction in each particular region. Currently there is a situation when it is impossible to use a unified experience in training teachers for intercultural interaction equally in a single region: it is obvious that each region needs its own methodology. This determines the relevance of the research due to the existing trend of dynamic regional development under the influence of migration and ethno-cultural processes as well as the necessity to find mechanisms for training teachers for intercultural interaction in the dynamic ethno-cultural environment of the region through the analysis of various precedents. Thus, the purpose of this study is to design a methodology for training teachers for intercultural interaction in the context of dynamic ethno-cultural processes. Research objectives: to analyze the current state of knowledge of the problem of training teachers for intercultural interaction in the system of higher pedagogical education in Russia, as well as the current state of international studies on the problem of multicultural education based on the ideas of inter-ethnic dialogue; and to develop an algorithm for designing a methodology for training teachers for intercultural interaction in the context of dynamic migratory and ethno-cultural processes in the regions. The results of the study make it possible to propose a systematic algorithm for designing a methodology for training teachers for intercultural interaction based on the generalized regional experience; and to characterize the content of each stage of this algorithm. The study expands the ideas about the training of teachers for intercultural interaction in an ethno-cultural region, the specifics of implementing the principle of regionalization and comparative studies. The proposed methodology will make it possible to identify general, particular and single changes in the training of teachers for intercultural interaction, taking into account the regional specificity and dynamism of ethno-cultural processes in each region.

Contributions of Individual Intellectual Integrations to the Academic Achievement of Humanities Students
The contributions of individual intellectual integrations to the academic achievement of humanities students from the standpoint of the system’s principle, the system-integrative approach and the concept of dual systems were studied. System 1 (integral individuality) and system 2 (intelligence and creativity) were considered in the context of the cultural and educational environment. The purpose of the study was to identify the effects that this dual system produces on the academic achievement of students. The effects were tested under two conditions: (1) systems 1 and 2 operated together, and (2) systems 1 and 2 operated in parallel and separately. The study involved 415 humanities students of higher educational institutions of Perm, including 293 females and 122 males aged 17 to 22 years ( M = 18.6; SD = 1.0). Specially developed methods were used to study the properties of individuality (nervous system, temperament and personality), indicators of crystallized and/or fluid intelligence, and indicators of creativity (fluency, originality and flexibility). During the study, three models (full, correlated and uncorrelated) were developed and tested. The full model had an acceptable fit with the data and indicated the contribution of Conscientiousness (system 1) and Crystallized Intelligence (system 2) to the academic achievement. The correlated model was in good fit with the data and indicated the contribution of Conscientiousness , Neuroticism (system 1), and Crystallized Intelligence (system 2) to the academic achievement. Taken together, these properties explained 19% of the variance in the academic achievement. The uncorrelated model was consistent with the correlated model, except for the integration of systems 1 and 2, and was badly fitted to the data. The results of the study correlated well with the results of meta-analyses. The individual intellectual integrations were limited and selective. They affected some variables but did not touch other ones. Thus, the considered dual system functions rather jointly than separately.

The Attitude of Russian University Teachers Towards the Digital Educational Environment
The attitude of teachers towards the digital educational environment (DEE) and the use of information technologies in teaching largely determines the attitude of students towards the educational process, the effectiveness of learning and emotional involvement in learning. Therefore, the purpose of this work was to analyze the attitude of university teachers towards the DEE and distance learning opportunities, as well as to determine the psychological components of the acceptance of new information technologies. The survey involved 308 teachers (females - 71%) aged 23 to 77 (average age = 46 ± 11 years) from various universities of the Russian Federation. In addition to measuring the attitudes towards learning in the DEE (AUDEE Scale Questionnaire), the authors analyzed the personality traits (Big Five Inventory - 2), self-regulation resources and activity-related experiences in teaching (AREA). The results showed that the majority of the respondents were familiar with and use various elements of the DEE; 81% expressed a desire to move to blended learning as a combination of DEE resources and face-to-face classes. The main psychological prerequisites for the acceptance of the DEE are experiences in professional activity: the stronger the experience of meaning and the weaker the experiences of effort and void, the more positive attitude towards work in the digital environment a teacher has. Other key elements are various aspects of self-regulation (goal planning and independence) and personality traits such as openness to experience and agreeableness.

Gardening and Garden Therapy as a Resource for Human Psychological Well-Being
Gardening, as one of the most popular active types of interaction with the world of flora, is used by people to meet various needs (e.g., intellectual, social and some others). However, its restorative potential for the psyche of a person living in the digital era and the urban environment remains underestimated. The authors examine the main effects of gardening activities and therapy on the physical and psychological state of a person, as well as its potential in the context of strengthening social ties and social engagement. There are also positive effects of gardening on the psychological state of children. The research potential of gardening activities as a way to reduce the psychological distress resulting from social isolation and sedentary lifestyles during the COVID-19 pandemic is highlight. In addition, an analysis is made of the possible mechanisms of the beneficial effect of gardening on people’s mental health both within the framework of specific theories, including the stress reduction theory, the attention restoration theory, the theory of phyto-resonance, and in the context of individual modern studies. The literature review was carried out based on the analysis of studies in different countries of the world (Australia, Great Britain, Iran, Italy, Oman, Romania, Singapore, USA, Taiwan and Sweden). The limitations of some of the studies under consideration are presented, mostly concerning the purity of their design; study vectors for further research and practical application are also outlined.

Subject-Spatial and Physical Urban Environment as a Condition for the Psychological Security of Urban Residents
Urban residents make up more than half of the world’s population. They are the main resource of any modern city or town, and focus on them and their involvement are decisive factors in any successful urbanistic transformation. The purpose of the study is to summarize research in the field of environmental psychology aimed at identifying the conditions for creating psychological security for urban residents. The author made an analysis of more than 385 articles in Russian and English available in the national bibliographic database of scientific publications (Russian Science Citation Index), scientific publishing houses (Elsevier, SprigerLink, SAGE Publishing), publishing houses of open-access scientific journals (MDPI, Frontiers Media), and free digital repository of open-access full-text scientific articles (PubMed Central). Most of them dated back to the last twenty years. Of these, 80 were selected for an analysis. The facts under consideration were systematized in two aspects: objective security conditions associated with the physical environment (visual complexity, soundscape, climate, etc.) and subjective security conditions associated with the peculiarities of their perception by urban residents. To visualize the obtained conditions of the psychological security of urban residents and create an image of a safe city, the Midjourney neural network was used, which makes it possible to generate text-based images. As a result of the analysis of studies of the psychological safety of urban life, it became possible to describe the conditions that form the feeling of psychological security among urban residents; using the Midjourney neural network, to visualize the image of a safe city; to show the role of the soundscape, ordered environment, social control, segmentation of habitable space and its connection with nature; and to justify to some extent the interchangeability of security components.

Designing the Positive Organizational Behavior Questionnaire: Prevalidation Results
The purpose of the study was to design an original questionnaire for diagnosing positive organizational behavior (POB) of employees and further test its psychometric indicators of validity and reliability. The author of the concept of POB F. Luthans did not offer any diagnostic tool for assessing it; therefore, the authors decided to create own questionnaire. A theoretical analysis of the concept and existing scales for diagnosing the five components of POB (self-efficacy, hope, optimism, subjective well-being and emotional intelligence) was conducted. The empirical study was in the form of an online survey. The sample consisted of 172 respondents, aged 22 to 60, who worked in various fields of activity. The psychometric indicators of the POB questionnaire were assessed, including the reliability and consistency of the items, the correspondence of the theoretical conceptualization to the factorial structure of the questionnaire. The construct validity of the questionnaire was tested using The Satisfaction With Life Scale by E. Diener et al. (adapted by D. Leontiev and E. Osin) and The Life Orientation Test by M. Scheier et al. (adapted by T. Gordeeva, O. Sychev and E. Osin). As a result of the confirmatory factor analysis, a five-factor structure of the questionnaire was formed, which corresponded to the ideas about the five-component structure of POB in F. Luthans’ theoretical concept. The reliability was assessed by analyzing the values of Cronbach’s alpha. The results showed sufficient reliability and consistency of the items of the questionnaire (the value of Cronbach’s alpha of the total scale of POB was 0.890). The assessment of construct validity confirmed the presence of significant relationships between the individual subscales of the POB questionnaire and the scales of satisfaction with life and life orientation, which indicated the substantive similarity of the scales. The study showed that the created measuring tool had sufficient validity and reliability and could be used for further research purposes.

Mentoring Technologies in Psychotherapy, Education, Management and Intercultural Relations: Results of the International Psychological Forum at the Russian-Armenian University
On May 16-17, 2023, the Russian-Armenian University (RAU; Yerevan, Republic of Armenia) hosted the International Psychological Forum “The Phenomenon of Mentoring: an Existential-Humanistic Paradigm and Implementation Technologies in Education, Management, Psychotherapy and Intercultural Relations”. The objectives of the Forum included (1) finding solutions to urgent problems of personal development through mentoring in the field of psychology, education, management, production, research, creative activities, etc.; (2) discussing scientific results and innovative technologies in the field of mentoring; (3) exchanging experience; and (4) establishing creative contacts. The forum brought together more than 100 participants (heads of scientific and educational organizations, scientific and pedagogical workers, practical psychologists, postgraduate and graduate students) from Armenia, Belarus, Germany, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia, the Czech Republic, Israel, etc. The article presents the main events that included plenary and breakout sessions, roundtable discussions, interactive lectures, master classes, and a teleconference.

Farewell Words: In Memory of Alexander I. Dontsov
The article is dedicated to the memory of Professor Alexander I. Dontsov (1949-2023), Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Social Psychology Department at Lomonosov Moscow State University, Emeritus Professor of Lomonosov Moscow University, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education. The author shares her memories of the interaction with A.I. Dontsov during his studies and work at the Department of Social Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Lomonosov Moscow State University.