Vol 19, No 1 (2022)
- Year: 2022
- Articles: 10
- URL: https://journals.rudn.ru/psychology-pedagogics/issue/view/1536
- DOI: https://doi.org/10.22363/2313-1683-2022-19-1
Full Issue
Activity of Muscovites in the Urban Environment: The Role of the Responsibility Factor
The article examines the role of responsibility of residents of a metropolis as a resource for their social activity aimed at ensuring the well-being of the urban environment. This problem is investigated by the authors on the example of Moscow residents. The study involved Muscovites (N = 359) aged 18-75 living in different administrative districts of the city. The following methods were used: questionnaires composed by the authors to identify the type of responsibility of the citizens and their readiness for active participation in the life of the city; value orientation technique by E.B. Fantalova; and set of questions about socio-demographic characteristics of the respondents. The first stage consisted in (1) dividing the respondents into three groups according to different levels of responsibility; (2) determining the direction of responsibility in these groups; (3) identifying the relationship between value orientations and indicators of responsibility; and (4) describing the readiness of the respondents with different levels of responsibility to take an active part in the life of their city. At the second stage, based on the data of regression analysis, the authors show the role of responsibility as a predictor of the activity of the respondents to improve living conditions in their city. It is found that the levels of responsibility for what is happening in their city in the three groups of the respondents differ mainly in the severity of their internal/external judgments or their pessimistic/optimistic moods regarding belief in their own strengths, willingness of other people to support initiatives, and positive/negative expectations of changes in urban life, subject to the active participation of all citizens in any transformations or events. Based on the results of the age analysis of the sample, it is concluded that young people are poorly represented in the group with a high level of responsibility. Prospects for further research are also outlined.

The Ratio Commitment to Social Activity on the Internet and Physical Space among Young People
Due to large-scale shifts in the development of digital technologies, with the expansion of opportunities and the spread of the Internet environment, activity is increasingly being moved from the physical environment to the Internet environment. In this regard, one of the most important problems is to identify the correlation of activity in the two environments and its reflection in the social identity of young people. The purpose of this study is to analyze the ratio of personal commitment to social activity in the Internet and physical space, taking into account its forms and the depth of ethnic, religious and civic identity. The study involved 199 people aged 17-24 years (M = 20.02; SD = 2.7). Commitment to various forms of social activity in the physical and Internet environment was assessed using scales developed and modified by the authors. Identification with the institution of religion was revealed with the help of specially designed questions about belonging to a confession and the degree of religiosity. Civic identity was determined according to the scale developed by A.N. Tatarko. The certainty of ethnic identity was estimated using the scales by A.N. Tatarko and N.M. Lebedeva. Descriptive statistics methods, correlation and regression analyzes were used for data processing. It was found that commitment to civil, political or friendly activities does not depend on their involvement in a real or virtual environment. Leisure activities are mostly represented in the virtual environment. The certainty and positivity of ethnic identity are associated with pro-social and more acceptable forms of activity for young people, but its uncertainty is associated with protest forms of activity in both environments; civic identity is associated with the most preferred leisure activity in both environments, with volunteer activity and reduced protest activity in the real environment, political activity on the Internet and preference for activity in the Internet space; commitment to religion is associated with corresponding activity and conflicts with the protest, environmental and network ones, which mainly characterize leisure time. Activity in the physical environment is a stronger predictor of civic, ethnic and religious identity than in the Internet environment.

Growing Infantilism in Modern Adolescents and Young People: Symptoms and Causes
In the 21st century, in the era of growing infantilism, one of the important tasks of modern psychology and pedagogy is to solve the problem of educating and developing the responsibility of adolescents and young people. There are various hypotheses about the emergence of infantilism and irresponsibility and their manifestations in childhood and adulthood. The strength of society is the strength of individuals who make it up; therefore, in modern science it is important to identify the causes of social infantilism and introduce technologies for its prevention and correction. On the basis of a theoretical analysis, the authors consider the dominant symptoms of infantilism (irresponsibility, mental discomfort, loneliness, sexual behavior disorders, narcissism and gender chauvinism) as well as their manifestations in different age periods. According to the authors, the main reasons for the development of infantilism in adolescents and young people are as follows: (1) the lack of collective education and the low influence of teachers, psychologists and the educational environment as a whole on the personality development; (2) the pronounced style of pedagogy of freedom, provoking the development of egoism; (3) the delegation of responsibility for education exclusively to the family in the absence of psychological and pedagogical support for family relations; (4) the deformed model of family relations against the background of falling birth rates, shifting gender roles and family values. To prevent and correct infantilism among adolescents and young people, specialists in the field of modern education need to carry out systematic diagnostic work with families and pay close attention to the introduction of practical technologies for the prevention of irresponsible behavior among younger schoolchildren and adolescents. In addition, it is necessary to introduce psychological and pedagogical education of the younger generation on the issues of personal self-development, self-education and self-fulfilment.

Features of Group Identity and Its Relationship with the Level of Sports Achievements among Adolescents and Juniors Who Practice Boxing
The present study is focused on identifying the features of group identity as well as the relationship between its components and the level of sports achievements in adolescents and juniors who practice boxing. The paper presents the results of an empirical study obtained on a sample of 360 young boxers (180 teenagers and 180 juniors). The respondents were divided into four groups by gender and age (15-16 years and 17-18 years), equal in number. The study used the Questionnaire of Social (Group) Identity by A.R. Graziani, M. Rubini, A. Palmonari, S. Costarelli, and R.M. Calla (adapted by O.V. Vaskova) and the technique for measuring the effectiveness of sports activities. Statistically significant differences in the parameters of group identity were identified, correlated with the gender and age categories of respondents. Higher indicators of group identity were found in female adolescents and juniors in comparison with male adolescents and juniors. The peculiarity of the age dynamics is that the components of identity increase in adolescent male boxers, while they may tend to decrease in adolescent female boxers. The hypothesis was confirmed that there exists a relationship between the indicators of group identity and the level of sports achievements in adolescent and junior boxers, but it was not only direct and positive. The article presents the prospects for future research on the meaning and role of social identity in the field of sports achievements.

Personal Meanings of Safety in the Minds of Professional Francophones
Safety, which is currently recognized as the leading condition for the organization of the educational space, remains little studied in relation to language training. Meanwhile, its representation in the minds of subjects of learning a foreign language allows us to predict the vectors of efforts to improve their activities. The aim of the study was to identify personal meanings of safety in the minds of professional francophones. The respondents were teachers and graduate students of the French language. The methods used in the study included: directed statements, content analysis and scaled survey. The study revealed the following semantic groups of the category ‘safety’ in the educational space of learning the French language: (1) the environmental parameter of the educational process; (2) the characteristics of the interaction of the subjects of the educational process (teacher and students); (3) the internal state of the subjects as a predictor of learning a foreign language; and (4) the expectation of French language proficiency. The situations of its ‘binding’ by professional francophones to the educational space of learning the French language are established, namely: the organization of the educational space; the construction of methodological approaches to teaching the language; the implementation of educational interaction; and the French language acquisition. Based on the results of the study, the significance of the category of ‘safety’ for professional francophones was confirmed in three aspects of the organization of the educational space for learning the French language, i.e., general methodological, general linguistic and private linguistic ones. In the process of teaching the French language, it seems appropriate to take into account the safety needs relevant to the modern educational space, to highlight in it the features that are significant in general for the practice of language training as a direction of pedagogical activity, as well as the nuances that are characteristic exclusively for teaching a particular language.

Cognitive and Motivational Foundations Underlying Acculturation Expectations: Applications of Ethnic Group Position Model
Although dominant cultural groups as a rule have the main impact on the mutual acculturation process, they receive much less attention in the literature. This article, firstly, challenges the common implicit position that dominant cultural groups do not have variety in their acculturation expectations regarding different non-dominant cultural groups, and, secondly, proposes Ethnic Group Position Model (EGPM) to explain and predict acculturation expectations regarding a particular non-dominant cultural group in society. The empirical study tests the relationship of structural variables of the group position by the new model (status, interdependence, similarity) and acculturation expectations while taking into account the relevant individual difference variables (the degree of agreement and endorsement for authoritarian attitudes and intergroup ideologies), thus covering the cognitive and motivational foundations underlying acculturation expectations. The participants in the survey were 377 Russian representatives of the dominant cultural group in Russia, who filled out a questionnaire containing questions about acculturation expectations (e.g., integration, assimilation, separation), evaluation of ethnic groups according to the feelings thermometer, perceived group positions, and also about an endorsement of authoritarian attitudes (right-wing authoritarianism and social domination orientation) and intergroup ideologies (e.g., assimilationism, multiculturalism, interculturalism). The results showed that Russians did vary their acculturation expectations towards different cultural groups according to the EGPM, even when controlling for their individual differences in ethnic bias. The conclusions emphasize that the cultural groups’ images are steam from ordinary observations of their life outcomes or circumstances, primarily in terms of vertical inequality (prestige and respect), i.e. perceived status (e.g., education, professional prestige, connection with crime), which largely shapes intercultural relations and in particular acculturation expectations.

Mindfulness in Intercultural Communication: A Qualitative Analysis Experience
The study of intercultural communication has recently become one of the topical issues in the psychology of intergroup relations, intercultural communication and social psychology. Intercultural communication is considered within the framework of communication theory and describes the features and mechanisms underlying effective communication. The integrative communication model, previously described by the authors of this article, made it necessary to test the role of mindfulness in intercultural communication. The aim of this research is to analyze the contribution of mindfulness to the situation of intercultural interaction using qualitative research methods. The research was carried out based on the theoretical model of interpersonal mindfulness described at the following levels: (1) concentration on the present, presence; (2) attentive awareness of both oneself and the other; (3) acceptance of the other without condemnation, and (4) inhibition of automatic responses. Using the method of in-depth interviews and subsequent thematic and phenomenological data analysis, the authors were able to describe the mechanisms of mindfulness in intercultural communication in general and at each of the four analytical levels separately. The data obtained as a result of the analysis made it possible to reveal the content of each of the levels of mindfulness. Conclusions were also made about the content of the goals and values of intercultural communication, the motives for specific practices in the life and communication of informants. Methods for controlling reactivity in a situation of uncertainty in intercultural communication were analyzed and the roles of attitudes towards accepting the other without condemnation were described. The results of this study can serve as a basis for the development of an integrative model that will describe the role of anxiety and uncertainty in intercultural communication and allow the data to be operationalized into measuring scales for quantitative research in the field of assessing the role of mindfulness in intercultural communication.

Is Silence Golden? Chronic Stress and Psychophysiological Indicators’ Changes over Time in International Students: A Pilot Study
Most people assume studying or working abroad would be stressful - but would one ever think that it could be detrimental to the health? Stress literature relates cross-cultural transactions to the chances of gaining higher levels of chronic stress. This paper reports the results of two studies on international students in Moscow in 2018. Specifically, Study 1 assessed how cross-cultural transactions perceived to affect health state during the first 6 months of their relocation. Study 2 aimed to investigate if the psychological stress linked to relocation to a different country can possibly lead to psychobiological effects of chronic stress. In Study 1, qualitative methods were applied to conduct 21 interviews with international students. In Study 2, a longitudinal pilot study was conducted for 10 foreign students during the first 2-5 (M = 3.6) months of their relocation. Stress related to cross-cultural transactions was expected to affect subjective well-being and health variables. The health state was a relatively silent topic in the interview participants of Study 1. The results of Study 2 showed that the participants had changes in the resting heart rate (RHR) baseline. Perceived chronic stress related to cross-cultural transactions may affect psychophysiological state; however, the affect varies depending on a person. Further research is required for the data consistency and for identifying non-invasive objective risk markers and individual stress pathways, with the goal of identifying “at-risk” students and providing treatment options before any serious harm is done to their health.

Grant Support as a Research Development Factor in Russian Universities
Scientific research at the present stage of development of higher education is the basis of the academic reputation of the university, an aspect of the educational activities of the teacher and student. Quantitative indicators of scientific performance are the most important criterion for evaluating effectiveness at different levels. The article analyzes the implementation of scientific research based on grant support for four of the most authoritative foundations in Russia in 2006-2020: the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation, the Council for Grants of the President of the Russian Federation and the Russian Science Foundation. The assessment was made on the example of projects in the humanities and social sciences, including linguistics. The conclusion of the study introduces a statement of the importance of funds for the preservation of classical areas of scientific activity. It also demonstrates the necessity of an increase in the number of scientific research at Russian universities funded by these funds both in general terms and in relation to the number of grant projects conducted at academic institutions and an assessment of the activities of funds as a structure that determines priority directions of research. The most popular contests for universities have become contests in the areas of fundamental research and research support for young scientists.

Adaptation of R. Schwarzer’s Proactive Attitudes Scale: Validation and Psychometric Testing on a Sample of Russian Youth
The relevance of studying proactive coping and proactive attitudes in early adulthood is determined by the fact that planning the future and predicting difficult situations are important skills for an adult. In theoretical terms, our study is based on R. Schwarzer’s approach to proactive coping and proactive attitudes as well as the research work of Russian authors on creating and adapting methods for studying proactive coping (E.P. Belinskaya, A.I. Erzin, E.S. Starchenkova, T.L. Kryukova, E.V. Kuftyak, and others). The purpose of the study was to describe the psychometric indicators of The Proactive Attitudes Scale by R. Schwarzer on a sample of Russian university students. The research objectives were as follows: (1) to make an adequate translation of the original version of the scale; (2) to determine the factor structure of the scale and evaluate its internal consistency and discriminativity; and (3) to estimate the test-retest reliability and validity of the scale as well as the average indicators for the period of early adulthood. The following research methods were involved: the construct validity was examined using A. Erzin’s Proactive Behavior Technique and R. Schwarzer’s Self-Efficacy Scale; the external validity was assessed using the Proactive Coping Behavior Technique (adapted by E.P. Belinskaya et al.), Zimbardo Time Perspective Inventory (adapted by A. Syrtsova et al.) and Folkman and Lazarus’ Ways of Coping Questionnaire (adapted by T.L. Kryukova et al.). The sample consisted of 467 people aged 20-25 (312 women and 155 men). The main study (for scale standardization and validation) involved 400 respondents (272 women and 128 men); 67 respondents participated in the second survey (after 2 and 4 weeks). The study was conducted online in Google Forms. An exploratory factor analysis made it possible to single out the one-dimensionality of the scale (the Possibility of Independent Choice factor) and its acceptable internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha coefficient, α = 0.78). The indicators of test-retest reliability and discrimination were satisfactory. The scale showed acceptable external and construct validity, the average values on the scale were highlighted, and gender differences were presented. The Proactive Attitudes Scale has the necessary psychometric characteristics and can be used for express diagnostics of young people.