No 4 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 22
- URL:

Subject oriented approach to the study of higher spiritual capacities
Possibility of using subject oriented approach to the enquiry of spiritual capacities is reviewed; it is suggested holistic consideration of moral and intellectual parameters of subject's spiritual capacities in psychological study of deeds.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):11-17

Relationship between the parameters of tolerance and cross-cultural adaptation of foreign students
The article presents and analyzes the results of empirical research relationship between the parameters of tolerance and features of cross-cultural adaptation of students from Africa, Arab countries, China, Latin America and Central Asia.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):24-28

Contradictions of subjective evaluations in a teacher «self image»
The author of the article considers the results of an empirical research of the contradictions of subjective evaluations in a teacher «self image». The conducted investigation confirms an assumption of the author about the contradictory relationship of the teacher existing «self images».
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):46-50

Cognitive development of child as condition of his personal development
The results of cognitive and personal development of children till 4-5 until 17-18 age presented in the article, disclosing the concept cognitive-personal development of child on the basic ontogenesis stages on the base of proved empirical research.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):51-55

Development of ecological competence of the person in the conditions of «ekology-psychology» interactions of the future experts: the general conclusions of theoretical and empirical research
This article is the third, final publications in a series, devoted to a problem of development of ecological competence of the person in «ecology-psychological» interactions of the future experts [4; 5]; includes the general conclusions by results of theoretical and empirical research of the specified problem.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):56-62

The psychological status of children living on ecologically «polluted» territories as indicator of their adaptation to environmental conditions
The article deals with the problem of psychological status of those children who live in ecologically unfavorable region. It has been proved that signs of mental activity lowering (within the norm) for children of the discussed category are caused by minimizing psychological adaptation in ecologically unfavorable conditions.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):63-68

Features of psychological representation of Perm city's urban environment, which foreigners have for residence time
The content of the psychological representations of foreigners on the Perm city in connection with the characteristics of the residence time of the respondents in the city is analyzed in the paper. It was found that the content of representation of the Perm urban environment from foreigners is formed predominantly in the space of needs and goals of the subjects, addressed to the environment.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):69-74

The formation of value orientations of russian and foreign students: axiological aspects
In this paper the theoretical foundations of pedagogical study in the formation of value orientations of Russian and foreign students are carried out. A review of the principles and approaches that provide a basis for determining research directions and concepts of the problem is also being studied.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):75-80

Peculiarities of psychological state of students from Ecuador during adaptation
The article analyzes the features of the percolation of psychological states in the process of adaptation to another cultural environment, its specificity adaptation of Ecuadorian students during their stay in Moscow and the flow characteristics of psychological states associated with the strategies of adaptation.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):89-93

The demonstration of personal property of children with various types of child-parent relationships in the families of professional soldiers
Results of an empirical research of features of display of specific properties of the person of children of military men (uneasiness, aggression and social deadaptiveness) are resulted. It is shown that basic influence on displays of the given properties is rendered by specific conditions of military families' life, personal characteristics of parents, their marital relationship and the dominant types of parental attitudes to their child.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):94-99

The formation of the is professional-creative orientation of students of technical specialities
This article is dedicated to the problem of creating engineers personality through the processes of developing profession-artistic directivity of students of technological universities. Collection of pedagogical conditions necessary to maintain the process of developing profession-creative directivity of students of technological universities while studying foreign language.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):104-108

The formation of the culture of professional creation of the students in educational process of the institute of culture and art: to the problem statement
Currently, in pedagogical science and practice the problems. This fact doesn't meet the requests of society in modern social and cultural conditions. This article is about the attempt of theoretical-methodological decision of the problem of the forming of professional creativity culture of specialists in the sphere of culture and art.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):109-112

Gender aspect of research of emotional intelligence of teenagers
Different views on gender distinctions in emotional sphere of a person are analyzed in the article, and also results of empirical research of gender distinctions in sphere of emotional intelligence of teenagers are presented.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):113-118

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(4):119-121