No 1 (2012)
- Year: 2012
- Articles: 21
- URL:
Self-Actualization of Personality as Precondition of Manifestation of Interethnic Tolerance in the Former Soviet Union
The problem of self-actualization and tolerance of the personality is discussed in the article. The psychological analysis of interrelation of self-actualization and tolerance on the sample of Russians, and representatives of the Central Asian and Caucasian republics is submitted.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):5-13

Typology of Needs in Small and Minority Languages: Generally-Methodical and Specifically-Scientific Approaches
The article analyses both generally-methodological and specifically-scientific principles of developing the typology of needs in a small or minority language. The results of the study show, that the identification need for a language may occur not only in the ethnic Karelians, but also in the natives of other regions living now in Karelia and aspiring to cultural integration.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):14-21

Ethnic Identity of Young People in Poly-Ethnic Environment
The paper presents the analysis of the ethnic identity types among the young people in the polyethnic environment. It was found relations between the ethnic identity and the level of the intercultural competence, the strategies of the inter-ethnic interaction, difficulties in the cross-cultural interaction, and the personality traits.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):22-28

To the Problem of Relation between Personality Traits and Ethnic Stereotypes of Multinational University Students
The possibility of considering personality traits as factors of social perception determining the characteristics of ethnic stereotypes and prejudices is discussed in the article. The results of the empiric research of the relation of confidence and aggressiveness in the Russian students of a multinational university to the degree of their ethnic prejudices are presented.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):29-35

Structural Features of Sociability in Russian and Latin American Students
The article submits the results of the analysis of the psychological structure of sociability in the Russian and Latin American students which revealed the specificity of the factorial organization of sociability in the investigated groups of students. There are grounds to believe that the given specificity is determined by the ethnopsychological features.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):36-41

Strategies of Overcoming Acculturation Stress in Students from Different Parts of the World
This article describes the results of the study of strategies of acculturation stress overcoming in the students from different regions, as well as the correlations of preferring certain strategies with successful cross-cultural adaptation. It was found out that, in general, the constructive coping strategies contribute to successful adaptation, help to overcome adaptation problems and negative emotional states.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):42-49

Psychological Peculiarities of Personality Self-Actualization in Teachers-Psychologists
The article presents the empirical results of researching the individual features of self-actualization in teachers-psychologists within the framework of the polysystem concept of self-actualization of the personality. Three types of self-actualization: optimum, adaptive and inert - are singled out.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):58-64

Pupils' Reading Comprehension and its Predictors
In this article, the results of two studies of reading comprehension are presented and discussed. In the first study (n = 502), indicators of reading comprehension of connected text were predicted by indicators of accuracy of single-word reading and phonological indicators that are traditionally used for this purpose. In the second study (n = 1048), indicators of reading comprehension of connected text were predicted by meta-linguistic indicators. This article discusses both sets of findings and draws a parallel between these findings and the results of Russian students in the international comparison programs PIRLS and PISA.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):65-74

Rational and Experiential Thinking Style: Adaptation of Epstein's Inventory
This article is devoted to the study of the rational-experiential thinking style by using Epstein's Rational-Experiential Inventory (REI). The reliability analysis with Cronbach' Alpha showed the validity of the Russian version. Rational parameters were significantly higher than experiential. However, the higher score of experiential parameters were revealed in the female group compared to the male group.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):75-79

Configurational Mechanism of Visual Discrimination
The visual discrimination system of K-shaped figures is described in the article. We explored our constructed space of the K-shaped figures by means of the terms of Sokolov and Izmailov's spherical model of differentiating stimuli. The comparative analysis demonstrated that the K-shaped figures were recognized with a four-channel neuron network detecting the configurative features of the stimuli.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):85-93

Emotional Reacting: Functions, Components, Characteristics, Problems and Investigation Perspectives
The article represents a theoretical analysis of modern approaches to the study of emotional reacting. The mechanism of emotional reacting as a multilevel system is disclosed through describing its main components, characteristics and functions.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):94-99

The Causes of Crisis in Education and Perspectives of its Transition to the Innovative Model of Development
The new perspectives of the Russian education in the context of the goals and objectives of the post-crisis and long-term development of the Russian Federation (the strategy - 2020) are analyzed in the article. The contradictions of the modern educational model are reviewed, the innovative ways and means of a balanced development of the Russian national education system and its active participation in the international education initiatives are considered and proved in terms of their prospects.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):100-106

Personality Traits and Success in Foreign Language Acquisition
The article considers such personality traits as persistence, responsibility and sociability in the vein of the system-functional approach to the research of the personality and their impact on successful foreign language learning.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):107-111

Forming Professional Competence of Future Mathematics Teachers in the Course of Research Activity
The article deals with the various aspects of the organization of research among students - future teachers of mathematics under the conditions of the implementation of competence-based approach according to the requirements of the new educational standards.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):112-118

Analysis of Structure Components of Human Character and their Correlation with Temperament Traits
This article justifies the need to examine the integral structure of the human character. The research program of the correlation of the structural components of the character is presented. The results of character structure analysis and studying the interrelation of its components are described.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):126-131

Problems of Statistic Analysis of Experimental Research Results of Effectiveness of Applying Modern Pedagogic Technologies
The article touches upon the problem of applying statistic methods for the purpose of reliable estimate of experimental work results in the pedagogic researches; it also describes the practical example of the three statistic criteria usage and the difficulties that may arise in the course of their application.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):138-144

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RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2012;(1):145-147