No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 20
- URL:
Nebylitsyn Vladimir Dmitrievich (80 years from the date of a birth)
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):5-9

Perception of facial expressions produced by configural relations
The authors discuss the problem of perception of facial expressions produced by configural features. Experimentally found configural features influence the perception of emotional expression of subjectively emotionless face. Classical results by E. Brunsvik related to perception of schematic faces are partly confirmed.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):10-15

Interrelation between consious self-regulation development and sociability of school teachers
The study is devoted to investigation of conscious self-regulation role in pedagogical interaction. Specific connections of regulation processes with sociability components of school teachers are described. It was discovered that development of conscious self-regulation system facilitates communication difficulties negotiation in teacher-student interaction.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):16-20

Self-confidence of personality and the level of self-actualization of the employees of commercial organizations
The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of empirical research of self-confidence as a system-functional feature of the personality (according to A.I. Krupnov) in correlation with the level of self-actualization of the employees of commercial organizations.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):21-26

The psychological characteristic of professional work of successful and less successful sellers
The results of researching psychological characteristic of sellers' sociability are considered in this article. The qualitative analysis of distinctions in psychological displays of sociability of successful and less successful sellers has proved, that in the first place they are appeared in originality of a set of various variables of sociability, and secondly - in a degree of preference of those or other attributes of sociability realization.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):37-41

The personal characteristic of younger schoolboys by teachers to be who have different relations with learners
Employing the method of personality construction the author of the article reveals the peculiarities of estimation scales, which are used by primary school teachers to be who have formal, positive undifferentiated, cognitive and value types of relations to primary schoolchildren while describing their personality features.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):62-65

Time perspective in extreme situation
The article gives the new definition of the concept of time perspective in the view of postnonclassic paradigms in psychology. It shows the temporal unity of the past, present and future in life story of personality in the context of conception of temporal work.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):66-72

Functions of interdisciplinary integration in the development of education as a system
The article reveals three major groups of regularities according to which education develops. It defines the message of interdisciplinary integration in their realization and outlines its main and applied functions in education development.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):73-78

Development of ecological competence of the person in the conditions of «ecologi-psychological» interactions of the future experts: theoretical aspects and the general empirical researches
In this article the structure and the maintenance of ecological competence of the future experts as integrated personal formation is considered. The role of «ecology-psychological» interactions of the future experts in its productive development, the maintenance and types of interactions of the future experts is defined. The data of the general empirical researches is cited. Prospects of the further researches on a problem are planned.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):83-89

Functions of interdisciplinary integration in the development of education as a system
In this article the results of an estimation of progress of education for sustainable development in Russia during 1990-2000th have been presented. The all educational levels from preschool to postgraduate have been considered.
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):99-104

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Psychology and Pedagogics. 2010;(2):105-107