Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices

Editor-in-Chief: Uldanai M. Bakhtikireeva, Doctor of Science (Philology), Ph.D., Professor

ISSN: 2618-897X (Print) ISSN: 2618-8988 (Online)

Founded in 2004. Publication frequency: quarterly

Open Access: Open Access   APC: no article processing charge

Peer-Review: double blind. Publication language: Russian, English

PUBLISHER: Peoples’ Friendship University of Russia named after Patrice Lumumba (RUDN University)

Journal History

Indexation: Russian Index of Science Citation, DOAJ, Google Scholar, Ulrich's Periodicals Directory, ERIH PLUS, WorldCat, Cyberleninka, East View, Dimensions, ResearchBib, Lens, Research4Life, JournalTOCs, British Library, Bodleian Libraries (University of Oxford), Ghent University Library


“Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices” is a peer-reviewed research journal that publishes the results of linguistic and interdisciplinary studies relevant to the viable linguistic, sociocultural situation, language and literary education in Russia and other countries of the world.

Polylinguality is understood as the quality of modern languages and cultures that cannot be considered within the framework of primordialism – as “frozen” forms fixed once and for all. Polylinguality is a fluid mutual adaptation of multiple linguistic and extra-linguistic pictures of the world, transforming the global semiosphere with everyday practice, in which, as in a kaleidoscope, various transcultural communicative practices are reflected.

The super task of the journal is, based on the recognition and respect for the diversity of world order models, to integrate the linguistic and extralinguistic experience of specialists from different countries and scholarly fields studying the mutual influence and interaction of diverse languages and cultures.

The aim of the journal is to promote the creation of links between scholarly discourses, theories and research methods from a wide range of disciplines of the philological cycle and related branches of studies in the linguistic and cultural practice of everyday life of society.

We are looking forward to the works of Russian and foreign linguists, literary scholars, philosophers, culturologists, sociologists, political scientists, teachers studying

  • the current state of the indigenous languages of the Russian Federation, post-Soviet countries and other regions of the world, language planning and politics, linguistic anthropology, philosophy of language, language contacts, Russian-foreign bi-, poly-, translingualism;
  • specific features of literature created by ethnically non-Russian authors in the Russian "linguistic shell" in the context of the world experience of translingual literature, and translatology;
  • literatures of the peoples of foreign countries, in which a transcultural text created by a bilingual author is studied (for example, English, French, Spanish-speaking writers);
  • theories of literature, textual criticism, offering new approaches to the "translingual imaginary": the study of inter-code switchingswithin a literary text, problems of multiple identity, as well as mechanisms of intralinguistic and extralinguistic adaptation of elements;
  • linguodidactics, the relationship of the theory and methodology of professional education with practice and the educational environment of a vocational educational institution, in which emphasis is placed on the linguistic and literary education of bilinguals and translinguals.

The languages of publication are Russian and English.

The editors are open to thematic issue initiatives with guest editors.


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From the Scientific Editors of the Issue
Ibraghimov M.I., Amineva V.R.
Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):381-384
pages 381-384 views

Language in System

Features of the Structural, Compositional and Linguistic-Stylistic Formation of Artistic and Journalistic Genres on the Pages of the Tatar Periodical Press of the Early Twentieth Century
Minnullin B.K.

The beginning of the twentieth century in the Russian Empire is a period of growth of national consciousness. As a result, peoples of different nationalities are forming new views on education, defining their national identity, studying the history of their people and preserving traditions. An important result of such changes was the emergence of a national periodical press. The first organs of the Tatar-language Arabographic periodical press, published in the interrevolutionary period of 1905-1917, played an important role in the formation and further development of the Tatar periodical press and Tatar journalism. The first Tatar newspapers formed the genre, compositional, lexical, grammatical and stylistic structure of the modern Tatar periodical press. This determines the relevance of this scientific article. The purpose of this study is to identify the compositional and linguistic-stylistic characteristics of travel essays as the most popular artistic and journalistic genre found in the texts of Tatar newspapers of the early twentieth century. The research material was the texts of the Tatar newspapers Borkhane Tarakki (1906-1911) and Vakyt (1906-1918). In the course of the work, the descriptive and analytical method was used, as well as the method of continuous sampling of factual material. As a result of the research, it was revealed that the texts of travel essays are a description of the events that the author witnessed. The studied texts are characterized by their documentary and artistic nature. On the one hand, this type of text construction is expressed in journalistic character and the presence of compositional and lexicogrammatical structures, and on the other hand, in the active functioning of means of artistic expression.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):385-395
pages 385-395 views
Adverbial Word Formation in Russian and Tatar Languages: Ethnolinguistic Aspect
Fatkhutdinova V.G.

The article examines the derived adverbs of the Russian and Tatar languages, namely the specifics of their structure, semantics and ways of expressing communicative and pragmatic meanings. The purpose of the work is to identify and describe the ethnocultural component in the derivational-semantic space of adverbial words of typologically distant languages. The innovation of the work consists in the fact that for the first time an attempt was made to describe adverbial derivatives in an ethnolinguistic aspect, which allows interpreting the morphosemantic structure of a word as a linguistic and cultural phenomenon, namely, to characterize universal and differential features that form the linguistic picture of the world of each ethnic group. The study states that the word-formation structure of derived adverbs can demonstrate the semantic organization of the word and the corresponding concept, namely, it indicates due to which properties and signs any action or state is determined in the speaker’s mind. A comparative analysis of adverbial derivation in the Russian and Tatar languages allowed us to establish not only similarities and differences in the use of motivational features within the same denotative space, but also to identify the most significant, preferred mental and cultural meanings for this linguistic collective. Special attention is paid to the facts of interlanguage word-formation lacunarity and the specifics of the internal form of derived adverbs, which makes it possible to reveal cognitive mechanisms in the linguistic modeling of the surrounding reality.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):396-407
pages 396-407 views
Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of Prepositions / Postpositions and Conjunctions as Means of Expressing the Category of Precedence in the Tatar and Russian Languages
Lutfullina G.F.

This article presents a semantic-syntactic analysis of prepositions / postpositions and conjunctions of the Tatar and Russian languages with the semantics of precedence. The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the functioning of prepositions/postpositions and conjunctions of differently structured languages involved in the representation of the category of precedence. The work defines a range of prepositions and conjunctions of temporal semantics that realize the meaning under study. The scientific novelty is that the dominant functions of preposition/postposition or conjunction have been identified as non-verbal means of expressing temporality, in particular, the meaning of precedence, in determining the temporal meaning of a statement. The results obtained showed that in both languages the potential of representation by prepositions / postpositions and precedent conjunctions is determined by their compatibility. In both languages, postpositions / prepositions and postpositional words are characterized by high frequency functioning. In both languages, there is a preference for expressing precedence towards the evening time of day, which is logically understandable. The Tatar language also contains postpositional words. The semantics of precedence in time correlates with the semantics of precedence in space, the third additional meaning is proportionality, comparison in size. In the Russian language, prepositions are polysemantic and have an extremely high frequency of functioning, that is, the semantics of precedence is only one of the meanings. They often realize the meaning of the degree of manifestation and many others. In both languages, the semantics of precedence in complex sentences is realized by conjunctive expressions, including postpositions and prepositions of the same semantics. In the Tatar language there are subordinate and welded clauses, but in the Russian language only subordinate clauses are presented.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):408-427
pages 408-427 views
Phonetic-Semantic Features of the Tatar Lexeme ik and Basque hegi: Experience of Comparative Analysis
Suleimanova D.D.

To clarify possible etymological connections of the Tatar lexeme ik ‘edge, end’ and identify diachronic patterns in synchrony, the author considers a series of lexemes that are similar in semantic and phonetic characteristics (paired ik-şik ‘end and edge’, ǯek ‘seam, joint’, iŋ (*egin) ‘shoulder’, ǯiŋ ‘sleeve’, etc.), designating them as “phonetic-semantic convergences” and combining them into a “phonetic-semantic group” (FSG). There are no special works studying the origin, reasons for the origin of such groups of lexemes, types of relationships between their elements. FSG research could contribute to the analysis of etymologically complex lexemes and the identification of systemic connections in vocabulary, which determines the relevance of work on this issue. In order to study the question of the existence of FSG in other differently structured languages, material from the Basque language was used (lexemes hegi ‘edge, border’, hegal ‘wing, edge’, magal ‘wing, slope’, etc.). Using material from the etymological and other dictionaries of the Tatar, Bashkir, Russian, Basque, Turkic, Altai languages, the basics of the VKtype and part of the derivations of the CVKstructure with initial / j-/ǯ-, m-, ş-, t-/ in Tatar and anlaut / h-, m-/ - in Basque languages. The hypothesis is put forward that phonetic and semantic convergences in the Tatar language may represent related bases established in the form of independent lexemes. Because of the application of a set of methods combining techniques of comparative historical and comparative typological analysis, the author concludes that in the evolution of phonetic and semantic groups, in addition to semantic derivations, phonetic methods of word formation played an essential role. These are Turkic ablaut, synharmonic parallelism (palatalization of the base), reduplication, which are relics of the pre-agglutinative period of the development of the Turkic languages.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):428-440
pages 428-440 views
“The native language is Tatar.” Mordovian-Karatai Culture as an Example of Interethnic Interaction
Safarov M.A.

The Karatai are an ethnographic group of Mordvins, historically living in the KamskoUstinsky district of Tatarstan, whose native language is Tatar. The centuries-old history of this local group is an example of active interethnic interaction in the Volga region. Various aspects of history, material and spiritual culture, and the Karatai language are considered in ethnographic and dialectological literature. Among them are those analyzing hypotheses of the origin of the Karatai, taking into account the obvious Mishar vocabulary of their language; studying the modern area of settlement; features of self-identification. Special attention is paid to the materials of the Mordovian ethnographic expedition, which studied the life and traditions of the Karatai in the 1950s under the guidance of the famous scientist V.N. Belitzer.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):441-449
pages 441-449 views
Kasimov Dialect as a Factor in Preserving the Ethnic and Confessional Identity of the Tatars of the Ryazan Region
Abyanov R.V.

Two groups of Tatars have historically been settled in the eastern regions of the Ryazan Region - Kasimov Tatars and Mishari Tatars, with a total population of 3,071 people (as of 2021). These groups, while maintaining a common Tatar identity, close contacts (and family and marriage ties) have significant differences in ethnogenesis, traditional life, and especially in vocabulary. Most of the Kasimov Tatars are now Russian-speaking, while this ethnographic group is characterized by its archaic dialect, which differs markedly from the Mishar dialect found in neighboring Kasimov districts. Our in-depth interviews with Kasimov Tatars show that they perceive their dialect as an important factor of ethnoidentity, full or partial possession of it is noted as a sign of an indigenous inhabitant of the Tatar settlement of the city or local villages founded back in the era of the Kasimov Khanate. Local vocabulary is also used in ritual practices, becoming an integral part of religious everyday life. The Kasimov Tatars are alarmed by the transfer of vocabulary to young people, teaching them. Within the framework of the urban Tatar cultural center, it is only possible to study in the literary language, which the Kasimov Tatars perceive poorly. At the same time, thanks to the joint activities of community activists and researchers from Moscow and Tatarstan, it became possible to fix vocabulary with the possibility of preparing a dictionary of the dialect and further developments in its teaching. The article also examines the significance of the study of the Kasimov dialect of the Tatar language, conducted by the outstanding Kazan dialectologist, researcher and researcher L.T. Makhmutova in her 1952 dissertation. The article attempts to analyze the role of the dialect as a factor of the ethno-confessional identity of a local group of Tatars, as well as the work of the community in fixing and teaching the dialect.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):450-458
pages 450-458 views

Languages in contact

The History of Arabic-Tatar Language Contacts in the Sociolinguistic Aspect
Mirkhayev R.F.

In the process of its development, the Tatar language has been in contact with the Arabic language for many centuries and, to one degree or another, has been influenced by it. The result of all this was a fairly large number of borrowings, which, to a certain extent, have long been rooted in the vocabulary of the Tatar language and are not perceived even by the common man in the street as alien. At present, we can say with confidence that in lexical and semantic terms they have been studied thoroughly. At the same time, Arabic-Tatar language contacts, which largely contributed to the formation of the indicated genetic layer of the Tatar language, are still awaiting their scientific understanding in the sociolinguistic aspect. This determines the relevance of this work. Its goal is to study the cultural and historical factors that contributed to the penetration of the Arabic language into the Tatar linguistic area, the social environment of its existence and areas of application in Tatar society in a diachronic aspect. The material used was works on the history of the Tatar people, Tatar literature and the Tatar literary language. In the process of their analysis, methods of sociolinguistic reconstruction and sociolinguistic interpretation were applied. As a result of the study, it was revealed that the formation and development of Arabic-Tatar language contacts was largely facilitated by factors of a religious nature, namely the adoption and practice of Islam by the ancestors of the Tatars. Next, the boundaries of the social environment and spheres of application of the Arabic language in Tatar society were determined. Historically, the first was formed within the community of clergy, scientists and students of religious educational institutions, and the second were religion, education, science and fiction. According to the author, it was within their framework that centuries-old ArabTatar language contacts took place.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):459-468
pages 459-468 views


Synthetism in Modern Tatar Prose
Zagidullina D.F.

The study is devoted to new phenomena in Tatar prose in recent years. Based on the material of the review and analysis of the iconic works of modern Tatar writers, it is established that one of the main patterns of development of Tatar literature is synthetism. It manifests itself in the combination of various stylistic principles in a single structure of the work. An attempt is made to consider the features of synthetism in Tatar literature in stylistic and genre aspects. In particular, in modern Tatar prose, dystopia, by providing a platform for a stylistic reunion of the past and the present or the present and the future, allows writers to search for both universal and national values that form the basis of spirituality. They imagine love and devotion between father and children; historical memory, etc. The combination of a biographical text with a lyric-romantic love story or a realistic one with a philosophical one, which are also common in prose in recent years, testifies Key words: Tatar prose, synthetism, novel, dystopia, novel, short story Article history: received 14.05.2024; accepted 19.06.2024.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):469-481
pages 469-481 views
Features of the Genesis and Formation of Russian-language Literature in Tatarstan
Enikeev I.A.

The study examines the problem of the genesis of Russian-language literature in the context of the interaction between Russian and national literatures of the former Soviet Union. New research by scientists on the study of regional literatures was used. The concept of strata and culturalhistorical nests is used as a theoretical basis. The dynamics and direction of development of Russianlanguage literature in Tatarstan are shown. The significance of cultural and historical nests in the process of development of national literatures is revealed.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):482-492
pages 482-492 views
“Genre Memory” as a Category of Comparative Poetics (Based on Elegy in Russian and Tatar Literature of the 2nd half of the 20th - 21st centuries)
Khabibullina A.Z.

The article considers the “genre memory” as a theoretical notion on the material of elegy established in Russian literature in the 2nd half of the 20th - 21st centuries (A. Dragomoschenko, B. Popov, S. Gandlevsky) and in the works of modern Tatar poets F. Safin, G. Morat, R. Zaidulla. The study is aimed at considering the elegiac poetry in national literature in the context of “genre memory”. The author concludes that the appeal to multilingual elegy provides an opportunity to examine the genre category of “memory” not only through the achievements of historical poetics, but also in the scientific discourse of comparative studies, in particular comparative poetics. It is stated that the elegy in the lyrics of A. Dragomoschenko and B. Popov loses its genre identity and acquires an ironic beginning. In Dragomoshchenko’s “Elegy the Second in a Row,” changes in poetics are marked by going beyond the usual syllabic structure of the poem, turning to a completely different “logic of writing”. Special attention is paid to intertextuality. It is concluded that intertextuality in the elegiac poetry of modern Tatar authors has nuances in contrast to the attention to the “foreign” word that has developed in Russian literature. An appeal to the “alien” texts in elegies by F. Safin, R. Zaidulla, G. Morat does not lead to irony, but on the contrary, it takes the reader back to the traditional images of national poetry and folklore, strengthens the “Tatar sound” in the genre, and highlights features of originality (for instance, in the elegy of G. Morat there are images of Sak and Sok, in the poem by F. Safin Sabantui holiday is mentioned). On the other hand, this technique is a transformation factor of the “memory” elegiac genre, which manifests itself in its gradual convergence with other forms and discourses in literature.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):493-504
pages 493-504 views
The Existence of Mortality in the Russian-language Prose of Contemporary Tatar Writers
Syryseva D.Y.

The study is devoted to the consideration of the existence of mortality in the works of contemporary Russian-speaking Tatar writers (Salavat Yuzeev, Rustem Sabirov, Shamil Idiatullin, Albina Nurislamova, Guzel Yakhina), on the one hand, influencing the macropoetics of works, contributing to the complication of compositional structures, on the other hand, reflected in micropoetics (complexes of motives that actualize the thanatological code, lexical units expressing anti-vital reflection, the living-dead dichotomy). The mortal dimension is associated with the poetics and aesthetics of magical realism, the features and symptoms of which are found in the works of these authors. Particular emphasis in the article is placed on the interpretation of death in the works of the German art critic Franz Roh, who substantiated the category of anti-vitality as fundamental to magical realism. The poetics of death is associated with the existential orientation of the works. Conclusions are drawn that mortality is one of the main artistic constants in the works of these authors, which contributes to the consideration of the traditions of magical realism in their work.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):505-511
pages 505-511 views
Ethnopoetic Elements of Translingualism in the Poetry by Albina Absalyamova
Dianova L.P.

The purpose of this study is to identify ethnopoetic markers in a translingual literary text. A translingual text is a text created by an author in a language that is not his or her native language and that transmits fragments of the author’s original culture. By ethnopoetic markers we mean such elements of the text that 1) are transferred into the fabric of the Russian-language text and have an exophonic sound, therefore, are semantically lacunary for the reader and require expansion; 2) are neutral from the point of view of the translator language, but reproduce foreign images of the world. The material for the study was selected poems by the Tatar poetess Albina Absalyamova. In the course of the work, it was possible to establish that the category of translingual text as a scientific problem is closely intertwined with the epistemological fields of ethnoand geopoetics.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):512-522
pages 512-522 views
Features of the National Image of the World’s Expression in the Literary Works by A. Yeniki
Fakhrutdinova L.I.

The work of one of the outstanding prose writers of the 20st century becomes the object of study by many scientists in various aspects. Such close attention to his work is due to the fact that in the history of Tatar literature A. Yeniki was one of the first writers in whose works the national principle clearly manifested itself, despite the dominance of the socialist realist canon, which equalizes national literatures. The purpose of our work is to study the national in the works of the Tatar writer. The concept of “national image of the world,” introduced by G.D. Gachev, is used as a tool for analyzing and identifying the national in the works of A. Yeniki. The work identifies the levels at which the actualization of the features of the national image of the world in the works of the Tatar writer takes place. The level of subjective organization allows us to establish that in the works of A. Yeniki, the consciousness of a person manifests itself, in whose value orientations the value of the national world, the family, the age-old traditions of national life acts as absolute and unconditional. The next level presented in the works is formed due to the unique connection of images, where landscape motifs play a particularly significant role. The writer creates landscapes in which extraordinary cordiality and sincerity are combined with warmth and skillful emotional decisions. In the works of A. Yeniki landscape is one of the main tools for creating an emotional tone that permeates all his works. The third level of actualization of the national features is character, which is based on the value of the family, as well as being determined by belonging to the native land, language, customs and traditions.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):523-534
pages 523-534 views

Theory of Translation

Preserving the National Identity of the Original Text in Translation (on the Material of Translations of Tatar Poetry into Russian)
Nagumanova E.F.

The relevance of the study is explained by the growing interest in the problems of translation from national languages in modern Russia. The level of translation depends primarily on the translator’s understanding of the cultural features of the nation the author belongs to. The research is based on Tatar poets’ poems of the late 20th - early 21st century and their translations into Russian. The study is aimed at determining the means of adequate conveying of the Tatar poets’ ethnic identity through different layers of the text (lexis, syntax, rhythmic organization, etc.). Different techniques of concretization of texts of original works in the process of inter-literary dialogue used by translators are described in the course of the conducted research. It is emphasized that the transformation of “alien” text into “foreign” in the process of translation is accompanied by an increase in the emotional background of the poems, which is generally related to the focus on the Russian-speaking reader, as well as with the stylistic peculiarities of the Russian language. First, identity is revealed, as a clash between two systems of poetic texts and in phenomena reflecting the contrast between them: semantic interference arising during perception of the original work, untranslatability. It is stated that in translations of bilingual poets, unlike translations of Russianspeaking authors, identity is not lost in the sign of memory, but acquires a new form in the signs of translating language.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):535-546
pages 535-546 views


Foreign Classics on the Tatar Stage
Shevchenko E.N.

The process of formation of the Tatar theater was associated with both the formation of national drama and the development of Russian and foreign classics. The Tatar Theater turned to world drama from the first years of its existence. It was an important school of directing and acting, contributed to the expansion of cultural horizons, the formation of professional skills and artistic taste of the young Tatar theater figures. Depending on the nature of the era, the director's preferences and the characteristics of the troupe, the plays of foreign playwrights emphasized social sound, heroic or romantic beginnings, psychologism or the universal nature of human relations. And although the main emphasis in the Tatar theater has always been on national drama, plays by foreign classics have always been included in its repertoire. The article examines the peculiarities of the Tatar theater's reception of the legacy of Shakespeare Moliere and Schiller at different stages of its development.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):547-557
pages 547-557 views
Searching the Renewal of the Theatrical Language in the Modern Tatar Theatre: Scenographic Aspect
Sultanova R.R.

The visual world of the modern Tatar theatre is a complex dynamic and self-developing system, which, on the one hand, reflects elements of traditional culture, folklore, rituals, and, on the other hand, various stylistic features of development of the theatre in general. Significant transformations are taking place that change certain features of the long-standing tradition. Stage managers and stage designers read classical and modern works in a new way, entering into a complex dialogue with the authors. Due to the active appeal to the achievements of modern culture and other arts, a kind of renewal of the theatre is taking place. Despite preservation of stable forms and elements of the Tatar culture, the traditions of the “interior theater”, generalized metaphorical motifs prevail in the productions that transfer the place of action to the present. This technique is used in the theater to sharpen and actualize the theme of the play, to strengthen the role of the viewer as an interpreter of what he saw. In search of ways of a new theatrical language modern artists use the aesthetic principles of the Tatar decorative and applied art and the poetics of folk games, cinematography, pop art, etc. in line with the postmodern game with traditions. The article analyzes the stage design of the performances of the beginning of the new century under the direction of the artistic director F. Bikchantayeva in tandem with modern stage designers (S. Skomorokhov, B. Ibragimov, etc.).

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):558-569
pages 558-569 views
The Intersection of Eastern and Western Artistic Traditions in Baki Urmanche’s Graphic Series
Ulemnova O.L.

The article discusses the issues of mutual influence of European and Asian artistic traditions important for the formation and development of the Tatar national fine art on the example of the work of its founder Baki Idrisovich Urmanche (1897-1990). Ways and means of overcoming the religious ban on the depiction of man and animals are revealed. The religious ban strictly observed by some Muslim peoples of Russia, including the Tatars, restricted the development of their artistic culture. Russian avant-garde is noted for its role in understanding the importance of Oriental artistic traditions for the development of Russian art in general, for B.I. Urmanche and Tatar art in particular. The author analyzes several graphic series created by B.I. Urmanche mainly in the last Kazan period of life (1958-1990), representing interpretations of landscape, Tatar ornament, theatrical masks, illustrations to the works of outstanding Tatar writers and poets of the early twentieth century. (G. Tukai, Deardmand). The author shows how B.I. Urmanche expresses his artistic individuality in graphics, searches for the national character of art, combines Western European visual traditions, techniques of Oriental miniature painting, Chinese Guohua painting, Arabic calligraphy and the ornamental system of Tatar decorative art.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):570-582
pages 570-582 views
Ilahi and Munajat in the Spiritual Musical and Poetic Culture of Turks and Tatars: On the Issue of Common Traditions
Gilemyanova G.G.

The paper raises the issues of the commonality of the spiritual chants of the Tatars and Turks - мunajats and ilahi. These problems are considered in the context of the religious musical and poetic traditions of the two Turkic peoples. The relevance of the study of this issue is due to the need to study Tatar culture as an integral part of Islamic civilization. The study of the general and local features of the existence of these genres helps to trace the continuity and evolution of traditions in different historical and cultural conditions. This study for the first time examines aspects related to understanding the place and role of ilahi and munajats in the spiritual culture of Turks and Tatars, identifying common features in the existence of these genres. The study was conducted on the basis of a comparative historical and comparative method.The article traces the parallels between the Turkish ilahi and the munajats of the Tatars, which are determined through a symbolic understanding of the divine, prayer and love for God through their expression through musical and poetic means, functions, themes, plots, forms and features of existence. The combination of common features makes it possible to further compare these genres both from the perspective of the common traditions of the spiritual culture of the two Turkic peoples, and to identify their local features.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):583-590
pages 583-590 views
Djinn in Turkish and Tatar Culture: The Invisible Neighborhood
Davletshina L.K.

The jinn as a mythological character, whose roots go back to the Muslim tradition, is widely spread in the culture of the peoples professing Islam, and does not lose its relevance to this day. This article examines the models of the relationship between jinn and humans in Turkish and Tatar culture in the aspect of the neighborhood category. Main tasks: to summarize the available representative material about jinn in Turkish and Tatar folklore, to compare a set of ideas about the main characteristics of the jinn in both cultures, to consider the practice of relationships between jinn and humans. As a result of the conducted research, it was revealed that the models of relationships between representatives of people and their invisible neighbors in Turkish and Tatar culture are largely based on similar semantic elements: jinns are omnipresent, easily violate borders and penetrate into the human world, harm people, which leads to the emergence of a system of prohibitions and ritual practices that echo sociocultural models of communication in society. However, the degree of regulation of behavior between djinn and humans has its own national specifics in each culture under consideration.

Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):591-600
pages 591-600 views


Interview with Kim Mugallimovich Minnullin
Ibragimov M.I.


Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):601-608
pages 601-608 views


Anniversary of Daniya Fatikhovna Zagidullina
Ibragimov M.I., Amineva V.R.


Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices. 2024;21(3):609-613
pages 609-613 views

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