Language Biographies of the Respondents of Moscow Region Chuvash Diaspora
- Authors: Kutsaeva M.V1
- Institute of Linguistics, RAS
- Issue: Vol 16, No 1 (2019)
- Pages: 21-34
- Section: Languages in contact
- URL:
- DOI:
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The article presents the results of a sociolinguistic survey conducted by the author in the Chuvash diaspora of Moscow region. The actual use of the Chuvash language in the conditions of Diaspora residence is determined, among other things, by the previous language experience of respondents in their small homeland. The most common stages of language biography are: languages used by respondents in conversation with parents, older relatives, peers in childhood before school; the language used in teaching in primary school, in secondary school, in High school, - all these factors allow to reveal various ways of ethnic language acquisition.
About the authors
Marina V Kutsaeva
Institute of Linguistics, RAS
Author for correspondence.
applicant at Institute of Linguistics, Russian Academy of Sciences
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