Ilahi and Munajat in the Spiritual Musical and Poetic Culture of Turks and Tatars: On the Issue of Common Traditions

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The paper raises the issues of the commonality of the spiritual chants of the Tatars and Turks - мunajats and ilahi. These problems are considered in the context of the religious musical and poetic traditions of the two Turkic peoples. The relevance of the study of this issue is due to the need to study Tatar culture as an integral part of Islamic civilization. The study of the general and local features of the existence of these genres helps to trace the continuity and evolution of traditions in different historical and cultural conditions. This study for the first time examines aspects related to understanding the place and role of ilahi and munajats in the spiritual culture of Turks and Tatars, identifying common features in the existence of these genres. The study was conducted on the basis of a comparative historical and comparative method.The article traces the parallels between the Turkish ilahi and the munajats of the Tatars, which are determined through a symbolic understanding of the divine, prayer and love for God through their expression through musical and poetic means, functions, themes, plots, forms and features of existence. The combination of common features makes it possible to further compare these genres both from the perspective of the common traditions of the spiritual culture of the two Turkic peoples, and to identify their local features.

About the authors

Gulnaz G. Gilemyanova

G. Ibragimov Institute of Language, Literature and Art Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0009-0000-5228-0540
SPIN-code: 2620-8286


12/4 K. Marksa St, Kazan, 420111, Russian Federation


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