

Posted: 22.03.2021

Inclusion in ERIH PLUS

Special Issue

Posted: 22.03.2021

Theory and Practice of Translation

Specialty codes

Posted: 14.03.2019


Dear Authors! To clarify your understanding of the specifics of our magazine, we ask you to pay attention to the listed codes of specialties.

The Journal compensates the absence / inadequacy of boundary - Russophone and Translingual Literature studies, there is yet neither code nor an interdisciplinary journal aimed at studying the Russophone and Translingual Literature in general.

Polylingualism and Transcultural Practices (PTP) carries out an active attempt to understand and describe the problems of non-national literatures, but Russophone, Francophone, Anglophone, etc. Literature created by Russophone and bi-, translingual authors whose work clearly does not belong to any of the national literatures (for example, Ch. Aitmatov, Fazil Iskander, Anatoly Kim, etc., who created their texts in Russian, etc.).

On the status of the journal "Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices" in the list of HAC (Higher Attestation Commission of Russian Federation) and in the database RSCI (Russian Science Citation Index).

Posted: 14.03.2019

Dear Authors! Our magazine has been renamed, not all databases managed to respond quickly to changes. In the list of HAC, we still enter under the old name "Bulletin of RUDN. Educational Issues: Languages and specialty"; in the RSCI we appear under both our names, the first is noted by "Included in the list of HAC", the second is without remarks. The editors are currently removing these technical differences. In the Ministry of Education and Science and RSCI we were assured that everything would be brought in line during March. Please, if you have questions don’t hesitate to contact us.

Your editorial board.

Prescreening (preliminary manuscript evaluation)

Posted: 14.03.2019

Dear Authors! As you know, the Journals of the RUDN adopted the procedure of double-blind reviewing ranging from two weeks to several months. We understand that this expectation is fraught for you with certain difficulties and inconveniences. Our editorial introduces pre-screening, i.e. preliminary assessment of the manuscript for thematic correspondence to the profile of our journal. You can send by mail a letter with the subject "Prescreening" where you should give a name of the topic, abstract, keywords, and the brief information about the authors.

A considerable part of manuscripts are rejected during the review process precisely because of the thematic discrepancies.

In case of initial approval the editors will advise you on how to upload materials to the site. If your topic is not approved by objective reasons, we will advise you a profile journal. We appreciate your time and are glad to cooperate. Letters with a mark "prescreening" send to the address

Sincerely, editors.

The history of the Journal's history continues under a new name.

Posted: 14.03.2019

Dear Authors, Readers and Experts of our journal! From the third number of the fifteenth volume the journal will be published under the new title: "Polylinguality and Transcultural Practices". We are still striving for scientific understanding of language climate of Russia and the CIS. Bi- and polylingualism, bilingual education, intercultural communication, translingual practices are the priority directions of our editorial board. The new name does not change the story in the root, but paves the course of its further development. Stay with us. Your editorial board.

Requirements for the list of references

Posted: 14.03.2019



Dear Authors of our magazine! Please note that from the first issue of our journal in 2018 the style of design of the Russian-language list of literature has changed (block "References"). By the decision of the editorial board the bibliographic list is styled as MLA; you can read detailed examples on the site of the journal in the "Requirements for the Author".

We draw your attention to the fact that you should include links to relevant articles in the academic periodical publications and the number of cited sources should not be less than 15 (the optimal number is - 25 - 36 sources for the manuscript totaling 6 thousand words).

Looking forward to cooperation, editorial board.

Posted Feb 06-2019


The editorial board welcomes articles related to:


* Literature of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Articles devoted to understanding the so-called Russian-language (translingual) literature created by ethnic non-Russian authors in the territory of the Russian Federation and the CIS are accepted.



* The literature of the regional minorities in Russia and foreign countries. Works in which the transcultural text created by the bil-, translingual author (for example, English-language works of Chinese authors, etc.) is investigated are published.


* Theory of literature, textology. Theoretical articles that offer new approaches to the "translingual imagination": the study of inter-code switching within the artistic text, problems of multiple identities, manifestations of the introlinguistic and extralinguistic adaptation of elements, etc. are welcomed.

* Russian language. Articles in which the Russian language is studied as a component of bi-, polylingualism in the framework of the theory of bilingualism, translingualism, transculturation. Accepted are the articles in the direction of "Bilingual education", but not "Methods of teaching RFL (Russian as a foreign language)", "Russian Language".

* Languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation. Works in which the languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation are studied as components of a language pair (triad) in the aspect of bi- and polylingualism, translingualism are accepted.

1 - 16 of 16 Items

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