Comparative Analysis of the Functioning of Prepositions / Postpositions and Conjunctions as Means of Expressing the Category of Precedence in the Tatar and Russian Languages

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This article presents a semantic-syntactic analysis of prepositions / postpositions and conjunctions of the Tatar and Russian languages with the semantics of precedence. The purpose of the study is to determine the peculiarities of the functioning of prepositions/postpositions and conjunctions of differently structured languages involved in the representation of the category of precedence. The work defines a range of prepositions and conjunctions of temporal semantics that realize the meaning under study. The scientific novelty is that the dominant functions of preposition/postposition or conjunction have been identified as non-verbal means of expressing temporality, in particular, the meaning of precedence, in determining the temporal meaning of a statement. The results obtained showed that in both languages the potential of representation by prepositions / postpositions and precedent conjunctions is determined by their compatibility. In both languages, postpositions / prepositions and postpositional words are characterized by high frequency functioning. In both languages, there is a preference for expressing precedence towards the evening time of day, which is logically understandable. The Tatar language also contains postpositional words. The semantics of precedence in time correlates with the semantics of precedence in space, the third additional meaning is proportionality, comparison in size. In the Russian language, prepositions are polysemantic and have an extremely high frequency of functioning, that is, the semantics of precedence is only one of the meanings. They often realize the meaning of the degree of manifestation and many others. In both languages, the semantics of precedence in complex sentences is realized by conjunctive expressions, including postpositions and prepositions of the same semantics. In the Tatar language there are subordinate and welded clauses, but in the Russian language only subordinate clauses are presented.

About the authors

Gulnara F. Lutfullina

Kazan State Energy University

Author for correspondence.
ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1572-5314
SPIN-code: 9879-1962
Scopus Author ID: 5611463120
ResearcherId: O-8604-2015

Professor, Doctor of Philology, Head of the Department of Foreign Languages

51 St. Krasnoselskaya, Kazan, 420066, Russian Federation


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