Synthetism in Modern Tatar Prose

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The study is devoted to new phenomena in Tatar prose in recent years. Based on the material of the review and analysis of the iconic works of modern Tatar writers, it is established that one of the main patterns of development of Tatar literature is synthetism. It manifests itself in the combination of various stylistic principles in a single structure of the work. An attempt is made to consider the features of synthetism in Tatar literature in stylistic and genre aspects. In particular, in modern Tatar prose, dystopia, by providing a platform for a stylistic reunion of the past and the present or the present and the future, allows writers to search for both universal and national values that form the basis of spirituality. They imagine love and devotion between father and children; historical memory, etc. The combination of a biographical text with a lyric-romantic love story or a realistic one with a philosophical one, which are also common in prose in recent years, testifies Key words: Tatar prose, synthetism, novel, dystopia, novel, short story Article history: received 14.05.2024; accepted 19.06.2024.

About the authors

Daniya F. Zagidullina

IYALI named after G. Ibragimov of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan

Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Philology, Professor 20 Bauman St, Kazan, 420111, Republic of Tatarstan, Russian Federation


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