Transculturalism and Its Manifestation in the Poetics of Lyric Texts
- Authors: Temirgazina Z.K.1
- Pavlodar state pedagogical university
- Issue: Vol 18, No 1 (2021)
- Pages: 29-43
- URL:
- DOI:
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Using the example of the work of the Soviet Russian poet Pavel Nikolaevich Vasilyev, the author shows the representation of transcultural aesthetics in a literary text created in Russian by a Russian author, formed in the conditions of the “borderline” coexistence of two cultures: Russian and Kazakh. His works can be classified as “borderland literature”, in which the combination of the Russianlanguage discourse and the paradigm of the steppe, nomadic culture generates a hybrid text with a peculiar artistic aesthetics and poetics, which can be traced at the external and internal deep levels. The “I” of the author with “borderline” thinking has a stable ethnic identity, while openly showing its bicultural affiliation, which is quite consistent with the thesis about the flexibility of the cultural identity of a transcultural poet or writer. At the external text level of works of art, transculturalism finds expression in themes, in exoticisms, in foreign language insertions. The transcultural essence of the author’s consciousness generates hybrid texts containing symbiotic verbal images and techniques that demonstrate hybrid canons and symbols (symbols of wormwood, horse), incorporating elements of Kazakh and Russian cultural stereotypes and codes (stereotypical ideas about the Asian appearance of Kazakhs), which coexist without conflict in the artistic picture of the world of Vasilyev. As a result, a poetic picture of the world, unique in aesthetics, enriched with the paradigms of two different cultures, which is the property of the Russian cultural space, appears.
About the authors
Zifa K. Temirgazina
Pavlodar state pedagogical university
Author for correspondence.
Doctor of Philology, Professor of the Higher School of Humanities
60, Mira Str., Pavlodar, 140003, Republic of KazakhstanReferences
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