New Poetic Methods in the Literary Imagination of the Bilingual Writer Eduard Mizhit (Tuvan Poetry)
- Authors: Dongak U.A.1
- Tuvan Institute of Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Research under the Government of the Republic of Tuva
- Issue: Vol 17, No 4 (2020)
- Pages: 462-474
- URL:
- DOI:
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In this paper we are trying to coprehend the phenomenon of bilingualism translingual methods of the bilingual poet Eduard Mizhit in modern Tuvan poetry. The research is carried out on the basis of the works of the national writer of Tuva E.B. Mizhit (born in 1961), created by him in his native Tuvan and Russian languages, as well as his self-translation into Russian. E.B. Mizhit has started writing since the “rebuilding” Soviet period, his creative imagination is connected with the new era of Tuvan literature. His works have become a phenomenon in modern literature of Tuva: publications in the Anthology of Russian vers libre (1991), Collections of vers libre in Tuvan and Russian (Buzundular (Oskolki, 1992; Split Moment, 2011), Collection of verses in prose “Kazyrgylig kuduktuӊ kyigyzy” (Call of a Whirling Well, 2002), publications of his Russian-language texts in various magazines and on literary sites, creative comprehension of eternal images and plots of world artistic culture in the context of Tuvan aesthetics allow us to speak about the innovative line of creativity of the bilingual writer E.B. Mizhit.
About the authors
Uran A. Dongak
Tuvan Institute of Humanities and Applied Social and Economic Research under the Government of the Republic of Tuva
Author for correspondence.
Candidate of Philology, Leading Researcher, Group of literary criticism
4, Kochetova Srt., Kyzyl, 667000, Republic of TuvaReferences
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