
Analysis of ChatGPT-generated texts on Taiwan’s disputed status
Petukhov A.Y., Kaminchenko D.I.
V. Khlebnikov’s “Bobaobi sang lips...” in Chinese reception
Liu C., Kuzmishcheva N.M.
Play by A. Arbuzov Old-fashioned comedy in China: Theater and Critical Reception
Wu X., Monisova I.V.
Features of functioning of the western Internet companies in information field of China
Agapov A.
Perceptions of A.A. Akhmatova and her works in China
Zou L., Mikhailova M.V.
Jack Belden, Theodore White and american journalism in China during the Second world war
Zatsepine V.V.
Formation of the media image of China during the Year of Russia in China and China Year in Russia
Konovalova O.S.
Analysis of the crisis in november-december 2008 in relations between the European Union and the People's Republic of China (on basis of publications of world press)
Mardashev A.A.
The photojournalism during the China Cultural Revolution
Sun Feng -.
Chinese Text in a Poem by N. Gumilyov
Kovalenko A.G., Porol P.V.
Receptive aesthetics of China’s image in poetry of K. Balmont
Porol P.V.
The Features of the Modern Global Financial Crisis' Coverage in the Chinese Print Media
Te O.E.
The art of ceramics in the works of E.Ya. Danko: “Vase of Chinese Khan”, “Ceramic Cup” and “Chinese Secret”
Arzamastseva I.N., Liping Y.
Wang Y., Gegelova N.S.
Honghuzi in the literary reception
Guanqiong L., Solntseva N.M.
Tran D.
The image of a dragon in the poetry of N. Gumilev: Chinese subtext
Porol P.V.
Language and style of modern texts of the sports press of China
Li Hun -.
The newspaper «The Beijing youth» - the organizer of political dialogue
Zhang Rong -.
Maxim Gorky’s drama as a scientific research and creative development in China
Li F., Monisova I.V.
The acceptance of I.A. Bunin in China in the context of ideological direction
Liu Y.
Formation of the term «yellow peril» on the image of China in the media
Konovalovа O.S.
Chinese television at the present stage
Li Hong -.
The specifics of Hu Shuli’s work in the conditions of the new stage of reforms and opening up
Te O.E.
The Translation of the Russian Literature in Taiwan, Yesterday and Today
Hsiung Tsung-huei -.
1 - 25 of 25 Items

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