No 2 (2010)
- Year: 2010
- Articles: 13
- URL:
Fictional Phenomenon of Igor' Tale
The publication is devoted the 825 anniversary of fight of a team of prince Igor with nomads and to the 210 anniversary of the first edition of «Igor's Tale». In article the poetic world of «Igor's Tale» reveals through existential symbolic, the opposition «one's own-another's» in structure of horizontal space, artistic realization of the elements, the world of fauna and flora in system of this opposition is considered.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(2):5-13

Implication semantics in poetry: in pursuit of origins
A poetic text is surrounded by a compressed space, however, that broadens its internal text semantic capacity. The modern author's poetic text originates from folk poetry. The latter's hidden sense is a natural form of text semantic context.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(2):24-29

«The paternal house» is a grand total of E.N. Chirikov's genre searching
The article deals with the genre peculiarity of family chronicle «The Paternal House», in particular the question is about influence and transformation genre of russian «classic» novel in structure of E.N. Chirikov's creative work.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(2):30-35

Stylistic features N.N. Zarudin's story «Kolchak and Felpos»
The present article investigates a general characteristics of N. Zarudin's story «Kolchak and Felpos» as manifesto witch contains the basic elements of the N. Zarudin's crative method and witch found as an N. Zarudin's aesthetic poisition and creative princples of the Community «Pereval».
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(2):36-41

Language and style of modern texts of the sports press of China
In this article are considered language and stylistic features of language of the modern sports press of China in connection with its specific functions and the increasing importance in a society life recently, especially in preparation and carrying out of Olimpiady-2008 in Beijing.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(2):61-70

Social and economic aspects of functioning of regional and national broadcasting companies in Russia and abroad
In the article social and economic aspects of functioning of regional and national broadcasting companies in Russia and abroad (Western Europe, USA and Latin America) are considered. The legislative base of these countries in the field of tele-radio broadcasting is directed, first of all, to encourage the competitive struggle among market participants, as well as the development of areas adjacent with telecasting. Вoth partner and competitive relations are observed between the state and private channels. Interaction of private and state capitals in the TV sphere has smaller prospects in comparison with much more mobile and quickly developing networks of cable and satellite broadcasting.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(2):71-79

Francisco Umbral - chronicler of contemporary Spain
The article is dedicated to some of the aspects of the life and works of the most prominent spanish journalist and writer Francisco Umbral (1935-2008). Umbral started his professional journalistic career in the 50-s of the last century, but his work became well known Spanish speaking world only after Spain came to democracy. Almost all of the publications of the author have a political satire nature. Umbral has made a considerable contribution into the development of the language of the contemporary Spanish press and literature.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(2):80-88

Cultural mission of the Russian television
The article analyses the cultural context of the modern Russian television. Today cultural programs are dislodging from native ether. This fact disturbs us. We think that this situation must be changed. In our opinion cultural TV programs must play an arterial part in the life of our society. They should broaden our intellect and knowledge. In this aspect, we try to compare soviet TV and modern Russian TV, their content and genres.
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(2):96-103

Our authors
RUDN Journal of Studies in Literature and Journalism. 2010;(2):104-104